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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20975014 No.20975014 [Reply] [Original]

The sale started yesterday at 5 cents and it's already at 95~98 cents on Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x84ca8bc7997272c7cfb4d0cd3d55cd942b3c9419 ending in 2 weeks. The reason why it's up so much already is because it uses a bonding curve model which basically means you'd better buy asap if you want to get a good price after the sale; this is also why the volume is insane already.
It claims to be more precise than Chainlink according to the Swiss Sergey:
>Swiss-based DIA was launched in 2018 on the back of a demand for more accessible and transparent data solutions across the entire digital asset and traditional finance space. Instead of offering data points and oracles itself, this platform lets the community to source and authenticate data via crypto-economic incentivization:
>“DIA sets out to democratize financial data, similar to what Wikipedia has done in the broader information space with regards to a central encyclopedia.”
>It offers constant incentives to deliver top-quality data streams and to scrutinize and enhance existing solutions. On the contrary, Chainlink normally takes prices from a few places which may result in inaccuracies.
TLDR DIA is pretty much LINK boogaloo, get in or get priced out

>> No.20975539

thanks anon, bought a bag. see you when we're link 2.0

>> No.20975659

i bought today, but it actually dipped with the sale

>> No.20975801

Only bought in under an hour ago apparently most people managed to get in between $0.80 - $1.50 (the latter being a ripoff due to the DIA site shilling their crappy exchange instead of uniswap). Still, I'll have some patience with this since after the sale ends there should be a juicy burn, but don't want to get too invested in case it turns out to be vaporware. Time will tell but hard to pass on something claiming to be superior to LINK right now

>> No.20976680

What's a make-it stack?

>> No.20977029

website is 404d. no real info on medium just shit about the token. seems like a scam

>> No.20977065

go all in sirs very good coin

>> No.20977072
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>> No.20977099

it’s cuz you’re in the US. use vpn

>> No.20977267

>tellor will be the end of chainlink
>bank will be the end of chainlink
>mobius will be the end of chainlink
>dia will be the end of chainlink

>> No.20977306

why the fuck is it blocked in US? i dont have a vpn rn

>> No.20977310


not to mention this shitcoins entire identity seems to be based around being better than chainlink
cope harder faggot uniswap shitcoin peddler

>> No.20977436

To deliver on this vision DIA is creating an open-source, crowd-driven platform powered by blockchain technology that enables the supply, sharing and use of digital financial assets and other financial data. DIA is designed for individuals and entities that rely on accurate financial market data in their decision making, or who seek to gain a trading advantage from accurate digital financial assets data. This includes individual traders, financial services businesses, family offices, funds, financial institutions, and specialised app developers.

i might be retarded but i just dont see how this can scale. tellor is doing a little of the same in that they are referring to actual people to report the data. rather than automated

>> No.20977455

more like DIArrhea amirite

>> No.20977901

its not meant to scale, its meant to ride the coattails of link as yet another defi oracle so idiots like OP make the devs filthy rich within a few weeks