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20994183 No.20994183 [Reply] [Original]

It's a surefire way to build wealth, especially compared to those internet coins you "trade"

>> No.20994313
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because my Ph.D only qualifies me for unpaid internships. Meanwhile, south and east Asian H1-B employees are given all of the scholarships and good paying STEM positions.

>> No.20994822

Fuck you grandam, I have 60k in debt from just my 4-year degree. All the females are cam sluts who only say my name if I pay them $500. Housing prices have been going nuclear during the pandemic.

>> No.20994947

Japanese that bought real estate any time in the last 20 years are fucking rekt, and America's monetary policy is closely mirroring Japan during the lead up to the Nikkei crash, plus there is the headwind of boomer's dying off

basically if you buy a house now there's a strong probability of bagholding forever and I will laugh my ass off when RE speculator leeches get fucking dabbed on

>> No.20995027


>implying I want to buy some boomers old shitty house riddled with problems that I'll have to fix

Fuck off boomer. I'm buying my acres out in flyover country and having a prefab shipped out for assembly.

>> No.20995328

This... They sell their house for 650K but there is another 100K plus of fixes that need to done to the dump.

>> No.20995429

Why haven't you moved out to the country? That's the only way to get out of that house you bought in the 70's.

>> No.20995520

Houses literally can't continually appreciate without destroying the country they're in and rendering any 'gains' you made speculating on them null and void. They have to remain at a reasonable ratio of price:median household income or else new generations get priced out of home ownership, lose out on the most accessible way of building wealth/equity available to a normal person, and indefinitely delay major life decisions like marrying and raising a family because they never get to settle down. Community suffers as well because everyone is a fucking transient.

Houses should literally never appreciate and the expectation that they should do so is insanity.

>> No.20995628

Are you physicsbro?

>> No.20995721

Yeah, houses should be more like cars.

>> No.20995941

All the houses are treated like old sport cars. They have over 150,000 miles; the frame is rusting and the engine is gone. I want 60K for this one of a kind classic sports car.

>> No.20995967

because the market in my country is predicted to fall by 30%, they are even trying to offer 40k to first home buyers just to give builders something to do. It's a shit show.

>> No.20996000

Indeed. Instead they rise in value even as they rot away from the inside out until the hot potato game finally ends and some generation or other gets left holding the bags, has to take the whole loss on an unsalvageablr 150 year old boomer box and eat the cost of bulldozing and building a new house on the lot.

Since we're stuck in this game all we can hope for at this point is that boomers are the ones stuck with these rotting shitboxes when it all comes crashing down. The longer it takes for the housing ponzi to collapse, the more haplrss millennials and zoomers get wangled into buying these wretched faux investments with zero money down FHA loans and 'attractive' interest rates. Damned if you buy, damned if you don't buy. It's really a shit time to be in your 20s/30s looking to settle down.

>> No.20996009

>not owning a house in the current year

>> No.20996132

All the time I see some old fucking house that needed a massive remodel 20 years ago rotting away with empty to this day. All the while they could have gotten good money during the last few years by just labeling it as a fixer-upper.

>> No.20996489

Depends where you are, but for the most part, this is pretty spot on. I'm a real estate appraiser in a major metro area of burgerland. People, mostly chinks and pajeets, are paying a minimum of $650K for a 2,500sf home. Hardly any of them are completely remodeled. Most of them have original kitchen and bath cabinets with a new slab of granite or quartz on top and maybe a new roof, HVAC, or water heater.

If you do buy a house, NEVER buy it from a chink, pajeet, arab, or jogger. They all let their landscaping go to complete shit, never remodel or any sort of general home maintenance and there's always a lofting smell in the house that's near impossible to get out without completely repainting the interior and running oxidizers for about a week. Before you check out a place, go to your county's real estate tax website. They'll post the name of the owner and if it's a non-European or Latin sounding name, don't go fucking near it.

>> No.20997026

Only retards buy houses. You need to build a house, save money for land, then save money for the house, you can get the amish people to build you a nice house for less than $50k.
Don't be the slave owner for the next 30 years, all mortgages are a scam, me and my wife are in mid 20's and we already have a brand new house just build 6 months ago.

>> No.20997623

what if the last name was Tran and they bought the property and re-did a lot of things, windows, HVAC, roof, flooring to flip it and listed again 5 months after buying it for a 50% markup. How skeptical should i be of Vietnamese house flippers?

>> No.20997711

Everythig they did is stuff you could have done. Also they only fix shit you can see. It would have been better to rip it aprt from and saw the mold in the walls and roting roof.

>> No.20997821

whats the best way to make sure i dont get fucked. Do i have to know some good inspectors, or throw money at top-line inspectors if i don't know anyone and just cross my fingers for 30 years?

>> No.20998129

Yeah bro dont get a high paying job just live in bumble fuck no where

>> No.20998201

>running oxidizers
Can you elaborate on this please currently dealing with a smelly house.

>> No.20998226

Looking up how house are built and inspect it yourself. Inspectors have a check list of stuff they need to look at. But they don't know what is good or bad.

>> No.20998267

They create O-zone that kills everything. They are great for killing mold and removing smells.

>> No.20998494

Thank you, going to look for ozone generators!

>> No.20998573

Make sure you are gone for the weekend that you run the o-zone generator. It will kill you good if you left it run while you are home.

>> No.20998619


>> No.20998806
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>> No.20999512

After covid shutdown ends we will see inflation. Buying a house now is a good investment since it is a hard asset.

>> No.20999676
File: 924 KB, 1220x619, 850k for 2 bedrooms.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problems is real estate is in a bubble. A good portion of houses are not homes but are investments. If the markest crashes houses will crash to.

>> No.20999785

Those are for all cash Chinese buyers who have to park cash somewhere. There will never be a shortage of them to prop up prices.

>> No.20999801

It won't burst in boomers' lifetime. They will invite the entire Third World over if they have to.

>> No.20999809
File: 131 KB, 828x626, 1587966270842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did boomer, I bought the house the bank repossessed from you in the aftermath of 2008, which has 3xed since and I just cash out refinanced it and put all the money into gold, silver and bitcoon. Thanks for your out of control and irresponsible spending!

>> No.20999818

Damn nice. Post a pic of your wife.

>> No.20999874

To be fair, this is bainbridge island. The high cost is to keep the niggers out.

If you've ever been, there is not a minority person in sight.

I honestly don't know what the people do on that island for work, or jobs, or if they really, actually commute daily *into* seattle, or did pre-corona.

>> No.20999890

Who do you think will inherit the house? Prices aren't going down.

>> No.20999904

I brought a house in February. I'm 31.

>> No.20999932

Chinese and heavily-indebted Third Worlders will inherit them.

>> No.21000019

but now we have entire sections of cities empty because they're owned by foreigners who are never there. some of the nicest areas of SF, Seattle, hell even Boston are ghost towns, which fucks everything up for everyone else.

that's why when property taxes and the dollars worth explode at the same time foreigners are going to be dumping any property they can.

>> No.21000052

Whites are less than 50% of current births. In 20 years when the boomers are dead America will be Brazil with nukes. Investing in property here is retarded.

>> No.21000508

I can't wait for cities who destroyed all of the local businesses to raise taxes on the rich Chinese with property taxes. The Chinese will fuck off and finally, the masses can get a home. They just need to lower taxes in these hell hole cities.