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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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21009999 No.21009999 [Reply] [Original]

First Lightning Network DEX with instant off-chain settlements scheduled to be launched at the end of THIS MONTH, from where we'll probably go past $1
This has been worked on non stop for the past 2 years, anyone can go try the beta by joining the Stakenet Discord group.

Trading fees are sold for XSN, and burned from the total supply, creating continuing demand for XSN moving forward

>> No.21010125

Im staking 14000 XSN . I hope you are right . Don't toy with my feelings

>> No.21010323


>> No.21010413

and $1 on release is fud, it's a 25M shitcoin right now. I'm thinking 250M market cap will be easy with a working product that's a first of its kind

>> No.21010497

On chain is for morons who have amnesia from 2017.

Every thing on chain was nightmare slow and expensive

>> No.21010513

I don't get why devs don't let MN holders to get the fees from the beginning
no it's not fud just an answer

>> No.21010668

You should join the discord and ask them

>> No.21010819

Checking. Fucking scammers.

>> No.21010823

Dude get your last 1150 for a MN, you're so close!!

>> No.21010970


I will get there with staking. I’m out of funds. I have other bags I could sell but I’m gonna see what happens.

>> No.21011085

Checked and based.

Every single person holding a masternode is going to make it.

>> No.21011093

Is it a better value to stake 15000 xsn or have a running masternode before transaction fees are paid out to mn operators?

>> No.21011350

>You should join the discord and ask them
already asked to them they give the same shady answers as usual.. answers full of non sense

>> No.21011647

I remember an anon posting the Dev's response to this question and it was thorough and concise, enough to put my reservations to bed. Basically for the masternodes to run the whole thing, the network has to be moved onto the masternodes, which involves a lot of work and testing and the preliminary network isn't completed yet.

>> No.21011755

Anon because to move the dex to the masternodes is a massive technological undertaking.

Step 1 get the dex functional. Then move it to the masternodes

>> No.21012030

The roadmap has been meticulously planned so that they focus on having a functional DEX first which will provide them with funds to move forward and bring investor attention to stakenet. It's a great roadmap.

>> No.21012268
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woah buddy.
Alien Power Checked.

>> No.21012305
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MN is more profitable

>> No.21012882

fucking checked, this scam is going nowhere
everyone should sell and stay far away from it

>> No.21012908

How many dex's do we need? Why would I buy this? There are plenty of other good dex's.

>> No.21013063

This. I would dump 100 ETH into this coin if there was a good answer to this question.

>> No.21013132

>I remember an anon posting the Dev's response to this question and it was thorough and concise, enough to put my reservations to bed
no it wasn't.
>Basically for the masternodes to run the whole thing, the network has to be moved onto the masternodes, which involves a lot of work and testing and the preliminary network isn't completed yet.
this doesn't explain why the fees sould go only into dev's poket

>> No.21013165

Yeah, this just feels like every other bubble in crypto. A few good projects come up and do a huge moon mission, people who missed out by competitors promising the same thing, those do lesser moon missions. Rinse and repeat until the market is flooded with the same product and some start to not pump at all and then everyone stops buying them. Within a few months everything is dead except the originals.

>> No.21013755

They need money for development. Why would they work for free?

>> No.21013800

Be honest with me bros, will I encounter any problems running a wallet and master nodes using a Mac? All the tutorials I see are Pc and Linux

>> No.21013868

Anon. Mac works perfect. Come to the discord and test.

>> No.21013926

Link me bro. I literally just ordered a Mac mini since my poorbook can’t run any non google software. I may buy as many as 3 or 4 master nodes

>> No.21014033

Where to buy?

>> No.21014044
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What are the chances of McBurger government fucking me for my Masternode?

>> No.21014167

Mac works fine, I have everything on both PC and Mac. Just make sure to have backups of everything (as you always should)

Livecoin, or download the beta DEX from the discord and buy it from there

>Sorry uncle Sam, my hard drive got corrupted.

>> No.21014876

This is not “just another DEX.” This is THE DEX. XSN is the future. No DEX will ever do what they’re trying to do better in the long run.

>> No.21015077

What payment methods does the beta dex offer? I'd rather do that then use jewbase to meta to livecoin

>> No.21015130

lol typical pajeet shill. You can't even name one thing it does can you?

>> No.21015183

Risk. Hub operators in stage 2 will be assuming a decent amount of risk, as well as spending a considerable amount of their own time setting up the hub, and their own cash on high end servers. MNaaS, stakers, and 5$ VPS guys be chilling. Nobody implied stage 2 hub expansion(and pay) isnt open to MN holders who are up to it.

>> No.21015621

Another good question. Why would they start working for free? Uh, guys there's been a slight delay...

>> No.21015988

this won't get much attention until it implements raiden.

Once people can get their fave ERC shitcoin in a low-fee, low-slippage dex without KYC, we're going to eat Uniswap's lunch for the 2021 bull run.

$100MM in volume is nothing when we're pulling from cexes and dexes - and once people are providing liquidity directly to the dex, we'll be perfectly poised to begin challenging mid-tier cexes as well.

Only features I can think of that Binance has that Stakenet doesn't is their staking feature - which is really just liquidity pooling.

>> No.21016065

...they have a developer pool of coins - it's just not very big, and they're not necessarily going to benefit in the form of staking rewards beyond what any other average holder would.

Therefore, their best bet is to push for value growth - and the best way to do that is to profit share with the node holders.

If they wanted to, they could maybe get away with 2 years of "delays" max, but then people would grow tired of the missed deadlines, and likely move on to another project with their investment dollars.

>> No.21016096

The DEX release will bring this to public attention and by the time Raiden is integrated (end of year, they're already testing it on Linux with public testers), most people will be beyond priced out on masternodes

>> No.21016495

Raiden will push us past $20 easy. Usdt volume, link and every other token lol

>> No.21016537

Right now all dexes are on-chain solutions.

This means slippage in the form of high transaction fees and returned transactions (that grow depending on the complexity of the trade required), and impermanent loss due to the nature of having to provide liquidity separately from the ordering/trading being performed on the platform.

Stakenet solves both of these problems, by offering low-fee trades with a traditional order book that operates on a layer-2 solution (in this case, lightning network for LTC-BTC-XSN pairs, and in the future Raiden for ETH and ERC pairs).

This layer 2 solution allows for near-zero slippage (only a 0.2% transaction fee, as opposed to the .002-.04 ETH on-chain gas fees for uniswap, as an example).

In addition, layer 2 solutions of LN + Raiden will allow for cross-chain trades between BTC/LTC/XSN and ETH directly. THIS IS A FEATURE NO OTHER DEX CAN REPLICATE. Some dexes offer "wrapped BTC", but this wrapped BTC cannot be treated like BTC; it has to be exchanged back into an ERC or ETH to be spent.

Finally, due to the decentralized nature of the stakenet exchange, KYC solutions will not be implemented on the platform, meaning all of the features of the dex will be available, anonymously.

FInally, from a UI/UX standpoint, the dex will have all the features of a traditional cex in terms of TA/pricing research, as the dex has implemented tradingview compatibility for all matched pairs in the current platform. This functionality would then extend to any other trading pair offered in the dex.

Does that help explain why your on-chain dex is shit and its volume will be essentially transitioned to Stakenet by Q2 2021?

>> No.21016601

All of this, without even getting into the tokenomics of holding XSN, the fact that the dex is hosted on a lite wallet that allows you to trade without ever requesting you relinquish your private key, setting up master nodes, addressing Trustless Proof of Stake, or delving into the profit opportunities that will be available to new market makers who choose to leverage the dex when developing new arbitrage solutions for the crypto market.

>> No.21016608
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>> No.21016917

Its probably not for you anon. Stakenets dex product provides sophisticated traders the platform they need for maximum efficiency. You can eat 10$ trades on uniswap once a week when you flip your shitcoins, but someone doing high volume frequent trades needs cex qualities. The beauty of stakenet is that sophisticated traders dont need to relinquish custody to obtain that cex quality.

>> No.21017058

see >>21016537

that's ok, though - you don't have to own a piece of the dex you'll be using to transact in 2021 and beyond. I'll go ahead and use your transaction fees to fund the lifestyle brand I'll start after this moons.

this will unironically swing a bigger green candle than just about any other crypto ever once the dex update with raiden releases. This shit is literally a masterpiece of cryptographic engineering, and plebs who do not understand the inherent value in a trustless, decentralized, instant, low-fee exchange will be left with their dicks in their hands.

I have liquidated all my major taxable positions so I can all-in on this project for the next 3 years - I'm going to be the next crypto millionaire.

Don't worry, I'll hop in a thread and hand out a couple monero once XSN hits $20, just to thank /biz/ for giving me the early info on this.

>> No.21017172

Based as fuck.

>> No.21017219

Ok you can stop now I’m going to FOMO in now, congrats on your successful shill

>> No.21017366

you're not FOMOing. You're early, dex is still in beta.

Dex releases this month, but you can get early access if you request it through their discord.

>> No.21017371

Also they will buy back XSN with a certain % of the trading feeds made automatically.

This creates buy volume and drives the price up more if its used more. The token itself is already deflationary.

>> No.21017581

Feeling like a champ with 6 masternodes

>> No.21018142

See you at the yacht party.