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21027714 No.21027714 [Reply] [Original]

If FIAT and the market crashes, we go into great depression 2 electric boogaloo... what happens to ETH? Will it crash, stay the same or Moon?

>TLDR would you sell ETH if you knew an economic crash was imminent or hold?

>> No.21027752
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Good.... thread

>tick tock... tick tock... tick tock...

>> No.21027786

It will crash but it's not 1929

>> No.21028087

Usually you shouldnt scared about a crash. Covid propaganda made me alot of money so far.

>> No.21028136

Why pajeet, just why

>> No.21028302

It depends if the dollar goes down in the crash. If so, I'll hold

>> No.21028423

Covid digital certificates will be built on the ethereum blockchain. Buy as much as you can. Check em.