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21027581 No.21027581 [Reply] [Original]

What's the hardest stage to get through /biz/?




currently I'm at the $10k-$100k stage, I'm definitely feeling that it's a little harder

>> No.21027632

all the same being 10x on paper but youre gonna be more ballsy with 100 bucks than 10000 so riding a nerve wracking 10x isnt so bad

>> No.21027637

100k to 1000k is the easiest.

>> No.21027644

10-100k is the real grind because losses feel worse and gains feel slow. 100k-1m probably also a grind but losing 10k when you have over 100k is way less significant than losing 5k when barely above 10k.

>> No.21027646

150k to 5k is the easiest

>> No.21027670

15k in cyber pogs and I won’t feel anything till I have 100k+

>> No.21027676

I went from 15k in March after the crash to 65k currently by just holding and buying more btc/link

>> No.21027686


100k to 1 million thats not illiquid shit coin paper gains. To actually turn those paper gains into 7 figures in usd, btc, or eth is the most difficult.

>> No.21027738

I’ve got 200k in cyber pogs and I don’t feel anything

Have you done it or is this conjecture

Ja feel I’m suffering

>> No.21027777


I'm currently at 500 million from ORN alone

>> No.21027837

You really don't feel anything once you hit six figures? I imagine that I'll be ecstatic, but maybe the grind to get there is so slow your already uses to it.

>> No.21027865

10k to 100k is such a grind. Once you have enough(over 100k) it's so much easier to dump into a big fund or into RE and let it ride. But getting to that hump is so fucking hard.

>> No.21027886

I did the first time back in ‘17, everybody did - then rode it back down and spent two years in purgatory to get back and breach my personal ATH And now it looks like we’re on the cusp of another bull run maybe

>> No.21027913

Yeah I definitely agree
100-1000 you can just gamble on uniswap shitcoins and it's not really a huge deal, by 100k+ you should be putting most of your porfolio into solid, long term coins like LINK or ETH, but 10k-100k is the weird middle stage where you have too much to risk to go all in on uniswap shitcoins, but still too little to make decent gains from the higher tier coins

>> No.21028231

At 70k now, thanks stinkies. 100k seems so close yet so far.

>> No.21028450
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For me it was $1000-$10k. Kept wasting money and could never get to $10k. Now that I'm here I don't want to spend money on anything because I want to hit that next milestone so badly. It's also really comfy having money.

>> No.21028531

Made from 800€ like 12k in one month

From 10k to 100k is hardest

From 100k to a 1m is the like from 1k to 10k

Check this video, nice explanation


>> No.21028543


Checked. Anon’s not larping

>> No.21028821
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Your first million is the hardest. Once you pass a million compounding becomes a huge factor. So 100k-1m is the hardest because you arent benefiting fully from compounding and you still have 900k to go.

>> No.21028890


>> No.21028943

specifically talking about crypto markets, i think $10k-100k is alot harder

to get from 100k to 1m you only need to do a x10, which say if you put it all in a solid coin like Link is definitely doable if you're willing to wait, 10k to 100k needs a different strategy then just hodling though

>> No.21028951

those are the right answers
$10k to $100k is no man's land, no question. if you make it through and don't do stupid shit, $100k to $1mm is a cakewalk in comparison

>> No.21029068

Psychologically about $750k is the worst as it's the entry point to having enough money to retire forever, albeit at a poverty standard of living. The temptation is strong to pull out of risky investments at that point and invest into safe indexes. You're torn between trying to ride the lightning higher to secure yourself a middle class passive income, and between turtling up to preserve your financial independence, however meager it is.

>> No.21029171

Ive turned $1700 into $4500 just by buying dips.

>> No.21029500

This. Having 500k and up in volatile investments is nerve wracking, especially when you have little savings in the bank. You also start getting 100k swings in your portfolio value, which can freak you out.

>> No.21029552

>10k to 100k needs a different strategy then just hodling though
why? it's the same 10x. i hope to skip the 10k to 100k grind with my 1k link in 2021 while researching/accumulating other projects

>> No.21029601

>losing 10% is way less significant than losing ~50%

>> No.21029623


Pretty much. You've to target the mid caps that will boom, which best way tp do is focus whats leading the forefront problem wise. BNT/ LEND pretty much, even though LEND has mooned hard and BNT is in the middle/ just about to.

Dropping 2.5k into uniswap and going by 2.5 still inly get you 6.25k, which when you're around 42k fiat feels like nothing. Breaking the 6 fig is everything. Literally just let it cruise and you're fine

>> No.21029680

>people discussing math in a question that's entirely psychological
This board is full of brainlets

>> No.21029741

>tfw I went from 17k to 185K as of today

fuck I just want to hit 2 commas and leave the game bros. the pressure is starting to building up.

>> No.21029743

probably the 100-1000 and 1000-10000 is the hardest. If you want to make money you gotta go through some riskier plays and hope they pay off.

I'm currently in the 10k-100k stage and with a little bit of leverage (2 or 3x max) you can open positions for a quick 1-2 points scalp on ETH and walk away with 150-300$ per trade.

Might be a 'long run' to hit the fabled 6 figures milestone, but you can treat is as a job with your pc and can sleep well at night without having 10k invested in shitcoins.

>> No.21029815

10k to 100k has been pretty comfy, but this shit is far more hard as 99.9999% of my assets are into redacted

>> No.21029839

yes i have personally done this

>> No.21029948

If you can't discipline yourself enough to think of it in terms of %'s you're not going to make it

>> No.21029978

What if the hardest is 1m-10m?

>> No.21030036

Yes I'm aware, don't be a shit bird. The space between 10k and 100k is played correctly is the difference between someone that makes it or not.

>> No.21030044

what gave you these gains fren?

>> No.21030058

so take some pressure off, put 100k into stable coins cash out 35k to pay for living expenses if you need to, use 50k to get to 250k congrats anon, you've done better than most here

>> No.21030207

just reading this post gave me anxiety, fugg
I'm at 150k right now and i know it's gonna take so much fortitude to cling to my linkies when my folio gets past 500k

also, chek'd

>> No.21030209

I turned 100 into 1500 then lost most of it chasing initial listings when the Presalers haven't dumped yet
I only made that mistake twice but it was enough to send me back to square one
Trying to make it back now

>> No.21030276

I have 50k spread across crypto and 10k in slv.

I only hold LINK,BTC and ETH. Is there hope for me?

>> No.21030360

I'm at 250k crypto holdings and $100k other

I think hitting $100k was hard, but hitting one mil is definitely harder. Been slaving for a decade now and one mil still feels miles away..

>> No.21030364

drop the btc for more link or eth. but probably. depends on how strong of hands you have

>> No.21030445

Sick moves

>> No.21030480

I can hold until early 2024 if I dont have at least 300k usd I will really start to consider putting my money elsewhere.

>> No.21030481


QRD pls

>> No.21030490

Psychologically 10k-100k
Investment wise 1k-10k

The worst part is having expenses each month rather than being able to keep all that money. Once you reach 100k it’s easier since your expenses are a smaller fraction. Once you reach 1M it’s smoother sailing. 10M and you’re guaranteed to increase your money if not an idiot.

>> No.21030512
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I had almost 40k before the 2018 crash. Almost lost it all. Now I've been buying and investing crypto long term since Dec 2019. Current portfolio is $3200.

>> No.21030575

Then why did I go 1000-100

>> No.21030621

>tfw stuck 100-1k

>> No.21030686

Here's my problem. I just got into crypto a month ago, but I only have around $50 a week of expendable income, so I can only buy a few coins here and there. So far I have 50 LINK (bought most of them in the mid $6 range) and maybe $10 worth of a couple different shitcoins.

Over the course of a month and $300-ish dollars, I'm right at the edge of having $500 total in my portfolio. Percentage-wise I know that's a good amount of gains, but long-term I'm worried about how to maintain this, at least do a degree. Do I keep buying dips whenever they come with my $50 a week? I feel like that will take ages to get anywhere, but I'm also hesitant to swing anything cause it's very risky and it's also taxable. Any advice? Am I being too impatient?

>> No.21030765

every week buy a different uniswap shitcoins that's not 100% a scam, you'll make it in a year during the next bullrun if you are consistent and if you know when to dump

>> No.21030776

BNT? Black Nigger Token?

>> No.21030780

Closing in on 1m here, I can say the 10k-100k was the toughest. But if you can get there before the GBR (ie now) you'll sail through 100k-1m.

>> No.21030796


>> No.21030840

This. Another factor at that stage is you start having to seriously think about your tax situation, depending on where you live. It's one thing to shitpost about taxes when you're only paying on a couple grand, but when you're in at half a mil suddenly the taxman starts to look like a real fucking specter of death.

>> No.21030936

most newbies dont invest enough and suffer very small gains.

start with around 10k

>> No.21031021

Big fish in this thread. Will I make it?

>> No.21031169


>> No.21031539

There hardest is 100B - 1T

>> No.21031746

You need to start diversifying into boomer stocks anon.

>> No.21031830

I have 30k in link that used to be $600, will I make it?

>> No.21031864

I pushed $10k to $35k with Chainlink. I'm not touching that. I have 1 eth to gamble on shitcoins, so $400 that I want to turn into $40k through shitcoins during the bullrun. Does anybody that was here in 2017 have any daytrading advice? I don't have a job right now so I can watch the market 24 hours a day. I came to /biz/ in 2018 so I'm in new territory with a bull run

>> No.21031880
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Boomer stocks won't give me enough for my goals.

>> No.21032006

currenty at $400k and i agree

>> No.21032056


7500 to 190K. I've withdrawn about 20K to USD so only have 170K in crypto. I'm not touching the rest until I hit close 3-5 Million. Event then I might only withdraw 10%. My expenses are incredibly low. Its been a long 3 years. Can I expect a 50-100x this coming run? All in LINK for the most part. I'm considering just taking out a short when I think we are going to peak or an AAVE loan. I don't want to ever sell. I'll stake as well or use liquidity pools. I might buy some LinkPool. I feel like I need to start planning on the off chance I actually fucking make it.

Its how I got this far. You make a fucking strategy and plan and stick to it. I meditate a lot and that helps with the emotional aspect. I have never panic sold anything. I'm not restless about losing it either. I just want to play this coming bullrun flawlessly though

>> No.21032422

I bought .04 LP and it's been comfy. I wish I could get 1 whole or even a half because a year from now those passive gains will be worth a lot

>> No.21032493

I still don't really understand LP. Is the idea that linkpool will provide link staking services once it comes out, but capacity will be limited initially and you will need LP to be allowed to stake until they get more nodes up or what? Spoonfeed my dumbass pls

>> No.21032519


I don't think staking my LINK all in one node is a safe strategy so if I buy LP it will be like .5 probably at most. It might have better returns than an exchange option in the future but splitting the risk seems the safest. The fact they work with the team is legit though.

>> No.21032529
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>tfw born rich
Maybe you wouldn't meed to try this hard if your parents worked just a little bit harder

>> No.21032536

100k to 1million is easiest. The more funds you have the more high risk-high reward investments you can do.

>> No.21033039

i turned $700 into $85k in 3 months. Thanks to anon who shilled buidl at 1 cents,now i'm all in bnt, hoping to cash out $1M in gbr

>> No.21033100

Hard work has nothing to do with income.

>> No.21033181

LP holders get access to staking first, 1LP = 10k link staking allowance. Since I have .04 I can stake 400 link. LP holders also get a distribution of token profit roughly every two weeks from LP nodes. You'll also be able to stake eth through LP.
Diversifying is probably never a bad idea. I personally won't be staking a huge amount with my 400 limit so for me it would make sense to stake 400 there and more of my stack on an exchange

>> No.21033201

It does, but it's not the only factor. You need to work smart and work hard. Look for good opportunities and make the most out of your time.

>> No.21033229

If you have a decent job, you can get to $10k pretty quick with help from saving money from your day job even if you're an idiot. $10k to $100k is what separates the men from the boys because you have to actually be a decent trader to get there. Once you've done that, you've already gotten some dumb mistakes out of the way and you're very likely smart enough to get to $1M without too much trouble.

>> No.21033376

Went from 600 to 10k on accident with LINK while I didn't have access to the internet and now that I'm getting paid I'm up to 30k. Wish I had had internet access and been buying in that whole time but whatever. Now I've just got to make it to 6 digits

>> No.21033442

ngmi if you dont change your mind.

>> No.21033446

What exactly are the time frames for these gains? Just started trading and everytime I start making money too fast I start freaking out.

>> No.21033598

Under 10k is hard for me because I don't want to take profits. I always falls into the trap of "well I'm only up $500. $500 isn't a lot of money..."

>> No.21033651

1 month if you correctly pick uniswap moon missions, otherwise it depends on the market sentiment.

the bull market has just began so we have at least 1y of solid gains ahead, if you pick any top 200 shitcoin you should make 100x in 2021 (10x if you go for top 10 coins)

>> No.21034232

>but 10k-100k is the weird middle stage
you’re right except 100k-1M

>> No.21034505

Feeling comfy 407k on my way to the 7 digits, 2,85 million Cardano delegating, gonna buy my Palapa by next year.

>> No.21035105

>1 year
Try 4 months
Last time everything went to shit during the winter

>> No.21035381

spread out my initial capital on projects that had staking and real on chain activity besides inflation.
Hit it big on AKRO, BNT, VIDT, LUNA, LTO, MTA, JRT and ORN.

my biggest face melter was buying an ERD node at $4k USD.

Sounds like a plan, but at this point its 7 figures or bust. I have suffered for far too long all these years to not go that life changing moment. But you provide good advice will definitely consider it

well played anon. I might actually skim 100k off my stack for a comfy shack inna woods. I am a simple man with simple needs.

>> No.21035566

100k to 1mm

Too much volume for shitcoin

>> No.21035589

some of us are OGs that got their asses handed to them in 2017/2018.

Now this next golden bull is a second chance not to fuck it up.

>> No.21035610

I have 6 LP and 1k LINK. Would you rather be me?

>> No.21035651

IMO 10k to 100k is the hardest because 10k is typically where most noobs get stuck on an initial investment. But 10xing getting to that next step also requires a lot a luck.
100k is a lot more capital to play around with and allows you to diversify more.

>> No.21035675

To me the first 10k was the hardest. Once you get good at investing, growth gets easier and easier.

I'm at 60k now and closing on 100k. Really doesn't seem that difficult honestly.

>> No.21035950

How do you actively -without biz shilling- find good moonshots? I feel like if I consolidated a bunch of capital into a good moonshot I'd hit 1m fast.

>> No.21036015

hours of sifting through sub 5$ MCAP listings on coingecko.
then you see what exchanges its listed on
active twitter?
active discord?
active github?

its tiresome work, but its work that pays off in the long run.

t. 1 million AKRO buyer at 13 sats.

>> No.21036123

I went from 7k to 30k all in RSR. wat do next? Right now, I'm waiting for it to double from here than planning on putting 10k in XRP. Open to suggestions.

>> No.21036150

Coingeko is the only place? How did we miss YFII and all that shit? Where else are we supposed to find those insane gains? Why sub 5m, that seems really high. Wouldn't you not want them to have a mainnet yet?

Also, what do you think of Libertas? Too much PNK hype makes me think it won't catch on.

>> No.21036208


>> No.21036280

with a smaller account you need to take bigger risks. I always yolo into projects before mainnet. Sometimes I come up short, sometimes I hit big. Think like a venture capitalist. I actively spend money to participate in testnets, sometimes for months, to see if the shit will even work.

If you want to hit on shit like YFII you need to follow crypto shills on twitter. But that is a game of speed and if you are in the wrong timezone you can get your ass handed to you. That and getting rugpulled, broken smart contract code or just outright scammed is too risky.

I have no thoughts on Libertas at the moment sorry.

>> No.21036336

ohh and I use coingecko because fuck cmc and fuck cz.

>> No.21036363

lastly I go under 5m mcap because its easier for a project to go from 5m to 50m than for a project to go from 50m to 500m.

>> No.21036442

Fair enough. What about the market cap thing though >>21036363
, wouldn't you always want to be in sub 1m for maximum gains? How do you accurately discern scams? XSN seems like a big scam to me lately, but the things they're promising sound like gold. What are the token markers to actively discern things when it could be a long term scam project or something like that?

Also BASED fuck CZ, what do you think of coincheckup, I like their UI.

>> No.21036597

the lower the mcap the higher the risk. If you want a low mcap that I feel will do a 10x look at Enecuum.
ENQ on Kucoin.
Mainnet next month.
Kucoin IEO from a few years back
Hyperdag with over 2500 nodes right now
Mobile Mining
Validators with delegation
if you need convincing read this paper that was just published about their work, its bleeding edge stuff


But projects like these are few and far between. under 1 MCAP its mostly dead projects on their last gasps of air.

Never used coincheckup. I have my go to sources and I don't care to change what isn't broken.

>> No.21036646

I will look into that. Thanks for the help: we need more experienced moonshooters like you on biz to help the community. This place is too full of shills.

>> No.21036734

$100k-$1m is the kill zone.
Once you get to $2m you've made it financially.

>> No.21036758

100-1000 is hard when gas is like 5$.

5$ buy, 5$ sell, 1$ approve, 11$ gone just like that, so better prey it does a 5x.

>> No.21036909
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Objectively, the more money involved the hardest, psychologically you become more risk averse hence less returns and also you have a liquidity problem if you're into shitcoins.

Been trying to 10x my 100k for 2 years now ffs

>> No.21036922

anytime anon. I hope you make it and find your happiness. good luck.

>> No.21037177

Damn a thread full of larpers and poorfags...
100k-1m is crazy because you can’t sleep at night. Crypto is still high risk, everyone who tell something else has not that much in

>> No.21037612

probably not retire money but def comfortable money in 2-3 years

>> No.21038055

$1-2M unironically

>> No.21038400


I started with only a couple hundred dollars in July 2019 and that was extremely nerve wracking because I was broke as shit and I put that money into coins that collapsed in price immediately (Litecoin halving time). But it wasn't too bad because it wasn't that much money and soon I started making around $200 a day from my job.

I stayed in 4 digits for what seemed like forever, until around Thanksgiving. It was still pretty nerve-racking because most of my coins were losing value. I was thinking about how I could have done one or two things differently and I would be so much better off, and how I desperately needed money for things like clothes, food, and car maintenance. But I kept pushing myself harder and harder.

I finally hit five digits in December and started to feel better about myself. All of a sudden, I made a meaningful investment into my future and I had steady enough income to not worry about it constantly.

In February, my portfolio barely touched 20 grand during the mini pull run and I was ecstatic.

During the lockdown, my portfolio went down below my dollar cost average but I didn't worry too much. I knew everything would go back up. I still had to sell some to pay for essentials because lack of income. I was okay.

>> No.21038435

How'd you get to 10k fren? I need help breaking this barrier before the next GBR

>> No.21038510

In July 2020 I hit $20k and for the first time in my life, I feel like I have a life changing amount of money. Crypto could crash 50% again and I would be okay. I'm more mature and much better at managing money. I have a huge safety net in case something goes wrong.

Last week I hit $30k and I could cash out right now and buy a house. But I'm just putting more money in. I'm waiting very patiently for the next bull run.

>> No.21038539
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In the past 3 years I've gone through $100-$100k(went into crypto after my first $3k from an illegal scheme). Started as a 17yo as well so I was pretty naive about the shitcoin business, but thankfully biz linkpilled me. Going from $10k to $100k is the hardest mentally imo because the numbers are starting to get really tempting, but not tempting enough. Currently at about $180k. Can't wait for $500k that's gonna be a special occasion. But damn $1000k? That's gonna be wild.

>> No.21038554

Agreed. 100k it gets easier. I've gone 100k to 350k in the past month. It took me two years to get the first 100k and it took a big gamble on GHOST kek

>> No.21038586

100k-1M you can't flip illiquid shitcoins anymore and the lure of the million makes you do retarded shit sometimes.

>> No.21038933

65k here
Don't buy things you don't need
Cut down monthly expenses
Do you really need that new gadget
Won't the cheap brand of food be just as good
Do you really need new clothes
Also try to side hustle, any extra money is better then no money

DCA savings and investments. Try to tone your income to minimum wage.

You will notice that your stack will grow easily like this. (A year ago I was at 20k)

>> No.21039084

Bullshit, it is by far the hardest

>> No.21039142
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>> No.21039269
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I've been comfy in LINK ever since my 19k LINKs were worth $4k. Yeah sometimes during dumps I'm like why didn't I sell that top to buy more, but I know it will go back up again. Currently I'm really fucking comfy because I see that $7-$8 is a very strong support area so I got nothing to worry about. In my mind Chainlink is more certain than Netflix for example. Idk maybe I might just be completely deluded, but I have challenged my thoughts many times and I keep staying the way I am. Meanwhile other anons might be trading shitcoins and losing sleep. That's not a life for me. I'm comfy cuz I know I will hit $5m in the next 2-3 years with LINK.

>> No.21039567

honestly it's better if you can't flip shitcoins, you literally cannot fucking sleep while gambling on uniswap. i'd much prefer to just park my money onto a potential mid-cap x10 and wait a few months

>> No.21039571

People who see this as 10x step levels are retarded.

>> No.21039597

exactly, knowing how market works, i can guarantee that it won't be "as the last time". we would've either mooned to 100k earlier (which obviously won't happen) or after january

>> No.21039635

This seems like the thread to ask, 6k in link and $5k+ to invest a month, do you push to 10k link or grab 200-300k pnk?

>> No.21039664

10k link is really comfy and a psychological barrier, but pnk could easily 20x before link does another 10x

>> No.21039809

pnk is garbage and link has slow growth potential. buy 1k of random sub 10m shitcoins on uniswap and you'll definitely make it

>> No.21039831

i'd go 80% link 20% pnk
t. 10k link 250k pnk

>> No.21039849

i just broke $100k a few weeks ago.
i think its the first major milestone for me.
i started off investing in crypto back in 2017 but much smaller amounts
starting off from $1k-$10k is probably the biggest hurdle you'll cross.
after you break $10k the tendency for me at least was to just keep adding more and more to my folio.

if im right about my investments i should be hitting around $10MM this cycle.

>> No.21039907

$100k to $1MM is pretty hard. I'm about 50% through.

You have enough to where you can't make significant gains playing dex shitcoins because of the liquidity. You pretty much have to stay in the top 150. But not enough to where you can safely quit your job to focus on trading or swing your dick around to get into exclusive opportunities.

$10k to $100k is prob the easiest because you can still make money off of absolute shitcoins, but you don't have to risk your whole pot to make movements. Its that sweet spot where there's a good balance between your own liquidity and market liquidity.

On the plus side, if you have to cut out anything below rank 150 you can trust that you're probably not buying absolute scams. I mean, yeah, you have your bitconnects, but those always have enough people screaming "scam". You don't have to worry about some impoverished kid making an ERC20 and website with fake headshots to rug pull you in 2 days.

You can still gamble on those, but its not gonna make much difference one way or the other wrt your total net worth.

>> No.21039916

ok cool so shoot for 150k pnk then start dropping money into both, sounds like a plan. I can be at 150k pnk by October if the price doesn't keep mooning

>> No.21039939

$1k-$10k is harder than $10k to $100k, but $100k to $1MM is harder than both.

>> No.21040022

Eh this convinced me, I'm just gonna keep investing in link, it's safe and I can safely get to 10k, probably passing up bigger potential gains but I'm not trying to hit 100 million, just wanna get a 2-10 and be done with it.

>> No.21040047

>comfy shack inna woods

>> No.21040065

100k-1mm for me

I pull in 10k per month before taxes so pooling a couple months savings isn't too hard for me

turning that into $1mm has been tough, but it's all gravy from there - you can't easily spend that kind of dosh so it tends to compound more easily at that point.

>> No.21040069

checked and i think that sounds legit

>> No.21040120

14k here, requesting pointers. I think I have a problem of over diversifying (stocks, PMs, crypto)

>> No.21040123

I was excited when I got 200k in 2017

my excitement waned quickly because I always knew I'd need $3mm to retire, and $200k is not even 10% there

>> No.21040134

Completely agree. I’m at 400k right now and I have to agree. I honestly don’t feel anything and am calm af, but when my portfolio was 20k and went to 50k, I felt numb and stressed.

>> No.21040164

lets be real, none of you faggots have any money

>> No.21040184

Ahahahahah this is the correct answer

>> No.21040203
File: 9 KB, 213x255, 1596594467427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

checked I had a small amount of BTC, but no link and nothing else. Today I bought 101 link and put $175 into XRP (568 XRP)

Is this decent start guys? .....guys?

>> No.21040211

For me the hardest part was 1k-10k
I remember adding link to my position every week but my folio would stay a bit under 1900 dollars

650k today, 10k to now was a nothing burger

>> No.21040221

I think how you feel partly depends on your background too though. For example before I ever got into crypto I received a 200k inheritance about 10 years ago, was very anxious about it, then I realized it's just money, but I didn't invest at all and slowly burned through it until it was finally gone this year. I learned two things, one make your money work for you, and two it comes and goes so don't think about it too much. I've now gone from virtually zero a year ago to 10k in the bank and 60k in crypto and I feel calm as fuck, mostly because I know a couple hundred k doesn't mean shit. I do think if we moon suddenly and I'm in the low 7 figures I'll be a bit nervous though simply due to the fact that I won't know whether to get the fuck out or keep riding the wave.

>> No.21040227

100k-1mill is torture I’m currently around 220k (170k) in crypto) but refuse to cash out since I know we’re just getting started. I realize how far ahead I am than 99% of wagies yet I still live in a shitty 1 bedroom apartment, drive a 2017 Nissan and live far below my means. It won’t seem real till I cash out enough to buy a duplex and move into a nicer place.

>> No.21040262

Every little bit counts. I bought 1k link a little over a year ago, if I took it as seriously then as I do now I could probably have 15-20k right now (or more if I took certain risks) but I don't regret, that said I do have 6k and still building. You can turn that 100 link into 1k at least, and if 1k isn't a meme (the eoy part is though) you'll still have a mil one day. Hardest part if you have never had money before is holding.

>> No.21040274

What coming bullrun ? Are you in complete reality denial ? World economy is going to crash because it was halted for months due to fake virus.

>> No.21040303

The meme doesnt say which year
We've been through two eoys already, the meme is real af

>> No.21040327

I believe it too, if I didn't I wouldn't have almost 100k sitting in internet money

>> No.21040347

Trading/investing makes everyone feel inadequate. Timing perfect bottoms and tops is literally impossible, 1 in a million. Doing well this bull run is a possibility though.

>> No.21040367

We are all going to make it.
We are all in this together.
And yes, pregnant sergey turns me on

>> No.21040371

This is the correct attitude to have. I have 4x'd most of my investment so far, for the average person that's incredible but a lot of us get blinded by crypto and think bouncing between 10x's is easy.

>> No.21040570

What do you think of ORN and Aleph?

>> No.21040589

Amen brother, if you end up with 60 mil I'll have 10 mil, it's all gravy

>> No.21040590


>Millions of bartenders lost their job, THE HORROR

No but seriously, this is great for crypto.

Want to invest?
Housing market is peak bubble due to hoarding boomers.
PM are impractical and are at ATH prices
Government money printers are fucking up your saving account
Stock markets are almost ATH and corona fear won't let them moon.

So yeah, welcome to crypto motherfucker.

>> No.21040719

Found the faggot

>> No.21040820
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Neat vid - thanks for sharing

>> No.21041349

Yea, once you get over 100k things get easier because you can stop trading and just hold. If you've got over a 100-200k in Link, BTC and ETH you just hold until things get crazy again. Once you accept that you'll make it with the stack you have things get super comfy. I mean just look at btc and eth right now. Were what maybe 12 months from the peak bull and both are already climbing just like every other time. Holding is easy it's still going to work that sucks. I'm going to be lucky if I dont get fired cause I am totally checked out at this point.

>> No.21041375

10k-100k... Tbh because it's still a Lot of money and you're taking a risk at losing everything, but at the same time it isn't enough that you can influence the chart of low cap shitcoins.

>> No.21041440

agreed, i'm at about $800k. getting to six figs was probably hardest.

t. colonel

>> No.21041481

10k-100k, more specifically 10k-50k

Assuming this is your savings, fixed costs like rent and unexpected shit like unemployment, viruses can completely fuck your shit up so you are still emotionally attached to the money. You are also probably full wageslave at this point so actively investing is a massive pain and you probably desperate because you can literally taste financial freedom. Money stops feeling real after about 200k according to my father. It's mostly about having enough money to not worry about homelessness AND enough to be emotionally detached to invest it in the first place. So 100k is where the rich start getting richer imo. This is also why boomers completely fuck every other generation - they bought cheap houses and didn't have to worry about the homelessness thing so they could just dump their money at everything that looked promising.

>> No.21041609

You will get a large monthly payment from all the fees on Linkpool. Although I would have bought more LINK if I were you.

>> No.21041883

desu anon I've been in crypto since 2013 but got my ass handed to me in 2017/201. Just got comfy checking Blockfolio while my hodls went to six figures, then stayed in denial while they dipped, and dipped, and dipped...and then it wasn't a dip, most of what I had was worthless and zero liquidity. It took some emotional adjustment to even consider actively participating again, so I missed out on LINK as well. Trying to not fuck up this round as I'm starting from not exactly zero, but ~$10k in illiquid shitcoins so it's a challenge.

>> No.21041928

dont count your chickies before they hatchy

im pretty checked out now too, but I try not to be. I'm fairly confident """"conservative"""" investments (relative to fucking uniswap shitcoins) will 9x within a year, which would put me in retirement land, but a.) it might not happen and b.) i still need a job until then

>> No.21041978

what the fuck is this spastic shit you utter fucking moron?

>> No.21041982

How? I already made it to 100k but 1mil feels very far away.

>> No.21042084

It depends, I think they mean psychologically. Once you see you can go from 10k to 100k, you realize it's all just making the right picks and it doesn't technically get harder. Your confidence increases. Also, you can sit in a safer investment and just wait, instead of from 10k to 100k where you feel like you've got to constantly trade to get anywhere. Because ultimately we're all going for 7 figures+, so it's not really 10k to 100k but 10k to a mil.

>> No.21042220

>tfw zoomer with over $10k for the first time in my life thanks to crypto
i should be more nervous but i’m all in PNK so getting to $100k is a matter of doing nothing for a year or less
i feel like making $1m out of that is going to be torture

>> No.21042387

It's all about playing the odds. If I had 10k I'd feel pressure to do something so I'd gamble on riskier coins (PNK). If I had 100k (I'm pretty close to it) I sit in something safer/more reliable but still a big question mark like LINK. If I had 500k I'd probably just park in ETH or BTC for an almost guaranteed 2-3x. And if I had over a million to start with I'd have probably never even fucked with crypto and just played the stock market.

>> No.21042401

I don't really think you can tell before you've made the whole trip. Also don't really think /biz/ is full of millionaires.

>> No.21042429
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The amount of larping in this thread is almost giving me FOMO over shitcoins as I sit here just holding my solid boomerstocks

>> No.21042431

There's larps but there's definitely millionaires on here. Though I imagine some post significantly less than they used to. Think about it, most of us are autists with very few irl friends, who else are we going to shit post and brag to when we make it.

>> No.21042436

I'm at about 300k now. I would say that 10k to 100k is probably the hardest though. By this point at least I know what I'm doing, but thinking back to when I had just 10k in cash, 100k seemed impossible.

>> No.21042494

>Though I imagine some post significantly less than they used to
Well, that and millionaires on here wouldn't have much to talk about. They might shitpost LINK memes but when half of the board is talking about shitcoin du jour, they're not really going to have much to say.

>> No.21042531

>5 btc
>40 ETH
>1200 LINK

Make it? Or rope?

>> No.21042613

bro how did u know. which one's next

>> No.21042632

Looks good. Personally I’d consolidate the BTC/ETH into LINK for a make it stack but it might take a year or two longer (much greater potential though).

>> No.21042709

I haven't gotten there yet so I'm going to have to say this one chief

>> No.21042733

lmao same

>> No.21043705

yep 10k-100k is psychologically hardest, your loses are no longer, "just wagie money", but it's not close enough to retire

>> No.21043891
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23 and just went over 30k
>10k boomer stocks
>1300 Link
>8k in cash
Came back here after seeing Link hit $6 when I bought 400 for $3 last July. I'm pissed at myself for not putting everything I had in back then because I didn't understand what I was buying.

>> No.21044344

I remeber hitting 10k last year during the 14k btc bubble. Took me months to break 10k after it deflated. Now I'm making quick progress in the 5 digit range

>> No.21044558

You do realize this bullrun will be completely funded by institutions right? Retail is completely unneeded and any speculation buying will just be icing on the cake. Peak of the cycle will probably be a few months into 2022 roughly