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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2100966 No.2100966 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best way for a young female to start making big amounts of money if you exclude prostitution, anything sexual and wagecucking? Also I'm open to illegal stuff but have severe social anxiety and even if it's not a regular job, I still have to talk to real people. It's easier for men to start a business, I think, because people take them more seriously. There is no future for me.

>> No.2100971

Buttbeans and ledditcoins

>> No.2100986

In America women start more businesses than men, but women are also more likely to fail as business owners.

Statistics are funny like that.

>> No.2100990


Webcam desu

>> No.2100993

Id probably be a whore if I was a decent looking woman...
Whore out, work hard and invest everything in crypto XDXDXD.

>> No.2100995

Twitch streaming seems popular nowadays.

>> No.2100997

Selling used panties

>> No.2101006

Buy kneepads

>> No.2101016

I am moral lol That was my plan , to invest in crypto but first I need to make some money
Nothing that includes other people watching me on internet
Do people really buy that?

>> No.2101113


I see you have had an easy life....

>> No.2101214

I am a very short man, so I am valued very little by society, and not taken seriously ever. I feel like people make fun of me more often then I realize, but I still run a successful business. I believe if a odd looking man at my stature can do it so can you.

>> No.2101238

Yeah there are some really sad people out there

>> No.2101248

>not complete dead inside

yes, many pervs buys used panties, etc. plebbit had (maybe still have) sub just for this

You can also try vocalwhoring for patreon...so many possibilities if you are a girl...

Only way how to be poor as woman is that you have to be complete retarded

>> No.2101252

>What is the best way for a young female to start making big amounts of money
>if you exclude prostitution, anything sexual
Oh… Fuck.
you could try to become a youtube celebrity, but the easy days of that are over.
>have severe social anxiety
Well, how about trading crypto, forex or pennystock?
You'll probably loose it all, but theoretically, you could become rich with $100 starting.

>> No.2101304

what type of business do you run?
I have pretty low budget, about $50, where should I invest that or should I wait to collect some more money? I've heard people having bad experience with forex.

>> No.2101306

ASMR videos

>> No.2101327

>trim weed
>do make-up, esp. weddings
>start powerlifting and become a fitness model
>sell crystals and shit on etsy

>> No.2101345

If you are a minority, Asian, black, Latino, you can get extra government help to start a business.

If you are Asian, maybe I can "get behind you"? If you know what I mean. And by if you know what I mean, I mean you want some fuk?

>> No.2101440

I am into fitness so maybe but I would still have to take pictures and all that..
I am a white woman, It's weird that I don't have any privilege as 4chan taught me ''white women the most privileged group on earth''

>> No.2101462

>'white women the most privileged group on earth''
That's not 4chan telling you that, that is the self-hating SJWs.
On 4Chan, you only have the privilege that you can get loads of attention with your tits.
Yo probably could e-whore yourself for crypto. I'm paying you 100 of my newly aquired /biz/coins for a pic of your tits! No need to show your face.

>> No.2101469
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>> No.2101534

I have small ones. But still no. Would some sadists pay me if I cut myself? lol

>> No.2101568

Also, no. It is mgtow, mra, /pol/, alt-right etc. that tells me I am privileged. Too bad I still haven't felt this privilege they are talking about.

>> No.2101577

>I have small ones.
…mmmhhhhh, dfc.
>But still no.
My bid just went up by another 100, just like my dick!

>It is mgtow, mra, /pol/, alt-right etc. that tells me I am privileged.
I dont frequent these places, but don't they just hate women?

>> No.2101586

Buy a push up bra. Then stream some shit vidya on twitch, where betas will donate 100 dollars or more per donation.

>> No.2101598

>Too bad I haven't felt this privilege
That's because you said it yourself, you haven't taken advantage of your situation. You don't want to work or show your face, and you're literally wrong about what you said about it being more difficult for a woman to start a business when the government has grants for women and minorities to start businesses. You honestly could be a sugar baby and get some old rich dude to date you, or you could marry then divorce a decently wealthy guy and take half. These are options that men don't really have

>> No.2101605

Well they hate them because of this 'privilege'. Something like: women can kill man without any consequences etc. Maybe less extreme but still.
it seems wrong to scam betas like this. If I was to scam anyone, that would be some extremely rich people who scam us small people

>> No.2101616

Yeah but as I said, I don't want to.. Also, I already have a bf but I don't wanna be a leech in his life

>> No.2101621

Look retard, those fucks deserve it, they are dumb and you USE dump people! Either you fuck or get fucked... drop your silly morals if you want to reach anywhere.

>> No.2101625

Just use a vpn and a proxy, get credit cards off of the deep web, and resell games on g2a.

>> No.2101629

You are too innocent, drop off and forget about making money.

>> No.2101631

bullshit, government doesnt help minorities

>> No.2101636

jesus fuck
don't wanna go out, don't wanna show your face, don't wanna put out money, but wanna get monies.

some show of effort you are.

>> No.2101640


>> No.2101646

I got an idea! Marry your shmuck boyfriend and divorce him later. Easy money, find another buck marry and divorce. Repeat as necessary.

>> No.2101664

Actually, I used credit cards last summer too buy many mobile phones and resell them. That's how I bought my bf a car, he got driver's license etc. But I'm not in this job anymore.
We're poor lel. But we want to be multi-millionaires.

>> No.2101670

You won't, sheep like you will begging on the streets.

>> No.2101676

should i opt for armed robbery? or cyber robbery?

>> No.2101689

>We're poor lel. But we want to be multi-millionaires.
Interesting...You say you want to own multiple millions of dollar bills? Fascinating.

>> No.2101714


>only way to he poor as a woman is to be completely retarded

Or have autism and be ugly and not that intelligent all at once. At that point Id get into the crypto game with wagecucking.
I have social anxiety OP so I know where you're coming from, you're going to have to wagecuck at first just to get enough for crypto. Live with your parents while doing it to save more money, you only need to do this long enough until you get enough off of crypto to not worry so much.

>> No.2101736

you should opt to GET THE FUCK OUT

>> No.2101746

do voice acting online, its probably gonna be shit but animators and game devs (especially adult games) will probably pay you for that stuff, unless your voice is absolute shit

>> No.2101753

> You'll probably loose it all, but theoretically, you could become rich with $100 starting.

Could you elaborate on that? Pretty, pretty please?

>> No.2101760

>should i opt for armed robbery?
Sure way of getting shot.
>or cyber robbery?
Well, given the initiative, entrepreneurship, criminal energy and intelligence you show in this thread, you sure will suceed in this "business". Yeah, totally go for it!

>you are to stupid, shy and prude to make use of your "privileges"

>> No.2101767

I don't have guts to do things, that's my problem. I don't dare.
I have some childish cute innocent voice so maybe I can try

>> No.2101768


All of these solutions rely on OP being attractive or feminine, not all women are. If she's really ugly and has mental disorders she's going to have to wagecuck or do some trading for money.

Only issue so far I see is

>muh morals

If you want to be really rich as a female this is very difficult to do and still keep morals/purity. Women are easily taken advantage of, so the aggressive and immoral ones usually win out financially. It's just the way of the world. It's no different for men either. But if you want to do it honestly, you're going to have to take the long road.

>> No.2101770


>Buy crypto or penny stock with $100
>a) it looses all its value
>you lost it all
>b) it increases in value tenfold
>you now have 1000$
>Buy crypto or penny stock with $1000
>a) it looses all its value
>you lost it all
>b) it increases in value tenfold
>you now have 10000$
>Buy crypto or penny stock with $10000
>a) it looses all its value
>you lost it all
>b) it increases in value tenfold
>you now have 100000$
>Buy crypto or penny stock with $100000
>a) it looses all its value
>you lost it all
>b) it increases in value tenfold
>you now have 1000000$, which probably could be considered rich.

>> No.2101777

I did credit card fraud, bought a car, got a license, not me actually but bf. Now I lost all those contacts, they were from middle-east so they probably got bombed or something

>> No.2101789

I am attractive and feminine but too shy and moral lol
How can I use it without being whorish or immoral? Marketing?

>> No.2101792

I see, thanks. It's no different than gambling but why the hell not? Are there any decent cryptos that are worth mining?

>> No.2101806

>put in 10% of your money into crypto
>a)it loses value and you only have 90% left
>b)it grows 1000% and you have 200% of your money

be smart

>> No.2101808

Step up the crypto game, add me on skype: CryptoAnna

>> No.2101813


>> No.2101824

get married

>> No.2101850
File: 53 KB, 513x437, 1494763899499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw a bunch of kawaii shit to upload on tumblr and twitter. Theres secretly a HUGE bias for female artists in the art world, and it involves no whoring out whatsoever. The closest youll be considered a slut, is if you draw a bunch of yuri porn.

>but i cant draw

lol. Just start with the basics, and youre in. You just have to draw some generic chibi stuff like (pic). Setup a patreon, say youre a starving femanon, and watch all the desperate virgs flock to you.

>> No.2101854
File: 196 KB, 742x890, Screen Shot 2017-05-18 at 9.30.25 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't make money in crypto. You can't do anything.

>> No.2101862

I think I might even try that because I am actually starving ;_; Wish me luck /biz/

>> No.2101910


"Make money with crypto"

I always find this hilarious, it's just as pretend money as our ACTUAL pretend money is. The only real difference is that I can buy a house with my money, finance a new car with it, pay my bills and feed my family with it.

Can't do any of that shit with your pretend money, can do all of that shit with my pretend money.

>> No.2101915
File: 77 KB, 178x179, i support trans right.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why don't xhe just join the oppressionbux train on patreon and twitter?

low barrier to entry at only $0 and your soul.

>> No.2101926

ignore this retard

You can cash crypto $5000 a day on coinbase. He has no idea what hes talking about

>> No.2101945

1000% > 200% last I checked.

>> No.2101957


check again

>> No.2101982

-Buy crypto/penny stock with 10000$/margin trade 100x at under 10 satoshis.
-Crypto after 2 months raises to 5000 satoshis, but it falls to 2500
Oh no look how much money you lost. :) Oh wait you're still at 25000% gains and nowhere near -20% which would normally cancel your loaned bitcoins.
-Same crypto after 4 months reaches 25000 satoshis
-Sell little by little ahhh fuck it. Sell it all.
>Oh it dropped 5000 satoshis? Use half to buy it at 20k sats
>Resell it at 30000 satoshis 1 month after it pumps again lol.

Enjoy, little girl. Enjoy being a Rotshchild and controlling the media, entertainment and news.

>> No.2101986

It's cringe.
If I had something to invest, I would.

>> No.2101994

>too moral
>commit cc fraud

I'm surprised your morality hasn't led you to turn yourself in :^)

>> No.2102013

You said you have $50, just buy smaller cryptos that fluctuate between .07 - .01 cents daily. You could repeatedly double or triple your money

>> No.2102016

Well, moral only regarding my body, I should have mentioned lol
I said I was open to illegal stuff

>> No.2102043

Penny stock.

I've made a few grand over the last 3 years investing in a ton of penny stocks.

some cost 0.0001 a share. drop 20-50 dollars and wait.

invest in solar power and various things that wont go away and will be big in the future

>> No.2102086

Jaj another female i'll purchase in a year or less to bark and pose on all fours naked for me.

multimillionaires. lol.

I buy girls like you as pets

>> No.2102087

The only advantage girls have is sexual favours for money. Other than that you're badMale
Lose your morals or stay poor.

>> No.2102088

>i have tons of opportunities that other people don't but i don't want to use them therefore i'm not privileged

a homeless man would kill for the opportunities you turn your nose up at

>> No.2102100

>to bark and pose on all fours naked for me.
>I buy girls like you as pets
Are you larping or can you post some stories?

>> No.2102135

I had to google larping... no not that. That's pretend.

A few years ago a girl I knew made some seriously bad investments in something involving drugs. long story short I cleared her debts and she didnt spent the next 2yrs being whored out on a corner. PLus was I owned her for quite awhile. so lots of panties and collars and leashes and barking woof woof daily for me and friends. She had other perks but most of my fun came in keeping her as a non-human pet. Years later and I can still tell her bark and she'll bark on command.

Might as well add this dumb "moral" op to my collection since shes' too stupid and pathetic to get anywhere past babbys first CC scam.

>> No.2102167

So I guess that's your fetish? Or did you just go
>Oh well, she owes me, might as well…

And I guess
>She had other perks
means the obvious.
But still, how do you get a girl to go that low? I'd assume it was also a fetish of hers? You have pic of your pet?

>> No.2102237
File: 57 KB, 640x480, QDjRTyO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her options were be my naked maid for 2 yrs or thadius thug puts her on a corner and lets his whole crew plow it daily. she decided barking on all fours with a buttplug tail was a better choice than having 30 niggas' run thru her pussy daily.

And not really a fetish more I kill time in life keeping/collecting pets for brief times. One of those how far can I take this and how far will she go.

So once I buy OP i'll make her my personal underwear model if she's not too ugly and she can be the new pet.
Nah I don't take pics hardly. The very few I do I put in my private stash since those are more intense aka fucking a dildo while on all fours or a vid of her barking over and over like a good puppy.

Have a random panty butt I collectioned awhile back

>> No.2102260

>loser NEET male cries and asks biz for help
>Biz: try r9k

>Loser NEET female cries and asks biz for help
>Biz: 364 replies

>> No.2102276

Seems like you hang out with quite some interesting characters.
I guess in my white academia circles, I'd probably only get a pet if I find a girl who's into it.

>> No.2102392

I dont always care for who I sit with in the circle but there are most def interesting individuals amongst it. Some good some bad.

Ah it's fun and I enjoy it but you've spanked one stupid low IQ pet on the butt you've spanked them all.

fun watching them eat dog food out of a bowl tho. Some chicks will do the wildish shit if they think money and "alpha" males are involved.

>> No.2102432

>How can I make this thread about me and the heroin-addicted ICP-listening trailer trash I pride myself in having sex with: The post

>> No.2102490

You're "moral" but you're open to doing "illegal stuff"? Shut the fuck up you stupid cunt, nothing in life is free including a clean conscious if you're going to break the fucking law and profit from the expense of others.


With your fucking mouth, anus, and vagina you stupid entitled bitch. Fuck you. You think you're above prostitution? You aren't above shit.

>> No.2102532

such amusing opinions.

So I looked up this icp and found out you listen to a band with clowns and their music is stuff like mr johnsons head in my bookbag. I'll pass on those hoes they mostly seem pass around the party type. Not one worth dating in the pics I saw.

>> No.2102534
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>I used credit cards last summer too buy many mobile phones and resell them. That's how I bought my bf a car
I read the exact same story here couple of days ago
>open to illegal stuff

>> No.2102565

>trailer trash
Given his grammar, I'd guess that guy is slav.
Do you have trailer trash in slavland? I think only gypsies live in trailers in slavland.

>> No.2102681

Hello, I can really help you make a shit ton of money

The first thing, and this is crucial despite sounding odd, is to post your feet/soles on here

I can make you a millionaire if the shoe fits. I'm srs. Post or regret

>> No.2102699
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>> No.2102710

you didn't refute my point which is that you only interjected in this thread for the sole purpose of making it all about you and the nauseatingly uninteresting details of your life. no one is impressed by a penny stock thousandaire and this isn't your personal blog. fuck off. if you want to post about your sickly boyish-looking STD-ridden harem of human garbage to /biz/ then start your own thread rather than parasitically hitching a ride on one that is already successful. let's see how your own thread survives only on its own merit. by that i mean let's watch your pathetic thread crash and burn right before you get banned you no money having ass faggot.

>> No.2102748

Recruiter. Commissions go up to $100,000 per employed person. Females have the upper-hand in this field especially since most clients are male. Take them out on lunch dates and whatnot. I've heard stories about recruiters sleeping with clients just to get those big gains.

>> No.2102780
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that's the spirit

>> No.2102781

Even in 4chan we're not safe from dumbasses that will do anything to get a "female" 's attention

>> No.2102835


i swear you lazy bitches are the worst

you were blessed with a PUSSY and live life on easy mode and still have the audacity to come on here and ask for help?

unless youre an ugly trollop you could literally start a youtube channel and have an army of white knights pander to your every whim

you dont even have to whore yourself out to make money (which is still live on easy mode)


hit the gym, land some rich beta and squeeze him dry what the hell do they teach you sloots in school these days?

you literally have the key to the empire in your hand and come on here asking "uuhm what do i do with it?"

>> No.2102853


neato opinion and lovely assumptions about alot of things.

well you have fun being all weepy over a threat you can close. later kid

>> No.2103019

The truth speaketh this one does

>> No.2103101

Become a twitch streamer and show more cleavage than necessary
Alternatively make anti feminism videos on youtube and set up a patreon

>> No.2103409

I'm not her but how big is ASMR?
I've got that sweet voice that makes men melt (as I have been told) but I'm european and I've got that thicc accent, can I still make it work?

>> No.2103420

got any website senpai?

>> No.2103435

the accent may work to your advantage, or at least help you with your 'niche'. good luck

>> No.2103466

lol shut the fuck up cunt
>Sweet voice that makes men melt
you mean makes ugly betas melt you silly fuck

>> No.2103490

Thanks, found some websites I'll dig more.
You sure showed me nigger

>> No.2103495

I'll buy a pair of your panties. We can it once a month.

>> No.2103658

Since you're clearly an untrustworthy whore but don't want to believe it, marry some rich guy and then "grow apart"

>> No.2103773

Thanks for your highly immoral offer, but I have a bf and I would rather send you girls with low moral and you pay me. I'd be something like a pimp.
ah, i will work don't worry, i was just trying to find out quicker ways, calm down
that was probably me
not that lazy, more like suffering from social anxiety
I have a bf, he's not rich, I still love him, don't want anyone else, I'd rather rob someone than leave him etc etc.

>> No.2103913

I would consider the pimp setup with you. And as for you having a boyfriend, he gets gone once I own you as my naked maid. please keep up cutes.

but yes you have morals bout your body but not other girls body. interesting.

Well this has been a fun thread and op even returned.

>> No.2103960

i really wanna see this bitches tits. ill sned you 100 reddcoins for a tit pic

>> No.2104130

Yes, I'm back , I was babysitting and earning money.
Ofc i have morals about my body, it's me, I don't want to ruin myself- but someone else who wants to be ruined and degraded is asking for it, so no I don't have morals about someone else's body. Your maids were asking for it.

>> No.2104133

U sound so fuckin hot my God

>> No.2104543

Haha I agree most of my maids are asking for it be it thru bad choices aka ripping off a drug dealing and being sold as property for it or other dumb choices.

and good glad you understand the setup. Play nice now

>> No.2104624

I didn't see the point of you mentioning that you're a female after excluding prostitution. But then I realized you probably mentioned it so that you could be recommended with low intellectually demanding jobs.
Because women are fucking dumb.

>> No.2104666

Not really. I have many artistic skills, but who lives from art solely? Only the most successful individuals. I am also good at marketing but as I said many times: social anxiety prevents me from doing anything normal.

>> No.2104704

>I'd rather rob someone than leave him

You're literally a piece of shit.

>> No.2104723

I'd rather live under the bridge than be your 'maid'. When the time comes, I will become a wagecuck obviously. But in the meantime, I am looking at other opportunities to work from shadows.

>> No.2104742

*loyal piece of shit

>> No.2104744

try the graphic design board

whenever their not being elitist faggots about the spectrum of blues, you might get ideas about marketing your fucking art

money from art is possible
stop being a defeatist pussy
that's not the /biz/ mindset, you're an American god damn it

>> No.2104763

and being a wagecuck is ok as long as you're young you fucking retard, you build funds to invest in your future

up to you two to make sacrifices and figure out what that means

>> No.2104775

>cell phone formatting

I'm 12 and what is this?

>> No.2104783

but ETH roastie

>> No.2104796

Gibe free monies pl0x

alms for the poor, yes.

>> No.2104818

Marry an old guy and wait for him to die.

>> No.2104873


Never put a price on your self-respect

Go places / do things that are or nearly free

Never pay retail for anything

Save every penny

inb4 crypto obviously

>> No.2104974

Haha I dont abuse all of them. Only the really dumb one's that let me. You'd most likely be cooking in undies and painting your art while I belittle the dumb pets.

Ah well once this threat closes my offer goes

>> No.2105026
File: 200 KB, 1180x842, 170307_DX_Wall-Street-Bull-Girl.jpg.CROP.promo-xlarge2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell acid. By 100 tabs for around ~$200 in BTC, sell at $10 per, rinse, repeat. Easy, guaranteed 400% increase to your money + you'll more than likely find bulk buyers that make your volume of sales and therefore risk exposure much lower

That or you can learn crypto. But stocks are a man's game. That's why they had to add that little girl vandalism to the bull statue outside wallstreet.

>> No.2105068

>you're an American god damn it
well i am not, i'm from balkan
that's what will probably happen in the end

>> No.2105082

Honestly u should kill yourself. Only way women make it is by marrying rich. Obviously u havent which means ur ugly or retarded or both

>> No.2105101

>What is the best way for a young female to start making big amounts of money if you exclude prostitution, anything sexual?

Women are useless beyond their huckholes, get over yourself sweetie and start camwhoring for shekels. its perfect for you since youre a dumb roastie with anxiety, you cant seduce a high-value man in person and cuck him out of his money, be a camwhore and you can make six-figures if youre hot enough without even having to leave your home

>> No.2105128

Shut up cunt.

>> No.2105443

I don't even wanna talk to men I don't like just for money, let alone marry one, pff
Nah, you're all boring I see. I'm gonna slave first and then open a business. I am a human, I have arms, legs etc. I can do whatever I want.

>> No.2105523

Panties? Let me buy a pair from you.

>> No.2105587

i'll take 2 pair please

>> No.2105678

how much do you offer? Although I doubt I'm gonna sell it.

>> No.2105875

>$50 to invest


>> No.2106311

$30/pair. You have to cum in them, though.

>> No.2106666

>social anxiety
>There is no future for me.

You need therapy first, then worry about making money.

>inb4 you have no money so you can't afford therapy

You have to find a way to unfuck your shit up