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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 12 KB, 275x183, chainlink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21049337 No.21049337 [Reply] [Original]

You can't believe how corrupt and controlled the world truly is. Link was a long con built to serve a purpose, that purpose is not dominating the oracle industry. Link is a honeypot for alt-right and white nationalists, a scheme to remove them from their money while tying them financially to Russia. Have you really considered Sergey's backstory? The west has financial sanctions on Russia, have you ever considered the potential consequences of investing in a Russian blockchain? Do you think assblaster was an organic meme?

The Plan:
1. $LINK sucks in all disposable income from the internet's lowliest, most extreme incels. We drop "bread crumbs" on forums frequented by incels.
2. Link pumps violently. Due to the brainwashing, negligible profits have been taken. The risk of an incel exiting with massive profits and using the money for change are slim.
3. The Zeus Capital plan goes into effect. Have you ever considered why this report has been allowed on twitter? Why have no other hedge funds been allowed by twitter to execute a short-selling ad scheme? Zeus Capital has all of you united against a common enemy, creating another emotional incentive not to take profits, some of you are even putting additional money into $LINK to "bankrupt Zeus Capital"
4. Part 4 is the final portion of the plan. You are all throughly brainwashed and will ignore this post because it threatens your fragile worldview. The rug pull will happen. The worst crypto crash in history, down 75%, it will be revealed to the public that the backers of this project were nazis and russian hackers. $BAND will become the market leader in oracle technology. We were never going to allow thousands of incels to wander the globe with fuck you money. I don't care if you believe it or not, screen cap this post.

>> No.21049364

Actually sirs Möbius is standard for oracel solutions they are partnership with STANDFORD and GOOGLE buy on yobit or kucoin sir

>> No.21049387
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>> No.21049459

interesting idea, but what proof do you have of any of this? There is far more proof that it's the industry standard for oracles and more.

>> No.21049496


>> No.21049524

can't rugpull if no one sells. that's only if the remaining 65% of locked tokens get out.
i can see a long bleedout if staking and transactions on the network are disappointing and don't live up to the hype.

>> No.21049526

I have no interest in revealing myself. Even if you happen to be a nice person this operation is for the greater good. It is necessary to remove capital from incels as many of the globalist plans will be going into effect via Covid-19 and low class white males are the big losers of this transition. Do not have more in this than you can afford to lose because you will lose it.

>> No.21049562

the government will be selling after seizing caches of coins from chainlink itself and many incels. A mt.gox situation. Some of the necessary LINK was accumulated in the Binance flash crash. The necessary players were allowed to place orders near zero while the average user had a restriction preventing orders from being placed below a certain $$$ value.

>> No.21049567

Have you ever considered taking meds instead of LARPing and FUDing?

>> No.21049569

Big if true

>> No.21049618

>The worst crypto crash in history, down 75%

Shut the fuck up, peasant.

Crypto has crashed 93%. MtGox rekt people's lives. Only a newfag would be dumb enough to mention that in their FUD. I wont even bother with the other drivel you posted; that in itself will suffice to refute you.

>> No.21049640

Bandaid Protocol and Nexo are the ones behind Zeus Capital.

>> No.21049652


>> No.21049679
File: 140 KB, 1280x961, 1517014689634.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows that "Band is the chosen oracle project" is just cover for Mobius being the real oracle solution

>> No.21049687

So this board is mostly LARP finance ?

>> No.21049714

After the initial crash a short bounce will be allowed to suck in any remaining dollars on the sideline from dip buyers leading up to the terminal event.

>> No.21049752

That wasn't even a response to what I posted. Do you even speak English, Manvinder?

>> No.21049774

it was a response to what you posted. Save this conversation so maybe your ape brain can figure out what happened after you lose it all

>> No.21049777

Wtf i just liquidated my net worth into band

>> No.21049799

This is good, haven't seen some fresh FUD like this in a while.

>> No.21049815

Ok Simeon

>> No.21049843

Sorry, but BAND is just a PND.

Buy DIA before it gets hyped + gets on Coinbase.

>> No.21049854

Also LOL even if we crash 90% i'll still be 10x ICO. Stay poor.

>> No.21049855


>> No.21049870


>> No.21049883


>> No.21049922

Just imagine how bad nolinker syndrome will be at $500

We’re not even in double digits

>> No.21049977

After the terminal event $LINK will go no-bid. Do you know what that means?

>> No.21050033

No it wasn't. It was a complete non-sequitur that was meant to deflect from the fact that you're too stupid to even think maybe it would be a good idea to actually look up what sort of downward moves the market has made before.

>> No.21050039

The more link goes up, the more outlandish and desperate the fud becomes

>> No.21050089

Once you go black, you become a single parent.

>> No.21050103

More proof, you no very little of how the crypto market work. Nothing goes no-bid. Even absolute shitcoins like XBY don't do that. Things literally have to be categorically de-listed a-la bitconnect to not have bids.

>> No.21050175

You've proven yourself to be a moron. It will be a government enforced ban due to the nature of the terminal event. The penalties associated with the ban will be so severe that it goes no-bid.

>> No.21050265

It sounds so crazy that it could be true
Still not selling, unless link drops to like $2.00 I’ll still be in the green on average. I feel bad for the eventual fomoers if something like this turned out to be true. It’s not though

>> No.21050298

This. Also based

>> No.21050406

So, now its a gvmt enforced ban? I thought it was just a bad crash. Anyway. what governments? Are you telling me the whole world will get behind this? Because, again, thats the only way a "no-bid" situation happens.

Best of luck with your (ticker symbol)BAND bags.

>> No.21050510

Only LINK crashes or the whole market?

>> No.21050578

Dude, trust me bro, this shit is going to 1k

>> No.21051018

Man, this is one of the most disappointing LARP threads I've ever seen on /biz/. Fucking hell, OP, at least put some effort into your fud

>> No.21051080

Didn't Read; NOT SELLING!

>> No.21051125
File: 63 KB, 546x690, AST_waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new tokeneconomics = pamp

>> No.21051192

For once, I actually did read. NOT SELLING

>> No.21051319

>LINK pairs on coinbase
>BAND pairs on coinbase

stinkies got tricked. First they sold their bitcoin then they held a scam