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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21015565 No.21015565 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.21015841


>> No.21015893

Shit service, shit food, and horrible employers always with drug/alcohol problems
All employees are on drugs/alcohol and are waitstaff because they have criminal records (from drugs/alcohol)
Overpriced trash, every fucking restaurant, no exceptions
I only leave enough of a tip to afford a rope - at least, when I actually went to restaurants

>> No.21015907

Yah, I'm thinking this thread is yikers.

>> No.21015924

>Overpriced trash, every fucking restaurant, no exceptions

>> No.21015955

I probably make more money than you and I haven’t been sober in years. Poor people deserve drugs too you communist.

>> No.21015983

the service industry culture is the most entitled shit I have ever seen. you fucked up your life and are in a shitty dead end job and have the audacity to shame me into giving you higher tips? fuck off. unironically hope those people rope in the next 6 months

>> No.21015993

Maybe a good time to be buying commercial Restaurant equipment to resell after the pandemic?

>> No.21015995

This but unironically
In provencial merica restaurants are basically just places that reheat food thats made in a factory somewhere. The business model is totally fucked and everyone serves premade sysco trash for a huge markup

>> No.21016003

2 out of the last 2 times I went out to eat I got major diarrhea the next day.
I've basically decided I'm just going to cook my own food from now on, disgusting.

>> No.21016022

have to agree, this pandemic will cull all the shit restaurants, the good ones will survive . and yes there are good ones m8

>> No.21016067
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I could use an esspresso machine anyways

>> No.21016072

It really was an industry that needed to be culled back but they are people's lives and livelihoods. So I don't know what to say. There was demand for shitty pre made food. The boomers love it for some reason.

>> No.21016094

you will die a virgin.

>> No.21016114

Where did you fucks go out to dine then? ONLY 5-STAR FRENCH RESTAURANTS??

>> No.21016120

Malls and small business are fucked

>> No.21016203

I've always wanted some commercial retail real estate with living quarters upstairs. It's insane how expensive something like that is.

>> No.21016208

But those are the types of restaurants that will survive. It's the small honest ones that are going to be fucked by this.

>> No.21016226

Imagine bagholding large physical items that you can never sell because you assumed the world economy would quickly recover from the 90 year Debt cycle deleveraging.

>> No.21016251

I feel like take out small businesses will be the only ones that survive this. I have to say I get take out less than I did before covid though. I'd probably get it more but I refuse to use uber eats or any of that gay shit.

>> No.21016291

Long puts on SYY and company.

>> No.21016302

>I'd probably get it more but I refuse to use uber eats or any of that gay shit.
Yah man, those services tack on like 30% to the cost.

>> No.21016323
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I dont like tipping so I dont go to restaurants.

>> No.21016351

How much link for a daughter like that?

>> No.21016406

Imagine being so autistic that you always take things literally and have no creative thought.

>> No.21016666

Buy ETH, transfer to Suterusu. Wait for full on Asian recover.

>> No.21016824

You idiots are happy mom and pop shops are going out of business? You should be happy if corporations go out of business but not small businesses

>> No.21016894

All one in the same in corporations you get a wage cage job and hopes of promotion in small business you work your ass off for nothing while your boomer boss goes on his yacht

>> No.21016913

Malls have been collapsing since the late 90's.
Restaurants and bars and coffee shops stricktly fucked by covid. They were booming the day before lockdown.

>> No.21016918

Malls have been on the decline for years though, many once thriving ones are ghost towns. Even my grandma uses amazon.

>> No.21016945

coping waiter detected

>> No.21016950
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americans did this

>> No.21016959

rightwingers don't have hearts.
they want others to suffer as they have.

>> No.21017001

you must live in a complete shithole

>> No.21017030
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>> No.21017052
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this unironically.
Asian restaurants sometimes being the rare exception, Japanese restaurants in particular tend to have some high-quality stuff I can't make at home.
But for the most part, going out to eat is gay as fuck, a huge waste of money, and a huge timesink (OH you gotta wait to be seated, OH you gotta wait for the person to come and take your order for drinks, OH you gotta wait for the person to come back and bring your drinks, but when they bring your drinks you better say you're ready to order food or they'll take forever to come back next time to take your order, OH you gotta wait for them to actually bring your food, OH you gotta wait for them to bring your fucking check when you're ready to leave, OH you gotta wait for them to bring your card back if you paid with CC, OH you gotta leave a tip)

FUCK going out to eat! OH!

>> No.21017099

except the only restaurants that have stayed open are the shittiest garbage restaurants. My favorite burger joint- which used quality meat and cooked to the actual specification requested by the customer- has closed. Meanwhile, shitty fast food joints have lines that can't fit inside their own parking lots.

>> No.21017184
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Depends how many employees and what the net profit margin is. Average small business runs on 7% net profit margin. So like in the chart the average small business owner isn’t making much until 10 employees plus. No yacht until maybe over 100. Think of any town what local business have more than even 50 employees unless they are a Corp. small business owner ain’t making dick compared to your c-level exec at a Fortune 500

>> No.21017206


>> No.21017268
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do you realize there are non-service sector jobs for less than 10% of the population? And improvements in technology will bring that even further down.
the fuck are 100IQ people even supposed to do?
I'm an autist code monkey so I probably have a few more years than the average 9-5er, but blaming people for being born normal is retarded.

>> No.21017310

Welcome to Puerto Rico Grande Edition