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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20970715 No.20970715 [Reply] [Original]

dudes, i fomoed in at 4 bucks a year ago, sold the linkies, when it went down to 2 bucks. I'm so fucking pissed or sad or scared I don't know. I can afford to buy 10 linkies, I will just hold them for 5 years and I will make it too right?

>> No.20970760

What part of “Never Sell” was confusing for you?

>> No.20970988

Well 10,000 dollars is better than nothing I guess, good luck.

>> No.20971264

This board was all over the place. Some ppl were saying link was a dogshit coin etc, ASddfgfthfyjfth imma cut meself rn

>> No.20971702 [DELETED] 
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could barely scrape 4 link.
i dont even want to ask.. but seriously, I would be grateful if someone out there could even like.. I'm so fucking stupid, but my link address is here if someone could even get me 1 extra link on here.

i will let you know what situation I'm in if anyone is curious

>> No.20971739

Sorry man, you got tricked by the losers that said link was a scam.
Like another anon said 10,000 is better than nothing.
You'll still have to wage your whole life though.

>> No.20971763

Why would you post this? No one is going to do anything but ridicule you, and rightfully so.

>> No.20971764

I sold my entire 3500 stack that I held from .60 at around 3.20

I don't even feel bad lol

>> No.20971880

I cant even wage currently and about to be evicted. I got assaulted while I was at my gas station job, I'm so scared. and yes i suffered multiple injuries I'm just writing this with one hand, this country is a shithole

>> No.20971921
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Don’t be an old goy filled with regret. Don’t be like op.

>> No.20971926

Every fucking chainlink thread is a lie. YOU FUCKING CHAINLINK HOLDERS SERVE THE DEVIL and his creation (jews)

>> No.20971950

ridicule me? i have been doing this for the past 4 weeks, I'm genuinely interested if i can make it with 10 links, I'm just a lurker, my first time posting on here, i never understood what the fuzz about link was

>> No.20971966

Jannies, flagged for begging. Quit shutting up the golden streets of /biz/

>> No.20972025

>I'm genuinely interested if i can make it with 10 links
Fuck off retard

>> No.20972033

fuk urself

>> No.20972066

fukc u so much

>> No.20972191

holding 10 linkies for 5 years wont make it but it'll give you at least a few grand. just start going all in right now. try to get as many linkies as you can before it hits $100 per linkie

and dont fucking sell this time

>> No.20972265

Anon are you okay? What country are you from fren

>> No.20972305

You aren't mad at me, you're mad at yourself.

>> No.20972393

Why? You'll just sell again as soon as it either dips or it hits $10. You're not thinking ahead with link and it's use.

>> No.20972415

Buy a couple linkies every paycheck. Eventually you'll have a decent stack. Next time dont fall for the FUD.

>> No.20972444

poland sir. I hope i am okay, but i will be on the streets, i am considering suicide, I guess its better than being a shitstain or whatever

>> No.20972454

if only you had the iron grip of an xrp holder

>> No.20972517

Yeah man 10 is plenty. 810k

>> No.20972519

i am going all in, i just bought 4 linkies, currently just trying to sell anything I own for linkies, id rather live on the streets knowing I did the right thing for my future self. its a noble sacrifice, the streets cant be all that bad if I position myself right

>> No.20972545

Protip: Those guys were linkies. You fell for the FUD.

Once you realize that all the fudders are LINKies it becomes a big joke

>> No.20972591

if you are serious, i dont know why or how, but I will let you know. i will be so grateful words cant describe it

>> No.20972625

How many did you end up selling at 2$?

>> No.20972664

Also suicide is never worth it fren. There will be other opportunities in your life. Link is just one of many.

>> No.20972698

its fucking clever and cruel at the same time. i don't know if I should be pissed at the fudders or my self, I swear I tried my best to figure out why chainlink was so awesome and all that. but all I saw was "link is just 2 lines of codes etc" and some buzzfeed looking article saying absolutely nothing, there were words on the page but I saw nothing of significance

>> No.20972745

80 links sir. I will try to find the transaction if you'd like

>> No.20972853

WHOEVER SENT ME 5.5 LINKS JUST NOW. THANK YOU SO MUCH, I FEEL MUCH MORE AT EASE NOW. I will know at least I will have something in the future, thank you, thank you so fucking much

>> No.20972961

I suggest becoming a cute trap so you can slut your way through the streets to buy more link, or become a linkie's trap gf

>> No.20973024

cant even afford hormones.
AND There are no more paychecks coming

>> No.20973074

im not fucking selling. this is my hope for a better future

>> No.20973311


this is my deposit link if anyone wants to help me. thank you to the guy who sent me 5.5 link

>> No.20973497
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Shhh, there's more link over here

>> No.20973592

That wallet has $300+ in ether anon..

>> No.20973733

are you saying i should sell my copecoins for link?
i don't hold eth, only shitcoins

>> No.20973807

do you think ada and ripple will do anything? I'm hoping that link will dump at some point, so I'm waiting for the right moment, but I'm scared and i don't know what to do

>> No.20973953

Yeah probably, or you should flip shitcoins and hope you dont get exit scammed while you accumulate eth. I dont really have an opinion on ada or xrp

>> No.20974121

my plan is to just put my life savings in, which I did just now, and live on the streets, never check back in, maybe once 30 days before Christmas and sell a little, get a gym membership so i can shower a little etc.. wait for the dump that comes for Chinese new year, buy low and just wait again, its a waiting game. maybe I can even get a job somewhere, I've sent so many resumes at this point tho.

>> No.20974154

are those merchants selling eth at a discount at binance legit?

>> No.20974159

That’s why when another retard comes in to short link to 7 cents you should meme that into happening

>> No.20974217

are the main bagholders of link at /biz?

>> No.20974443

there will be a dump soon right?

>> No.20975238

sweet dyubs.