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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2103090 No.2103090 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.2103100


>> No.2103103
File: 22 KB, 480x487, 1495120933317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening isnt it

>> No.2103127

>Literally everything in the green on Polo
>Oh wait, not everything, what's this?
>DGB is down 20%

>> No.2103134

I wish I could buy more but im entangled in some shitty XRP need it to go 2261 to break even, hopefully it will with ripple being exchanged in like 6 more marketplaces

>> No.2103136

DGB has surpassed XRP as the official worst possible coin to be holding today.

Better luck tomorrow.

>> No.2103143

>Down 20% after a 250% rise


"something something transfer money from impatient to patient" - Warren Boffet

>> No.2103157
File: 389 KB, 800x1190, 5f0f79b1b29b2c5018d2cb2d13382590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2103161

In case you haven't noticed, this is a fucking ship-hopping game.

You buy in the red, sell in the green. If you're still holding DGB from yesterday (I know some of you people are) then you fucking missed HUGE profits in literally ANY OTHER COIN today.

The day to sell DGB was yesterday.

The day to buy for a possible rebound is, yes, today.

I'm making fun of those who didn't realize this (it was obvious) yesterday.

>> No.2103167

>Welcome to the limit

>> No.2103174
File: 86 KB, 645x773, 1494108770236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold all my ltc and posw for DGB !
We gonna make it bois !

>> No.2103217
File: 16 KB, 380x300, 1334297671429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh yeah my GNT went from 20 cents to 22 cents
>HUGE profits
>can't even comprehend

Nigga DGB is headed for Saturn, get onboard now or be left on Earth forever

>> No.2103924

Get on board, we are taking off in no time.

>> No.2103941

>He didn't go all in on RDD

>> No.2103998
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>> No.2104043

>he didnt take 80%of his dgb put it in cold storage, sell rest for rdd and almost quadruple already making it worth nearly the amount of dgb he still holds, wow what a cuck

>> No.2105530



>> No.2106971

poorfag here just bought 4000 dgb for 20€.
Newcoiner as well, also got 980 Guldens (nlg) and one Ethereum.

>> No.2106979

What's wrong with SC?

>> No.2106983

Anybody shitting themselves right now due to decreased price.

This was always going to happen. Don't worry, it may go up tonight, but will definitely within a week.

This mission is not over. DGB is 'refuelling'.

Just hodl long term, I hope everyone who invested in this coin intended for the long term. I know a lot of bros said that was their intention too, just as it is mine.

>> No.2106989

I want this slut to sit on my face and I want to RIGHT NOW.

>> No.2107029

I believe in you anon, I'm hodling

>> No.2107125

You just watch, sit tight and don't stress over it.

Hold as long as you can (months if possible), and be amazed at what this coin achieves.

>> No.2107162

Is it worth it to dump my last little bit in at 317 sat? I feel that the coin will outperform everything so it wouldn't really be taking a hit.

>> No.2107182
File: 75 KB, 513x592, 1495051603484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold. It's completely worthless. Think about this: WHY THE FUCK would a gamer wait to get confirmed on coinbase wait for it to transfer to poloniex, wait for it to convert to DGB, just to buy video games because this is supposed to be the designated "vidya game theme" currency.

>> No.2107202

Are you aware of the market system in Steam? The industry is huge

>> No.2107204

you mine dgb by playing minecraft

once you've earned enough you trade for steam credits (in theory, if the product ends up working)

they're not going to be doing any of the things you just said, this coin is basically aimed at minecraft kiddies who don't own a credit card.

>> No.2107211

Yeah they accept dollars as far as I know. Why would a gamer be motivated to like I said wait to get confirmed on coinbase wait for it to transfer to poloniex, wait for it to convert to DGB, just to buy video games on steam.

>> No.2107225

You dont have to trade on poloniex
or use coinbase

>> No.2107261

shun the non beliver

>> No.2107268


>> No.2107280

A real currency wouldn't have designated "niches" like just reddit tipping or just video games, a currency is useful because you can use it for all things across the board without going through a bunch of hassles of exchanging it a bunch of times.

>> No.2107285

I'm still up on RDD. Many others are too.

>> No.2107300

you just don't get it man. back a different coin this one's not for you.

>> No.2107317

What is it with dgb and game industry anyway? any links?

>> No.2107330

They're like gift cards, would you rather be paid in currency you can spend for everything or only in gift cards that you can spend on obscure minecraft stuff.

>> No.2107340

June 22nd

>> No.2107347

And its going to be minable in minecraft, which has an immense userbase

>> No.2107378

and yet billions are spent on gift cards every year

>> No.2107417

Why do people act like this is a huge partnership with minecraft and microsoft when this is clearly just going to be some small private server with a plugin?

>> No.2107434

I could probably make a minecraft server right now and reward people with doge coin for doing stuff. DOGE COIN PARTNER SHIP WITH MINECRAFT!!!11

>> No.2107452

and? this WILL drop the value of the coin when people understand how to cash it out

>> No.2107472

Simply newfags and pumpers going "hurr minecraft partnership". The private server thing is still going to be interesting, and it's good PR

>> No.2107487
File: 96 KB, 500x500, 1491926887543.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start shilling dgb ! biz,reddit,forums,youtube. We gonna hit 1k bois !

>> No.2107488


you realize that the more coins are out there the harder it gets to mine them?

Holy shit can you please stop posting?

>> No.2107525

You and literally every other male on this planet?

>> No.2107737

>m-muh stabilization

get the fuck out of here lolol

>> No.2107786

>I panicked and sold my dgb at 300 and want it to drop so I'll feel better about myself

fuck off

>> No.2107812
File: 188 KB, 1305x624, 72349273489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is it guys

If DGB can still rebound above 270 satoshi, its a confirmed upward trend.

>its body is ready for a moon

>> No.2107814

But how low will this dip be?

>> No.2107835
File: 63 KB, 1359x623, Lookiehere.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted earlier.

>> No.2107853
File: 24 KB, 400x176, pewdiepie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2107867


>> No.2107871

Nvm. FAKE.

>> No.2107872


HE HAS 9.98ML followers

>> No.2107876

I dont know whats more pathetic, thinking someone would fall for this amateruish fake screenshot or the fact that somebody thought I'd be influenced by pewdiepie

>> No.2107882
File: 302 KB, 814x600, donate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you lie about pewdiepies partnership, he will refute it, and then a whole backlash from its fans.


>> No.2107886

people believe this shit.

Remember bald for bieber?

>> No.2107891

doesn't matter if you, or anyone else here is influenced by pewdiepie, millions of people are and if it happened the moon wouldn't be far enough.

but yes it is quite retarded to think that would happen at this stage

>> No.2107913

Guys, we've had our first moon.

Everyone needs to chill their fucking beans and stop trying to make it happen.

There will be more moons, and each time we will get higher and higher. All you've gotta do is wait and sit on your hands for a bit and some time down the line we'll all be celebrating again.

Stop chasing the dopamine rush. It will happen again in it's own time, DGB isn't going to vanish overnight, Just have patience!

>> No.2108084

watch the trend guys, dgb might be going up later tonight, not moon tho, maybe 400 sats