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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2097611 No.2097611 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2097622

flumpkins btfo'd!!

how will /biz/ ever recover?!

>> No.2097626

>confused and scared the world is changing

pick 2

>> No.2097628


>outlaw crypto

This boomer just mad his stocks are falling

>> No.2097629

Old rich white men mad at us young bulls getting Lambo's, what's new??

>> No.2097631

>Listening to an old boomer screaming about MUH LAW.

Is he gonna tell me to buy gold coins now?

>> No.2097640


What the fuck was up with that timeshare line at the end and who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.2097642

ah this is fucking great, made my morning anon.

>> No.2097651



>> No.2097656

He's raising a real risk dimwits. It may not happen, but it's a possibility.

> B...but Bitcoin is decentralised

Exchanges can be regulated/monitored/controlled, which you should know given recent developments in China

>> No.2097658


Actually he argues that gold is a poor investment because 1) it's at record high prices, 2) unavoidable flax precious metals tax, and 3) it's one of the first things to be confiscated by governments (see Executive Order 6102)

>> No.2097659

Ethereum will take its place. Fine by me

>> No.2097665

>bit coin

>> No.2097672

>Regulating exchanges
good luck

>> No.2097673

selling highly illegal goods on blockchain is a terrible idea

>> No.2097698


>What is this internet? How do I copy and paste?

>> No.2097700

Old fart doesn't know shit.

Ransomware existed WAY before bitcoin was even created and they still could get away with it.

>> No.2097709


All you coincucks can argue with the man himself:


>> No.2097717


>clueless boomer talking shit about things he doesn't understand on facebook

perfect example of why so many young people hate them, they really are the shittiest generation of humans in a long, long time.

>> No.2097729

They might not be able to stop Bitcoin, but they can make it prohibitively difficult for the average person to interact with, whether at the point of exchange, or at the bank level, or at ISP level...who knows.

Again, not likely, but it's a risk.

>> No.2097731

oh shit!
not John T. Reed
I'm out, selling everything now.

>> No.2097736

this so fucking hard

>he thinks international law matters

>> No.2097798

>"bit coin"
>blaming the messenger

Fucking oldcucks

>> No.2097810

This guy was probably crying and buying thousands of water bottles in December 1999 for Y2K.

Boomers can't into a world that's moving too fast for them to adapt.

>> No.2097840

Holy duck

Sell sell sell sell!!!!!

>> No.2097841
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>> No.2097852
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>> No.2097856
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>retard boomer trying to be smug about "not falling for these fads"
>his dad probably said the same fucking thing about the internet
Yeah I'm terrified. If those files were secured by a blockchain the damage couldn't have been done.
If corporations realized the potential in using blockchains and decentralization for security, the hackers wouldn't have been able to encrypt their shit and demand a secure and anonymous payment.
Fucking boomers are just scared of the forest fire instead of taming it and using it to cook their meat so they don't get salmonella

>> No.2097866

noone wants to buy your bags. Should've made a bit more research on this shitcoin, before buying such an obvious meme

>> No.2097940
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Boomers are cucks. I say it every day.

>> No.2098013
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>this guy becomes president and makes bitcoin, video games, and making him confused illegal
>buy up as much as possible the day before it becomes illegal to exchange to fiat and plummets to a fraction of a cent
>save it till AI take over the world and bitcoin becomes the official currency of the world
>buy a billion lambos and a harem of robot waifus

the perfect crime, i hope this guy is right

>> No.2098302
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>"the governments of the world"
>amount of times all governments have agreed on something: 0

Can't wait to retire with my bitcoin millions in a bitcoin tax haven while fiatcucks get buttrapped.

>> No.2098329
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We don't need the average person to reach moon, only fiat, stock and gold wallets to diversify their portfolio into bitcoin (and they will, since bitcoin will be the only way to have any financial privacy as governments ban cash and stop you carrying any gold, meanwhile you can move billions around with bitcoin like its nothing)

Also, the future is coming: Lightning network will allow for fully decentralized exchanges that exist nowhere to be found. Imagine a decentralized poloniex. Oh boy, the future is going to be fun for govt crooks and cucks.

>> No.2098792
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What is the best investment in alt-currencies today? If you had $10,000 which crypto would you buy??
t. Not a boomer

>> No.2098811

This argument is always funny to me.

>make crypto illegal
>supply drops immensely
>demand stays the same and most likely increases
>price goes fucking nutterbutters

Thanks, Mr. President

>> No.2098837

30% ETH
30% XRP
30% XEM
5% BAY
5% DGB

>> No.2098843
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People thought that Trump won because the world wasn't ready for change. No, it was the governments of the world weren't ready for change.

>> No.2098849

this. the only problem is cashing out, but that's easily fixed with alphabay

>> No.2098854

Pretty retarded desu, all I have to do is convert altcoins into ETH or LTC to get usd on the backend since it'll probably take congress eons to outlaw BTC even if they had the balls.

>> No.2098959

Will BCN drop in the next 24hours or keep going? I feel like a retard watching this moon mission break triple digits out of fear that it will fall back to the Earth.

>> No.2099009

HAHAHAHHAHA fuck, that's hilarious. Old timer will be dead by the time BTC reaches 2k. Tic Tac, times running out.

>> No.2099032

No. Who is this guy?

>> No.2099042

Ooooh I can feel his impotent boomer rage radiating through the screen, someone hold me I'm scared.
Tick tock boomer cunts your days are numbered.

>> No.2099055

>implying the chinks will ever get their shit together for lightning/block size increase

>> No.2099186
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>people unironically promoting xrp

>> No.2099533

Feds like bitcoin because it's so easy to trace.
This geezer needs to be put down.

>> No.2099676

>dvds will never go away
>netflix streaming? That's retarded
>who would want to watch a video on their phone, the screen is so small!

>> No.2099811
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>bitcoins fault people are using ransomware
>moneys fault people get murdered

what a juicy revelation my synapses are on overload

>> No.2099825

>if you don't stop allowing bank robberies to happen, the government will outlaw cash

>> No.2100239

>>Regulating exchanges
>good luck

>exchanging BTC-USD on some exchange on the cayman islands
>getting some huge transfer from the cayman islands to your savings account
>money laundering alarm bells ring
good luck

>flying to Uzbekistan
>exchagning BTC-UZS
>flying back home with some huge stack of uzbeck moneypaper (minus the flight costs)
>TSA asks you why you are trying to enter the country with unreported money
good luck

Now don't get me wrong, I'm not arguing that this is going to happen, but unless I can buy stuff with BTC, it is inherently tied to the banks and governement jurisdiction.

And bitcoin (and the alts too…) has a lot of issues. sure, you can use fiat money for crime too, and even with real anonimity, but it's a much smaller percentage and it has the benefit of being something everyone knows, so that folks just accept a certain criminal use. But bitcoin (and every single alt is a "bitcoin" too)? In the general public, it's just that interwebs crime money. And this is a problem.

>> No.2100262


>he doesn't have a hk and Singapore bank account ready

i'm not getting taxed mate

>> No.2100264


ancient autist can barely articulate what crypto even is, let alone warn anyone as he makes a comparison to a condo timeshare.

>> No.2100298

>>he doesn't have a hk and Singapore bank account ready
>i'm not getting taxed mate
No, I don't have one.
And AFAIK, that is not really doable legally if you are not a resident or citizen of one of those.
And still, your money is now in SK or HK. How do you get to use it back home without raising red flags?

>> No.2100307

IDK might pay a jew consultant to figure it out.

it's going to be hard buying a lambo without the tax man finding out

>> No.2100455

Gold is no where near its record high. Just saying in the interest of accuracy.

>> No.2100472
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Can't make this shit up.

>> No.2100475


>> No.2100538

U.S. is requiring FATCA clearance from all countries. You're gonna get fucked.

>> No.2100546


>outlaw bitcoin
>price shoots up even more

It's like they learned nothing from the the war on drugs

>> No.2100596

>not going all in on xrp

lol cuck

>> No.2100645
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>Buying cryptos in CHF CNY JPY GBP EUR KRW in Swiss, France, Bareinh, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, China, Australia, Russia
>Buying goods directly with your cryptos
>mfw it's already happening and no USA or EU ban on BTC can do shit about it
>mfw nocoiners are talking about banning a decentralized network

>> No.2100710
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>conveniently omitting his educational credentials


>> No.2100827

For the record, I'm no nocoiner, but I don't see any way that for the short to midterm crypto as it exists now will replace fiat. And I also see no way how noncriminal people would find any use for outlawed crypto.

>>Buying goods directly with your cryptos
Where? Where is a supermarket where I can do my grocery shopping with crypto? Where is a car dealer where I can buy my lambo with cryptop? Those are quite rare nowadays, and will become even rarer, should it get outlawed.
>Yes officer, that guy that just drove of my lot with a new lambo, I just gave it to him for free, because he is such a nice guy. Uhm, why my books are off? Well, bookkeeping are fake news, I don't belive in them…

Crypto is a fantastic opportunity, but you coiners are just so fucking delusional, you are even worse than boomer nocoiners.