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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21019414 No.21019414 [Reply] [Original]

Cream has just launched its governance token yesterday. The lead developer is the Creator of Mithril https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/mithril
here is his twitter: https://twitter.com/machibigbrother
Cream has ties to Binance and it's the first project to allow yield farming on the binance smart chain beside ethereum. read it here https://medium.com/cream-finance/sharing-the-yield-love-on-binancesmartchain-37ae357f9f53
It is also the only project accepting $BAL, $COMP, $YFI as collateral.
Only 10K tokens in circulating supply and marketcap is less than a million. This will pull a fucking $YFI again. will hit $1K in today!
Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x2ba592f78db6436527729929aaf6c908497cb200

Coingecko: https://www.coingecko.com/en/coins/cream

>> No.21019452

I'm fucking in OP. good shilling

>> No.21019476

That shit is about to blow up!

>> No.21019496

10k tokens released every day with 9 million max supply. The devs have the admin keys and can walk away with your money any time they want. I will say that the degens that put their money in for the first day made bank.

>> No.21019499
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in before Andre Cronje starts talking aboit it

>> No.21019531

Supply is doubled every day. You could be hodling 50% of your cash tomorrow

>> No.21019547

I bought last night and I'm down 50%+ already. Fuck this shit coin.

>> No.21019548

This completely false faggot https://medium.com/cream-finance/14-5mm-tvl-1st-cream-distribution-37f2fb9d5972 The supply will hit 50K only by the end of this yield farming round. and it will stabilized at 400k in coming weeks. earning will be super slow after that. The marketcap of this thing will be massive.You have to be stupid if you cant already see that. Defi on both Eth and Binance is going to be huge.

>> No.21019585

Thank you for this OP, I'm fucking early fro one.

>> No.21019620

And it's dumping

>> No.21019621
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>> No.21019656

It literally has 255 Addresses only. it was just added to coingecko. The level of stupidity some of you guys have is honestly mind-boggling. I've just seen this and my buy order is already processing.

>> No.21019805

bags are full! send it!

>> No.21019886

Price was like ~$150 yesterday already. I got in at $90, hoped it would pump more, but sold after it dropped to my entry. Seems to have been a good choice in retrospect...

>> No.21019892

I'm early for once


>> No.21019993

It already hit $200 yesterday after it was rekeased. I think now is a very good entry.

>> No.21020042

It's going up up up

>> No.21020117

Why wouldn’t I just wait till there’s more coins in circulation so the price goes down? Seems stupid to buy now

>> No.21020125

Tied to binance. What does that mean?

>> No.21020538

biz dosent deserve this

>> No.21020623

It just hit $100 fucking thank you OP! Will keep riding this till $500 before I start taking any profits.

>> No.21020819
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1. fully custodial - can drain all deposited funds
The admin is just a normal address - 0x197939c1ca20C2b506d6811d8B6CDB3394471074. No multisig, they have full control over the protocol without timelocks.

2. All tokens are unlocked, the same admin address holds 8.99M CREAM worth $681M currently.
Why would they do this like that? It's trivial to code in an emission schedule. The only answer - to dump at brainlets.

3. The whole thing is just a direct copy paste of compound, except compound uses a smart contract for admin (comp voting + timelock). Zero added value.

It's a PnD at best and a scam at worst.

>> No.21020854

>It has a circulating supply of 10 Thousand coins and a max supply of 9 Million coins.
umm yeah

>> No.21020860

They have Just launched the token hours ago dumbass. The lead dev is the creator of Mithril which trading on Binance and he is well known in the space, Do you think a guy like that could scam people?


>> No.21020894

nice fud lol

>can drain all deposited funds
wrong admin has no such powers

>All tokens are unlocked
dosent matter

>The whole thing is just a direct copy paste of compound
wrong again, cream has more tokens then comp and has a higher apy

>> No.21020969
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This is the same man, Jason Fu, Sunny Lu's right hand man, who devised the walton chain guardian masternode scheme as well as ven's. He also commands an army of trolls on various social media platforms to shill and fud. Boxmining is paid by him too. These coins are all scams but admittedly he doesn't have full control of ven, he's just an advisor.

>> No.21021058
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This is gonna pump whether you like it or not, You're not gonna get my bags with this type of shitposting

>> No.21021105
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On balance, off balance, doesn't matter, I'm better than you.

>> No.21021115 [DELETED] 
File: 122 KB, 400x400, confused apu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if i buy a bag in a couple hours would i miss out? is the time to buy NOW right this second?

>> No.21021422

still early man. it has been literally hours since people started learning about it

>> No.21021486


yes, admin has all such powers; compound doesn't because the admin is a 5-day governance contract, but cream can change the code of all "ctokens" at will

>> No.21022207

Are there confirmed ties with Binance?