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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 455 KB, 1242x2134, 687E8E6C-5407-44E4-B7F1-5E7EBF70FA7E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
21028860 No.21028860 [Reply] [Original]

I was right btw

>> No.21028905

what do you want a fucking cookie...im looking for Travis to kick his ass and get my 1 ETH back

>> No.21028955
File: 768 KB, 743x693, 1593614190663.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see any scam on screenshot. Elaborate.

>> No.21029002

I cant believe it

>> No.21029013

this wallet still have the coins im surprised it hasnt been moved

>> No.21029036

I'm mean "Please dear sir explain me what happen"

>> No.21029080

just another day at the BIZ my good friend just doing the needful....another token SCAM!!! they made out with 155.44 ETH!!!!!!

>> No.21029097

Discord project for SAMPL, dev was answering community all day/night before this, even made a tg. Then this morning rug pull no more discord/ tg/ anything. Wallet still has pooled eth in it. I was a mod on the discord and talked with the dev personally

>> No.21029100

They locked the tg after people sent them money.
I can't even feel bad for anyone who got scammed. They literally tell you that it is a pnd when they shill it, yet people always insist that they can get out before it collapses.

>> No.21029118

I wonder where the coins will go when he wakes up from his "nap"

>> No.21029162

i was at the discord for his 4-5 hour nap may he nap forever that MF

>> No.21029172

Yeah, definitley lost on this one. I only put in 1.3 eth. I feel bad for the people who put in 5+ because there was a lot of them.

>> No.21029186

did you lose ETH??

>> No.21029191

Do you understand that scamming people is their day job? They can be polite and well spoken and still take your money

Triatics did this same thing the other day, but people figured it out while the scammer was away and everyone exited so the scammer lost most of his gains.

>> No.21029228

Presumably yes I did, unless by gods grace the discord comes back to life or the dev sends me eth for being a mod. Not banking on either

>> No.21029239

over 5 ETH

Txhash Blockno UnixTimestamp DateTime From To ContractAddress Value_IN(ETH) Value_OUT(ETH) CurrentValue @ $394.36/Eth TxnFee(ETH) TxnFee(USD) Historical $Price/Eth Status ErrCode
0x5d987ae529a28f39a3a719adb96443ca1c46616997bb6d6f2ebcc6ac0756c280 10595734 1596576699 8/4/2020 21:31 0xda2ee83b6a9ce5426e1661cfd747eae51ffd5083 0x0f65ed6419a54ea5c55d871af77aef0086287dd4 12.5 0 4929.5 0.000777 0.30641772 390.06
0x7adb929c069cf93cc9352619cb5ed6bcfba59afc94b6fa60ffd8d955b328c79c 10598973 1596620012 8/5/2020 9:33 0x56b317b2bc1426022cc01333f6c0b1e3b864f5d9 0x0f65ed6419a54ea5c55d871af77aef0086287dd4 12 0 4732.32 0.00105 0.414078
0x3d89af2ee730d9d76d01d57c4b686b55c2bee493c35d95a24a1f7e0d38512d20 10597717 1596603238 8/5/2020 4:53 0x2b5634c42055806a59e9107ed44d43c426e58258 0x0f65ed6419a54ea5c55d871af77aef0086287dd4 9.49504766 0 3744.466995 0.00103236 0.40712149
0x21f9392d52a2109614a242d2f5f58e64ac0ef3e9e0028939727e7d4d2c40fc94 10599745 1596630546 8/5/2020 12:29 0x2b5634c42055806a59e9107ed44d43c426e58258 0x0f65ed6419a54ea5c55d871af77aef0086287dd4 8.995 0 3547.2682 0.001428 0.563146082
0xab560303420ced72c707233daa1fad4425d2bd97a8f31a7581dac62e4cfe90e6 10595959 1596579829 8/4/2020 22:23 0xd09d42e00c55a7e4d24ff55ccd812a2cf0ae4ef3 0x0f65ed6419a54ea5c55d871af77aef0086287dd4 7 0 2760.52 0.00084 0.3312624 390.06
0xa3e62a16696ebe2a4a294d4eef4dd818eaf4afcde6506ebda10b29c2cb88eb53 10597388 1596598722 8/5/2020 3:38 0x56b317b2bc1426022cc01333f6c0b1e3b864f5d9 0x0f65ed6419a54ea5c55d871af77aef0086287dd4 7 0 2760.52 0.001365 0.5383014

>> No.21029253

Lesson learned I guess.

>> No.21029292

poor fuckin bastards

>> No.21029321

couple of them gave over 12 ETH

>> No.21029359

rmpl still good tho right pageet?

>> No.21029380

Muh heart anon. It hurts. Let me let you in on a little secret.... LID. Check it out on Coingecko and thank me later

>> No.21029458

For scams like these where they were getting lots of buzz, it kinda seems like you'd make more money actually launching the coin and just skimming off the fees/lotteries

>> No.21029537
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 24124214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you fags realize there is always a risk with these? Why get into shitcoin casino when you aren't even willing to take risks?
I have been exit scammed 6 times so far, but the one time it works, it covers up all the previous exit scams + you get house money to gamble more.
Let's be honest here, we're all gamblers who're waiting for the next big project coming from OTC.

>> No.21029628

No you retard, don't buy clones, especially when there are already many of them out

You could cut the risk of getting rugged by 90% if you started using your head rather than throwing money at every scamcoin that gets shilled of biz. It isn't hard at all to spot exit scams.

>> No.21029665

any info that you can give about the dev? post screenshots

>> No.21029718


>> No.21029733

ill go on a hunt for this disgrace...let me get at his toe nails ill rip them out one by one than drill his kneecap..it will be fun

>> No.21029764

Overall I'm up by over 1900% investing in these OTC shitcoins, Trustswap being the biggest gainer, followed by RMPL and EQUUS recently.

>> No.21029794

I was just wondering where the discord went.
I never gave them money and only just joined yesterday but the whole thing seemed sketchy as fuck. no airdrops, no information, no website, no community, no whitepaper...

>> No.21029843


>> No.21029855

Tell me about EQUUS. I saw it shilled here for a day and then never again

>> No.21029917
File: 210 KB, 1242x2138, 853C931E-AC31-4C45-AD75-C5D68AEDB7A9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21029918

Anons, tweet @purchasable on with any info on the dev and the situation

>> No.21029968

that's usually why i consider them not too poor of an investment as long as you keep it relatively low--no doubt this guy would've gotten more if he launched it on uni and then pulled the rug after it got the unipump

but the site is down, discord is vanished, wallet hasn't moved yet but i'm sure we'll see something soon enough

>> No.21029983

Dodged a bullet by choosing to sleep instead of participating

>> No.21030025

one of them is me..lol .i should do a reverse image lookup this Aaron prob real name is Dakota from Kentucky image snatched by Pajeet. i only gave .8 ETH dont feel too bad but ill rip his dick off if i could

>> No.21030093

someone sent these sammer 8 ETH right after me from KUCOIN im sure he is crying, the OTC was closed as soon as he sent

>> No.21030130

i can't believe you fucking retards constantly fall for this shit

>> No.21030159

Warned you guys about this. Got scammed 2eth by findex myself and vowed never to do another shitty discord presale again. Fucking George soros and gang stop giving that pathetic dude ur money

>> No.21030200

Quit buying fake AMPL! Just buy A, hold, and you'll be rich

>> No.21030279

Why would you send eth to the private wallet of an anonymous person?

>> No.21030291
File: 85 KB, 1171x275, ETH TRillion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is going on with this?
Is over a trillion in Eth volume accurate?

>> No.21030307

because usually the fuckers actually list on uni and you can ride the initial listing bump

>> No.21030421

Aaron Tuner#3193 account doesnt even exist anymore

>> No.21030483
File: 263 KB, 337x398, 1569761359664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the cope ITT

>> No.21030495

Goddamnit. I lost 3 Eth to this. lesson learned

>> No.21030502

>Go to a casino
>Bet on blackjack
>Dealer takes the money and walks away
>If I do this enough times, eventually I will win

>> No.21030524

on a related note, anyway to clear scamcoins with no liquidity from a wallet? Or are they doomed to be there for an eternity, mocking you?

>> No.21030540

Scammed again..
>hold me biz...

>> No.21030552

Click hide token

>> No.21030578

In metamask you can click the coin and then click hide in the menu

>> No.21030635

Just accumulate for now anon

>> No.21030640


Any way in coinbase?

>> No.21030690

that's why I never give them money before they actually selling the coin first kek

>> No.21030694

Aaron was me. I lost 3 eth on this. Was trying to be helpful in the discord :/

>> No.21030785

So an OTC buyer can dump on me? I need to wait it out first

>> No.21030849

>go to a casino

>> No.21030871
File: 238 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20200805-131812_Discord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21030880



>> No.21030907

Kinda worried ETHVerse that's launching tomorrow will turn out to be a scam. Apparently they are locking presale tokens until after the Uniswap launch tomorrow.

>> No.21030916

This was such an obvious scam. I joined the discord then when I saw that the presale was using a shitty google doc clone, I did a 360 and walked away

>> No.21030954

was aware of the risks involved, had some leftover trumpbux + extra cash and decided to spend it on this shitcoin.
lesson learned i guess, still have my link stack so im not too bummed about it

>> No.21030972

im done with presales...ill buy at the first dump the token is released..ill learn my lesson

>> No.21031009

oh well we have to learn from this .. no more OTC buys for me ever again

>> No.21031012
File: 16 KB, 289x397, 2020-08-05 19.21.38.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21031087

Yeah, first time trying one. Saw how rmpl blew up so had hope. Thankfully that 3eth I'd just made the same day from a few swing trades so it's not a devastating loss. Still sucks tho.

>> No.21031187

base STAggot
I'll be mooning with you

>> No.21031297

It's was a metaphor for "investing" in scams hoping to make money. Moral of the story is that if you know it is a scam, don't give them money.

The gangs all here! 7c boys

>> No.21031303

Is this bullish for ampl?

>> No.21031395

Anyone know how much gas I need to use if I'm trying to beat bots buying up a newly listed token?

>> No.21031531

Oof. Losing tokens every day while other projects gaining 20% daily. last night was -2% debase. will tonight be 4?. Don't wanna lose more of my investment but also dont wanna sell on a loss, can probably make it back. Honestly feel bad for us AMPutees

>> No.21031577

u can't beat bots without creating ur own bot, the buys happen in the same block as the liquidity addition

>> No.21031646


Know any decent bots available?

>> No.21031993

How are people on this board still being fucking scammed. I don't get it. Like, grow a pair of fucking eyes. make sure the person behind it has a face and/or something to lose.