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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20979221 No.20979221 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw turn 26 in a few weeks and have 10k in debt, no skills or education no family or friends

time to just end it all right?

>> No.20979239

lol, i wish i only had 10k to pay off

>> No.20979238

do you have 1k link tokens at least?

>> No.20979249

Learn to code, do LSD or shrooms every once in awhile, make bank, buy LINK/XRP.

>> No.20979268

You’re only 26....

You have so much time to change your life, you have no idea

>> No.20979272

10k debt is nothing kiddo
family tends to be more of a liability than an asset, consider yourself lucky.
friends can be made overnight, you have your whole future to find them.
in summary, stop being such a pussy and harden the fuck up.

>> No.20979292

sounds like the world is your oyster

>> No.20979306

Get up early go to bed early
Buy link

>> No.20979350

At that age I was 27k in debt, filing divorce papers after a divorce where my husband ran up my credit cards while trying to get a girlfriend. I'd just been turned down for a job because I wasn't black and had no cash in the bank and no where to go.

I'm 41 now and have been completely debt free for almost 10 years. I am with a wonderful guy, my two jobs are okay and give me extra money to toss at shit coins. I'm the happiest I've ever been. It took me to about 35 to start getting things heading in the right direction but if I can do it, anyone can.

>> No.20979407

Great I just read your dumb fucking blog, the least you can do is show your tits. You know the rules.

>> No.20979503

I’m turning 29 next month, have 100k in grad school debt without a degree and a family that has all but disowned me for dropping out.
You’re gonna be fine dude. You’re gonna be fine.

>> No.20979513

well I do exercise daily, im from /fit/ and look pretty good these days so at least I got that going for me
yes I do need to harden up and quit being a vagina so often
I have no clue about crypto currency, guess I will start lurking here and learn the ropes
hm I thought everyone here was rich, thanks for putting things in perspective guess 10k isnt too bad

>> No.20979529

>tfw same situation but somehow scrambled enough $ together to get 2.5k link

i think i might make it actually

>> No.20979548

Bro you sound just like me.
Then I turned my life around and went back to school and got in shape and now I have a shity office job that I hate and still have no girlfriend. Welcome to the shitshow that is life.

>> No.20979562

Post ur hot milf milkee or GTFO

>> No.20979595

Read Siddhartha by Herman Hesse
There's more to this than materialism

>> No.20979855

Don't listen to the incels, I for one I'm glad you made it. Myself, I'm 33, and at a crossroads. List my job a month ago, couldn't make myself to find another, so just collecting dole, meagre savings steadily shrinking. Something has to give. Wish me luck.

>> No.20979972

Ah you are fine. Just get a job. Try McDonalds, if you work hard they give you good chances, even without edu. Iam talking about weststern world. If u com from east. Boy u done.

>> No.20980020


>> No.20980047

Good luck. I'm sending positive thoughts.

I have been on the net since the 90s. I just ignore the bullshit ;)

>> No.20980068
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>Don't listen to the incels, I for one I'm glad you made it.

>> No.20980149

You have come to the right place fren. This is your turning point

>> No.20980180

Leave if you don't like anime
Lurk 2 years before posting

>> No.20980240

>never had a job in my life, not one hour
>zero qualifications
>zero in bank
>criminal record

>> No.20980269

you have literally infinite time

>> No.20980303

Are you a cougar? Please say yes

>> No.20980333

Education and skills are overrated. Unless you're the literal best you're not getting a good job and even if you are the literal best you're still being devalued.

>> No.20980340

Just before you do, do the thing you always wanted to do, you know what it is, just do it, maybe its drawing maybe its talking to a girl just do it. Who cares what happens, see how it goes bro

>> No.20980405
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>not joining a money marketing gang at age 27 with a BA

>> No.20980542
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damn thanks everyone this board is actually nice, ill avoid sudokuing for now
feeling a lot more optimistic. maybe Ive been on /fit/ for too long, they would have told me to kms and given me 10 different ways to go out already, kek..

ive been off work for 2 years after repeated injuries and multiple surgeries but am in good shape today so can start working again. my old coworker is hiring me soon for 20/hour and I can start towards paying off my debt, then I will focus on crypto in the meantime I can read about it on here as I dont know anything about it, kind of overwhelming at a first glance.

>> No.20980589

Kek that’s what we used to call pharmacists.

>> No.20980595

10k is nothing lad, that's a used car loan.

>> No.20980630


>> No.20980639

>hm I thought everyone here was rich, thanks for putting things in perspective guess 10k isnt too bad
bro, most people in their 20s are in massive debt from college. 30s is the new 20s.

>> No.20980689

That's all really great to hear. Sometimes you just need a push from some semi-positive people. I know there have been times in my life where an internet stranger made all the difference. I have a feeling most of us are not social irl but interactions online really can help.

>> No.20980695
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You are going to do great anon.
You don't need anyone but yourself to suceed , I am putting my life back together after a really rocky 8 years (ex broke me mentally, injured out of occupation, depression ect) and I'm feeling better than ever.
We are your friends!

>> No.20980730
File: 74 KB, 640x853, 1593731449151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will you please, please, please shut up the fuck up grandma and either post your saggy tits or leave? is that so hard to understand?

>> No.20980821

You should go to a temp agency immediately. You can become a security guard, construction worker or office worker. 2 years ago I restarted my life with nothing after a 6 year heroin addiction. I had one month rent money of $500 and nothing else. I started as a temp laborer and after 1.5 years I got hired on to a decent job at a lumber distribution company. After 6 months Im making $20 plus benefits and all the OT I can handle. In the last two years I've paid off $7000 debt and saved up $5000. You can do it man it's just hard.