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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 250x250, centric_cash_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20982206 No.20982206 [Reply] [Original]

The delusion of people who bought this piece of shit is astoundingly high.
In essence, you're throwing money in a ponzi which requires the price of CNS to go up if you want to see a positive 28% monthly return on the CNR you currently own. How does the price go up ? With people buying and believing this piece of shit has any value to begin with. It doesn't. The SEC already confirmed that it was a pathetic scam. Sell now if you don't want to get burned anons, some of you don't deserve this. Save your money and buy the Liru DLC from seismic instead of pirating it. Do it for canceranon

>> No.20982443


please ignore that fuckwit - CNR will have positive returns because of the CNS burn every hour, that's how the price keeps rising

>> No.20982525
File: 33 KB, 442x393, 1596145177764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure. Can't wait to see your words in one month from now when everyone has left this dead scam, retard poorfag. You disgust me

>> No.20982597

dude it’s 1 fuckin cent relax

nobody is getting rich of it and you don’t miss out on anything

I know you at just here to help others

>> No.20982604

CNR burns every hour, $CNR value goes up based on the burn.

The more $CNS is traded and the more $CNS value goes up (what you convert to CNR), the faster CNR burns.

So currently burning 160k CNR a day.


Because $CNS is pegged at $1 in the contract, they aim to be a stable coin/payment system/investment, when you trade $CNS for CNR it is swapped as if $CNS is $1.

So if CNR is $10 right now, you need 10 $CNS to get 1 CNR, which will increase in value by 28.5% over the next month, for 3 months, then drop to like 23% for 3 months, then drop to 21% etc etc etc.

Considering $CNS is only 1 cent, it has a minimum 100x and could even go over that $1 value if people want to have those %'s bad enough.

Imagine buying Tether for 1 cents when in the cotnract it is already seen as being a $1 stable coin, then swapping it for another nontradeable (market wise) Token that increases in value as it burns the supply of itself.

This creates a supply and demand complex that increases over months and months.

You can get 1 CNR for 10 $CNS now, but end of this month you will need 12.85 $CNS.

Have a look at the team, all code independently audited, full working product, full transparency.

Only reason it seems unbelievable is because you're this early.

Imagine telling people that held BTC at $20 it was gonna go to $10k, they'd think bs.

And with Bittrex listing, in 2020, they can't be risking their reputation with potential scams. They would require every listing to have all licenses required and legals covered and in accordance with all countries they serve.

A top 10 exchange wouldn't do or expect any less.

>> No.20982637


You think it's too good to be true? welcome to the WHOLE OF THE CRYPTOSPACE.

Look at all the other cryptos out there doing well, alot of them seem too good to be true to me.

But you know what? people still invest, and everyone knows they're taking a risk.

The people who take the risk are the ones that get rewarded when it all ends up good, or the ones that get burnt when it goes to shit.

The whole crypto space is a risk.

>> No.20982641

>deflationary tokens
And thats why this is a scam

>> No.20982669


here's what i posted in this thread talking about that sec warning from the fucking Philippines that is over 2 MONTHS OLD: >>20949826

"It's so fucking old

Just read this:

"Due to the above promise of lucrative return with little or no risk, price
predictability, and price stability, many investors are lured into CENTRIC’s scheme
even if its CENTRIC RISE and CENTRIC CASH are not yet listed or accepted in
public exchanges.
The problem, however, is that the value of CENTRIC RISE and CENTRIC
CASH now appears to be halted indefinitely. According to CENTRIC, it is currently
processing the decentralization of its tokens and is in the course of listing said
tokens on major exchanges around the world. Hence, until such time that these
procedures are finished, CENTRIC suggests that its investors should hold their
tokens momentarily or they may opt to sell or trade their tokens directly to another or
through a CENTRIC’s private exchange that imposes a “Trading Bonus System” or
a steep minimum trade volume requirement which is a favorite tool used by
scammers to prevent their investors from withdrawing their monies in its system."

It was posted before the exchanges, that's why they were worried"

>> No.20982691


All burn tokens are scams then?


"'m just curious if you think the 10th top exchange (bittrex) would list something that could have any potential to be a ponzi in 2020?

you think they don't do their research or ask questions?

That doc is outdated, and many phil people in the telegram are saying that it is outdated.

You do you anons, just don't fomo back in when it goes back up.

Bittrex listing IS happening, a major exhange with a reputation to keep, highly doubt they would list anyhting that has a chance of being ponzi."

>> No.20982703


Its now on exchanges, and getting listed on bittrex infact, as you would of seen if you fucking read.

there is 0 chance of listing this if it didn't comply with all required regulations.

You think bittrex. the top 10, is just gonna let some ponzi with no licensing onto it's exchange, potentially destroying its reputation?

it's from 9th of june, a whole 2 months ago. before it was listed on exchanges. which was their main concern. which is now obviously resolved. and they would HAVE to now be licensed."

>> No.20982705

Holy shit, every single sentence of your post reeks of scam
This is a blatant Ponzi scheme. Nobody buys into it other than expecting to get returns. It has no intrinsic value other than acting as a scheme to make money. Atleast with other cryptos and stocks there is an organic reason why it appreciates in price being demand from its application or business performance

Anything else is pure ponzi. Especially with the guaranteed returns
Don’t come and say we didn’t warn you

>> No.20982733

>All burn tokens are scams then?
If that’s the sole attribute of a shitcoin, then yes it is a scam

>> No.20982751

Bittrex has listed alot of scams, retard

>> No.20982875

>All burn tokens are scams then?
What do you think, retard? They literally serve no purpose other than being pyramid schemes. Are you doing it on purpose?

>> No.20982907

>This is a blatant Ponzi scheme. Nobody buys into it other than expecting to get returns. It has no intrinsic value other than acting as a scheme to make money.
I wonder why this is so hard for some people to get when you're actively fudding shit like ACID, Unipower or whatever staking token with no use case. They must know deep down that we're right but they have to fool as many people as they can to keep the machine running. It's disgusting.

>> No.20982962

Keep fudding. Not selling.

>> No.20982963


If you actually read anything related Centric from their website, whitepaper, etc. you'd see there are much bigger plans than that.

You do you and any anons reading this, making your own choice.

The whoe cryptospace is a risk, just depends on what you want to risk it on and if you want to take chances. Some chances work out alot better than others.

>> No.20982985
File: 23 KB, 973x315, 1596530081824.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This piece of shit reminds me of DVN but without the excruciatingly high entry and exit fees. And we all know how badly it ended.

>> No.20983135


>> No.20983185

scam scam scam

>> No.20983291

Lots of FUD in this thread, they tryna keep price low to accumulate.

>> No.20983345

Sure, it's the FUD boogeyman and not actual concerns.

>> No.20983631
File: 97 KB, 1204x363, scam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that the month old PH SEC advisory is still up even after the scammers "resolved" it by sending a C&D. This supposed C&D or official statement doesn't even exist anywhere on centric's website

www.sec.gov.ph /investors-education-and-information/advisories/

>> No.20984175


"The SEC"...yeah of the fucking Philippines. What a power house. That's been refuted. Centric's response has been copied on a facebook comment on here although I can't track down the source myself

So I dug further. All their shit checks out, check company filings on UK Companies House;

Company number 12358526

Company number 01033486

Check Endole for further company info.

So the Philippines have a problem with it but HMRC audits are cool with it? Yep, makes complete sense.

Do your own research and go down the rabbit hole you fudding piece of shit. Or stay poor. Whatever you wanna do.

>> No.20984374
File: 513 KB, 2490x1239, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice $29 off the shelf mailbox office you got there faggot

>> No.20984828
File: 38 KB, 979x386, 91596533859458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20984881


>> No.20985171

The fud is real on this project, I wonder why..

>> No.20985313

Might be the easiest 100x I’ve seen.

>> No.20985390


You don't understand holding addresses? Don't run a business? Umbrella companies are a normal thing.

Check their financial records under filing history, or you can choose on focus on an address like a salty prick.

>> No.20985455

The thing here is that's fucking me is the fact that the whole team is visible. You can go and put everyones name into google and you'll get a result. If anything happens they can be found and charged within an instant.

I sold half my stack but im keeping haf in high hopes, in profit already.

>> No.20985499

Apparently bitboy is doing a video with a team member, like an interview.

>> No.20985509
File: 193 KB, 1545x869, coomer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20985570

The cope ITT is real

>> No.20985639



>> No.20985800

You fucking disgust me and I hate you with every inch of my body, you smelly outsider. Why do you even bother to come and post your shitty overvalued shitcoins here instead of sticking to your putrid subreddits, Telegram pajeet channels or tranny discord servers? Lurk more before posting. LURK MORE BEFORE POSTING YOU FUCKING LOW IQ PARASITE.

I was unironically considering buying CNS after reading the archived threads and seeing how inorganic the FUD and scam posts were but your reply alone managed to be strong enough deterrent. I won't buy bags belonging to niggers or poorfags trying to spread their garbage on /biz/. Go back to where you came from and make sure to stay there with all of the troglodytes buying shitcoins. I hate your kind. I hope you die an excruciatingly horrible death for being poor and trying to bring everyone down with yourself.

>> No.20985872

Unironically based post

>> No.20985874
File: 37 KB, 650x376, 1594304711206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20985973

lol not selling u my bags ranjeet this is an easy 10x minimum

>> No.20986050

What kills me is how they think they don't look like outsiders because they're protected by the Anonymous. Or when they attempt to samefag but don't even bother to change their IP, and you see them posting with different "usernames" sharing the same ID.
You should abandon this place unless you plan to browse /smg/. Don't even think about Crypto unless you have a close circle of friends who aren't as retarded as the third-worlders browsing /biz/.

>> No.20986102

Imagine caring who frequents a Mongolian yak milking forum

>> No.20986175

Anon from biz reached out to Centric regarding the SEC FUD, it has been debunked.


>> No.20986423

oh fuck... they already knew about this and tred to get it taken down days after as it's completely false...

They sent me this response on Facebook messenger so I copied it into word doc.

I recorded a .gif of the convo I had with Centric as proof that I did talk with them. https://gyazo.com/8df7adeee2528d83b342a5ae6ffb9a5f

>> No.20986433

Baseless fud is bullish AF

>> No.20986998
File: 86 KB, 423x502, CNS Re.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahaha The Philippines SEC is busted and caught red handed. The Centric official statement is on the way. They busted each of SEC's claims with reasonable legal points and intimated them that such blatant accusation falls under defamation law. RIP for those who were caught up and sold their precious CNS at 0.0043. Up and up from here. 5 cents in 3 days.

>> No.20987008

Ultra Bullish

>> No.20987107

But anon, the outsider you’re responding to is a FUDDER. Real oldfags are buying CNS.
I’ll prove I’m an old /biz/fag, I used to frequent ASX general and bought tons of GXY for 0.18 AUD. I was also here when that UBS larp got revealed for not knowing what a Bloomberg terminal was

>> No.20987134

Who cares about the SEC PH ?
Would you sell your BTC when SEC US says BTC is highly dangerous ?

When you boys have started to listen to psychopaths ? You are just stupid niggers. Stay poor Idiots ahahahah..... and please sell all of your cryptos. You guys deserve the brutal side of hyperinflation.

>> No.20987861

I got into this pretty early but was not planning to add more after the pump, now after seeing the lengths to which FUDders are going to, thinking of adding much more

>> No.20987862

Threads are dying and the price is dumping at an alarming rate. It may not be a scam but it surely doesn't have any intrisic value. I hope you enjoyed the x5 from 0.0018 just like I did but now is the time to sell before you get burned. Don't get greedy, CNS and CNR don't have any future.

>> No.20988063

I am financially ruined

>> No.20988066

this 100%

>> No.20988179


>> No.20988203

>small correction after huge rise
>over $5 million in volume
>dying and dumping

>> No.20988255

Thanks all you Pajeet faggots. Now I know for sure I need to buy more