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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21056713 No.21056713 [Reply] [Original]

>browse /biz/ for several hours
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/
>5 minutes pass
>open /biz/
>close /biz/

>> No.21056735

Xrp is dare I say the standard

>> No.21056765

Same bro feels like I'm mentally ill

>> No.21056771


>> No.21056776

Me since 2017. Sometimes I just want to sell all my crypto so I can leave this godforsaken board and actually have a life.

>> No.21056795

Same. I just want to focus on something else but I can't until the journey is over

>> No.21056855
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>until the journey is over
Anon I...

>> No.21056887

Czeched. I will buy land with no internet I swear bro

>> No.21056908

Me too, although I enjoy browsing /biz/ too much. Don’t think I will ever leave desu.

>> No.21056959

Same here guys :/

>> No.21057020

I'll find you and start sending you letters about biz threads

>> No.21057364
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same. the worst part? im still fucking poor.

>> No.21057826

Was up for 3 days doing this, glad I got some sleep, how can there be so many fucking shitcoins in the market

>> No.21057864
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Kek it's nice to feel part of something I guess

>> No.21057941

>Anon wakes up one day to find a letter on his doorstep
>inside is a picture of Nico with Chainlinks current price and "OHHHHH LINKIES" written on the bottom

>> No.21057967


>> No.21058085

yes that's me

>> No.21059052


>> No.21059589

>wake up in my farm
>grab a nice cup of black coffee
>pick up the mail
>pink wojaks, pepe and indian shitposters

i kinda dig that

>> No.21059636

Fucking lel

>> No.21059722

hey fren, you are here forever

>> No.21059773
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This post made me blast alot of air through my nose.

>> No.21059829

I actually quit this shithole in 2018 but now I'm actually making money again and injected with hopium I am back getting angry at kids and Indians again.
I've already established all I need is twitter, telegram and blockfolio but for some reason I keep coming here and telling people they are retarded fucking morons and getting mad over shillposts. Everytime I make a decent thread it gets ignored and haircomb threads get 10+ replies.

>> No.21059881

Been nipping in here the last couple of years and it absolutely wrecks my head every time

>> No.21060041

You have my ears sir

>> No.21060541
File: 56 KB, 720x696, 68747470733a2f2f73332e616d617a6f6e6177732e636f6d2f776174747061642d6d656469612d736572766963652f53746f7279496d6167652f7132677654385755506c696271673d3d2d3333323531343535302e3134383564393035626166636331313334383035323936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21060647

audible kek