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20968911 No.20968911 [Reply] [Original]

if i blow my brains out because of this app, can my parents sue them for millions in damages?

>> No.20968933

I got banned. It has done wonders for my mental health.

>> No.20968955

They'd probably lose the lawsuit, but anyone can sue anyone for anything, assuming you live in Clapistan.

>> No.20968958

What seem to be problem dear sir valued customer sir?

>> No.20968986

yes, please do

>> No.20969018

I used a few dating websites, came close but never anything. Tried this bad boy out and 3+ dates a week.

If it's now working for you then you're a social retard.

Just normal looking or fun photos, hold some decent convo and dont reveal your power level - done.

>> No.20969052

That last one is hard

>> No.20969074

>match with beautiful girl
>chat with beautiful girl
>tell beautiful i want to meet
>beautiful girl gives me her number
>text beautiful girl
>beautiful girl replies favorably
>ask beautiful girl when she is free this week

>> No.20969117


>> No.20969127

Sir, this is common sir. Best to talk to womens 1 point below you sir. Find ugly girl sir

>> No.20969134
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mfw I have tried this few times in different years and bought the premium and boost. never got any likes at all.
nowadays I dont even care and don't bother to try anymore. I have my Linkies and computer.

>> No.20969153

How do you get banned from fucking tinder?

>> No.20969173

>Went on a date with a white teacher who teaches inner city black kids.
>Told her there's no hope for them
> Date goes south real quick

This said if she'd found me more attractive it wouldn't have mattered. I told another supposedly ardent feminist that I had 'only caught 40% of the leftist bullshit she was spewing' over drinks - still got my dick sucked...women are funny creatures

>> No.20969192

its just fucking retarded. why in gods' name even give me her number to begin with?

>> No.20969238

you guys really should take a long break from dating apps if not quit them entirely. not even advocating for full on MGTOW shit but the sexual market is all types of fucked up right now and we're starting to enter another crypto bull cycle. Take some time away from this shit and focus on you and getting your shit together. If you're in your 20s you have plenty of time to turn yourself into a more desirable man. You're wasting time and energy on these thots just to gas their egos up.

>> No.20969245

You're trying too hard bro. Women can sense the desperation

>> No.20969314

LMAO fuck that. I literally said "HEY! ITS ANON. HOWS YOUR WEEKEND GOING?!"

>> No.20969352

i quit for a fucking year and just got back on them 3 weeks ago. 21 days and i already want to die. i'm already 30, i'm fucking dying or already dead or i'm about to be i dont know

>> No.20969368
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I knew a guy who got banned for calling women 'sluts' repeatedly.

yes, he had mild autism and tragically he was not officially diagnosed.

>> No.20969394

aint chad, as i look like shit, sad tier picture.
whatever i manage to get laid once a month, i admit i fuck whale and butter face but at least i get to their ass, they barely decline it.

>> No.20969424

I get plenty of likes but the chats never last. I have no clue what I'm doing wrong i just don't get replies.

>> No.20969453

this, women will sense your needyness miles away, same for virgin, wizard and notlaidforyears case.
play it easy, dont try to hard, do it like you give 0 fuck.

also tinder giving me error now as i'm trying to delete an account, error cant process etc, etc etc

>> No.20969478
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chekd, anon tinder is not reality come on now, don't take it seriously and you'll be okay. don't ask these thots out, tell them shit, like "I'm going hiking, let's go" they say no? fuck it go hiking, the point is to have a good time regardless. you'll look back at this and laugh. desu i've started shittexting and it works, it's like shit posting but you might get sex out of it. i literally ask is coffee good for you top kek
I got b& spamming referalls for robinhood and webull

>> No.20969489
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unironically just stop watching porn etc. and also shut up. masturbate less. enjoy the bull run and stop thinking about all of that. do something productive instead of whining. You will feel a lot better after these simple steps.
I too thought that all of this is just memes, but it really helps.

>> No.20969566

bro i've been there trust me, i've been ghosted by two girls i was talking to within a week. not just like talking to on tinder, I had already hung out with both of them multiple times and fucked one of them. it's a really messed up dating culture and will ruin your ego unless you're chad enough to be completely unphased by that kind of stuff. for me the final straw was getting when a girl canceled on a second date the day before for an event that I had already purchased tickets to. I hit her up once earlier in the week and she didn't reply so I asked her the day before if we were still on for it and thats when she said she didn't want to see me again.

before this online dating shit people would date within their extended social circles and have at least some incentive not to treat each other like garbage. women have so many options at the tip of their fingers and will drop you like it's nothing for someone even marginally more chad than you with zero repercussions.

>> No.20969581

lmao bro. how the fuck can you say it's not reality? if these are the 1000s of women in my area, within a 20 mile radius and they are all swiping left on me. or uninterested enough in me to hold a conversation. and sure as shit don't want to meet me. what fucking point is there approaching any of girls at the grocery store, or the bar? because CONSIDERING the popularity of tinder, the girls at these places are probably on this fucking shit stain of an app too and they passed me up there, why wouldn't they pass me up in person as well?
also... shittexting has gotten me nowhere, in fact, i've become semi-convinced because I shit post so frequently its' fucked up my texting skills

>> No.20969617

what the fuck would any of that do? lmao i'm excited about the upcoming bull run but not having anyone to share it with, makes it just sad pathetic numbers ticking up and down

>> No.20969684

what a piece of shit culture. sorry that happened to you anon. that's fucking rage inducing. i hope MTCH gets fucking sued into the ground. it'll probably be decades before we begin to see the repercussions this business has had on the male psyche and it'll probably be devastating

>> No.20969767

find a sad whales willing to do any nasty stuff for your own pleasure.
then you will loose the pressure, women will sense it and it will goes better

>> No.20969797

i cant do it man, ive tried.

>> No.20969814

do you know any 10/10 willing to let you piss on her? i dont, but butter face could let you do it.
had probably the nastiest, craziest bitch ever, down to drink my piss from the tap, this was brillant.
tryed on cute girl later on, well she told all her friend i tryed to piss on her and she reported me on tinder, got banned as well.

>> No.20969815

I stopped using it when they made you accept some new terms of svc which was basically you couldn’t join a class action lawsuit against them

>> No.20969821

My profile pic was my dick bulge in my underwear for a long time and it never got me banned. It came out of nowhere and I have no idea what did it.

>> No.20969851

No. their finances would likely improve significantly if you were gone.

>> No.20969858

then the problem isnt from the girl, but you've to find whats wrong with you.
remember the picture just get you more match, having a good and true self confidence is probably more important.
also GIVE 0 fuck to those women, no matter what they tell you, never bounce on it, as she's no value.

>> No.20969876
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just test it out. you dont lose anything.
you sound like you just want to be negative and want to bathe in self pity. just man up and think why do you even want these things that you so aggressively moan about.
there is literally no reason, you are just bored and you have destroyed your brain by overdosing fast dopamine. I have been there too. it will get better when you accept your place in the society and realize that in the end nothing of this matters.

>just buy Link and enjoy the golden bull

>> No.20969935

I heard the same from my friend. Dating apps are lame. Way better chemistry if it's a natural connection in the course of living one's life. Love, like wealth, flows like a river from the hands of the impatient to the patient.

>> No.20970019

nah i dont want to be negative. but i do finally want to get what I WANT out of life. no more settling. no more compromises. what i want, i want to get. and yeah i guess i'm bathing in self pity at the moment because this loss actually fucking hurts. her not texting me back, when we were on the brink of meeting is just brutal. she was quite literally everything i want in a girl-- red head, curls, banging body, freckles, smokes weed. fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

>> No.20970056

30 on tinder bro its just not gonna work unless you're a sugar daddy...its okay man you just have to accept reality. girl on tinder is no different than getting an escort.

>> No.20970080

Yes it is. Probably best to not get attached

>> No.20970198
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the odds are not in our favor. acquire more LINK to ease the pain.

>> No.20970215

Stop being so fucking emotional, fucking have some self confidence and stop skimping over a thot.

Just hit like on every girl til you reach the limit or you've done it like 50 times or somethings. Otherwise you'll lose hours and precious time reading gay bios.

Any decent matches, just try and talk to them, mentioning anything about their profile will at least double your chances of a response.

Practice makes perfect, just keep doing it - you have to want to succeed

>> No.20970251

Anon not true. If she was real attractive then it’s different. Being a highly attractive girl is like having a lot of money. You know you’ll get another and there’s no reason for her to risk her super attractive life.

>> No.20970267

I felt better before reading that

>> No.20970307

alright. i've done like half those things, i just get hung up on the hot ones. then how do i get this 20 year old cutie over into my bed? i complimented her glasses, and she said she liked mine. i want to pin her against my wall. shes so sexy and she has this curly hair that makes me go fucking wild

>> No.20970488
File: 8 KB, 235x215, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes I know that it is painful. but also you are not alone with this. this is actually much more common than you would think. You just have to accept the fact that it is possible that you will never be liked by anyone, or that nobody even goes out with you. it is very unfortunate, but after you get over it, you can start doing things that you enjoy instead of just craving over something thats not possible.
I'm literally in the same boat, but I have started to think that the possibilities actually go up if you do things you enjoy and try to be happy alone.

>> No.20970501

it's water under the bridge. but yeah I haven't really done the whole online dating thing in a while since all that. my buddy slays ePussy on the regular but he's got 10,000 instagram followers so the bitches flock to him. he's got some serious fucking substance abuse problems and PTSD from the military so it's not all peaches and sunshine for him either. Also I probably have 10 times his net worth since he spends lives in an expensive neighborhood and spends a good chunk of his disposable income on dates, booze, and cocaine

>> No.20970529

she had no interest in you in the first place, she just liked the fact that you wanted her and gave her attention

>> No.20970543

one girl had a profile saying black lives matter, i texted her all lives matter, she reported me and i got banned with no warning

>> No.20970596

there are some websites that are trying to better the field rather than jew it up

>> No.20970646

>more chads get more women
>the rest of men in the dating pool are left in the dust
>80/20 rule becomes 99/1
>some bizraelis make it but are still autistic
what changes in society do you anons expect to see from this trend continuing?

>> No.20970660

If this makes you suicidal then you have major issues you need to work on and are not ready for a relationship of any sort.

>> No.20970704

>Just hit like on every girl til you reach the limit or you've done it like 50 times or somethings.
this fucks up your algo ranking. and yes there is an algo that ranks users by how chad they are. your swipe-right/women-swiping-right-on-you ratio is factored into this, as is the attractiveness score of the women who swipe right on you. your ability to get replies out of women who you match with is also factored into it. there are many reports of men being apparently shadow banned for trying to game the algo or due to Tinder wanting to extract money for premium services from men. they'll even make sure you get a ton of matches when you first make an account just to bait you into buying premium after they start hiding you more

>> No.20970723

those are my godlike numbers. they follow me every fucking where. or i follow them... i don't know. but see anon, i did do this for a year. and you know what i learned? is it gets fucking boring. it was fine for 10 months but then my pp starts to tingle and the urge to get laid, or at the very least go searching for it becomes inescapable. women seem to be a substance to life that is an unfillable void

>> No.20970724

slut shaming on mass scale

women are very weak against social pressure

>> No.20970778

Anon let me tell you a story
I used to drive for Uber. On several Saturday nights I would pick up women who were on their way out to drink/socialize.
Durring the car ride they would gossip. Just normal stuff. But let me tell you. Each and every that did not have their phone on silent had non stop tinder dings throughout the car ride. Even the fat ones.
There is a reason women are so fucking stupid and it’s because they have huge inflated egos from guys telling them they are worth something for having a hole in their legs. Do not let Tinder bother you. I’m good lucking and gave it up because women do this all the time on that fucking app. It’s a piece of shit that does nothing more than give women an ego trip.
I have made peace with it though because I have determined this is what makes women so fucking stupid and worthless. Mother Nature is cruel to men, Father Time is cruel to women.

>> No.20970789

maybe, maybe you're right. but i think if that were true... she wouldn't of texted me back at all.

>> No.20970825

every bubble will burst. always has and always will.

>> No.20970841

I wore a maga cap
Not even joking

>> No.20970864

The chads dedicate their lives to sex and pleasure, the autists focus on self improvement and getting rich. The chads eventually get left behind as the society of autists moves forward.Women see the change and tries to switch branch but it's already too late, they've been replace by AI gfs and sexbots.

>> No.20970866

hopefully making women a property again.

>> No.20970884

The women are fucking insane and did coke in my bathroom before punching me during sex

>> No.20970927

people but especially women in particular get a dopamine hit from phone notifications. it's like cocaine for them. maybe no one had hit her up that day so she gave you her number just to get that rush for a little bit

>> No.20971013

Anon, allow me to demonstrate. And keep in mind, I am only trying to help. I can tell from this thread, you care too much. If you are anything like this with women, I can see why they gravitate away from you. You need to relax, let things come to you instead of forcing them. Obviously as the guy on tinder you will have to be the one to initiate. But that's not what I'm getting at here. Your energy sucks. It's a dead giveaway that you're trying too hard, desperate, and miserable. Chill out, be cool, be funny, dont be so anal. Stop giving a fuck. Work on yourself. Become a better you. Have goals. Lift weights, research things you want to learn more about, work on becoming more successful, have a purpose. Start focusing on bettering yourself, and less on others and what they think. Work on being more charismatic and charming if you want. Be the star of your own movie. People will gravitate toward you while you're on your grind. Stop microfocusing on little things that dont matter. See the bigger picture. If you dont have a vision for yourself, how do you expect somebody else to see it for you?

>> No.20971023

I slept with a handful on Tinder, but it wasn't very fulfilling; looking back at it. The key is not to spend too much time on one. Women have a lot of options online so you want to meet up asap. Also, just swipe right on everything.

You could try to find a wholesome woman. Tinder roasties are not ideal and you would be better off investing your funds.

>> No.20971190

Instead of buying gold and boost and shit just pay an amateur photographer to take a few photos of you and edit them. This will go miles above gold/boost. I can't possibly stress how this is important. I've done this as a favor for a few friends and they are fucking

>> No.20971231

What kind of pictures work best?

>> No.20971330

you near women

>> No.20971408

>wants to blow his brains out because of a tinder thot
Never gonna make it.

>> No.20971536

If you have a dog/cat or have someone to borrow it those are the best. Otherwise just naturally smiling photos or neutral ones taken with a camera rather than a phone. You really can't go wrong. Just change the location and clothes and have him take hundreds of photos and some will be fine.

>> No.20971694

i appreciate the advice, anon. i've been trying to do a lot of these things over the past year. but no one gravitates to my movie... i have a vision of myself and i keep asking myself, who/where will you be a year from now? because i'm really close to just going fucking hard at it. working out, researching, learning, everything you mentioned. too bad, i get discouraged easily. like today-- wanted to do 100 push ups, crunches, squats, etc and i've done nothing because i'm so defeated over this girl not texting me back for over 24 hours now. she literally was my dream girl. god those fucking redhead curls..........FUCK. but i guess i don't have a personality. my problem is i actually do love life so much. and maybe that energy sucks, i dont know. but i think its fucking jubilant(outside of this ranting pussy post of course). and whenever i get a match, i want to tell these girls that i think they are fucking gorgeous and i'm ecstatic we matched. like this new cutie who told me she liked me glasses.... fuck the formalities, i wanna tell her i'm torn between wanting to pin her up against my wall and fuck her brains out or hop in a car together and travel halfway across the states. but why don't i say that? do i not because of the reasons you listed? my shit energy? my desperation? because this is where I get confused... to me it isnt desperation. its getting up and being fucking thrilled someone like this came along. so why not celebrate it? i guess i dont get it... i screencapped your post so i can re-read it incase this thread gets deleted because its really sound advice and i hope i can turn myself into a chiseled fucking god in the next 7 months to a year. but even then, i'm so fucking weak minded because i love the gluttonous things like taco bell and gummy candy. but i also love the definition i'm starting to see from doing all these push ups. god what a tormented life.

>> No.20971990

you literally have the day you match with someone to start chatting and meet them same day or next day. Confidence wins

The longer you stall, the less likely something will happen because they are probably messaging someone else.

>> No.20972046

Yeah, this seems like desperation and not confidence to me.

"When are you free this week?"

Like wtf, be direct. Say lets go out tomorrow at XYZ

>> No.20972115

then they go "sorry i'm busy" and then you're fucked.

>> No.20972131

tfw 36, on tinder, and own zero LINK

>> No.20972180

Post body

>> No.20972200

then move on

They found someone they got to them first
You legit have 3 hours from the first message to get something on lock or else you are wasting time.

>> No.20972346

This is incredibly smart. Anon, whats your top 2 crypto investments right now?

>> No.20972368

Depends on what you're looking for. If you just want to get laid yes. I've found more success stringing them along for a few weeks and then fucking them for months once we actually meet. It's not really dating so I don't have to put as much effort in.

>> No.20972403

Autist get blown out whores with two of chad's kids when they're in their 40s out of desperation while chad dies of syphilis

>> No.20972429

Sir have you try press reset button? Press reset 10 second

>> No.20973243

The owners of tinder are literally kikes based out of LA. Its a fcking psyop designed to make white males feel defeated... Its pure and unadulterated kikery...

>> No.20973254

I want you to read these next two posts in conjunction with my previous post >>20971013
Anon, your brain is functioning a mile a minute. You have a lot of potential. What you need to do is take a step back and learn how to harness your power and energy. You are in control of your life. I have been exactly where you are before. I know the vision that you're talking about. Let me give you some advice.
You need to focus more on the process, and less on the results. You said you are so close to going hard at it - working out, researching, learning. But you get discouraged. I am here to tell you to trust the process. You aren't going to become Chad overnight. And I don't think you want to be Chad. You have it in you to be something better.
Motivation is great. Hell, I use motivation all the time. It helps me when I'm working out, it helps me when I'm feeling down. It helps me when I'm at work. Reading inspirational quotes can motivate me. Some awesome music can go a long way to motivating you as well.
Now don't get me wrong, motivation is good. It's needed on a regular basis. But how do I stay motivated? Well, the truth is that I don't.
I have ups and downs. Some days I feel like I can sprint 10 miles, and other days I don't want to get out of bed. But, whether I feel motivated or not, I still get the job done. That's because I have something that's far more important than motivation:
When you have discipline, the fact that you don’t feel like doing something doesn’t stop you from actually doing it. As great as it feels to be motivated, it's important to understand that motivation will only take you so far. It can come and go in a flash.
Discipline, however, is rooted in consistency. It quietly, yet continuously, chugs along in the background. It becomes a part of who you are and what you do.
Don’t give motivation more credit than it deserves. You don’t need to be motivated to succeed.

>> No.20973283

What you need is the self-discipline to put in the work whether you want to or not.
A lot of people see discipline as a fixed and unchangeable personality trait where "you either have it or you don’t." In fact, discipline is like a muscle. If you don’t currently have it, you can build it. It can be trained. Improved. Made stronger. Over time, even small acts of self-control will make your discipline "muscle" stronger and better prepared for the next challenge.
Don't beat yourself up if you break down or "fail". Perhaps learn from it. What I want you to do is focus on what went right in those days that you succeeded. Those are the days where you learn from yourself. Those are the days where you showed the strength and discipline to achieve your goals. Motivation and all of the "benefits" that come and go do not matter. When something becomes a part of you, you dont need to even think about it. And that allows you to focus on the things that matter. You certainly have the discipline to succeed, you've shown it before when you began your journey and when you were proud of yourself for achieving those days, weeks, or months of success. It's not the end of the world when you have a bad day. But when you let that bad day compound into a bad week, month, then you are only hurting yourself. Take each day as an opportunity to prove to yourself that you can take that next step to better yourself. Every small step you take is developing an unstoppable force of discipline towards achieving your goals. Don't rely on motivation. It comes and goes. Train your mind, and train your discipline, to the point where external factors no longer affect your roadmap to success, and you'll take yourself beyond your own imagined limits. Because when you're disciplined, nothing else matters, and nothing will stand in your way forever.
Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. A ship in harbor is safe, but that's not why ships are built.

>> No.20973974

Legit best advice on biz today

>> No.20974137

really, really appreciate this anon. that's actually what started me on this journey to better myself: discipline. i have a note on my desk that i wrote out says "focused discipline" and yeah i failed today. hard. but i'm not going to try and let that turn into a week or more. just sucks i feel like i fell back to square one on this dating game. no more potential hotties. unless i adhere to the other advice in this thread and text her again just saying "come chill with me" or something more direct. i dunno. but thanks for the advice, its given me a lot to think about. i will try to trust the process, i just don't see how it will get me these types of girls that i get so excited for. its like... okay, i can be so focused and disciplined on the future but those external factors, like these matches, seem like they'll always get in the way.

>> No.20974756

This is not a bad idea. For whatever you're procrastinating, tell the woman come on lets do it. And do it anyway. She will say no but you'll do whatever you were procrastinating on.

>> No.20974791

Supposedly everyone has been getting banned the past couple months, myself included

>> No.20974877

>i want to pin her against my wall
tell her that in the 3rd message. It's fucking tinder.

>> No.20974909

My profile pic is Hitler and I still haven't been banned

>> No.20974954

What's a fair price to pay for photos? Is iPhone 8 camera bad? It's pretty decent.

>> No.20975006

well... so far she hasn't responded to my 2nd message, which said something about swapping glasses and when she ships out for the navy... why is my fucking life like this?

>> No.20975045

Tinder is dead
5 years ago you could pull 6s and 7s WEEKLY and a few times a year get an 8 or 9.
I swear all the hot girls went to OnlyFans because it seems like mostly fatties now.

>> No.20975057

>LMAO fuck that. I literally said "HEY! ITS ANON. HOWS YOUR WEEKEND GOING?!"

lol man you never text shit like this on tinder. Tinder is a HOOK UP app it's not a dating app. The problem is every girl knows this but will literally rather die of a slow burning flame before they will ever tell you anything true or accurate, especially about tinder. Women get bored or horny and get on there to fuck, nothing more. If you're a guy who met his significant other on tinder post 2017 you are a faggot. When a long time tinder roastie hits 37 she will finally settle for beta bucks fire fighter nerd with a pension who's like 52 who never married or had kids because he's a loser faggot... but he has pensions and a house so, "we met on tinder."

You need to treat those ho'z like literal trash, that's what they are and that's what they love being treated like. Treat her like the retarded child she truly is and she will fall in love with you for recognizing reality, dead serious.

duuurrr how's your weekend durrr lmfao. you need to tell her to meet up immediately and if she says she's busy you need to bantz the shit out of her and tell her to cancel her plans or you're nexting her. If she doesn't meet up that night or the next day or so next her and move on, she's been on 2 dates already while she's texting you and fucked at least one of them. "oopsie i don't usually have one night stands" -literally every sibgle slut on tinder

>> No.20975100
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Just bee yourself

>> No.20975196

>why is my fucking life like this?
When you go out fishing, are you mad that a fish got away and depressed over it? Or do you move on and try to catch another one? Every failure is reference experience so you know what works and what doesn't next time. Over time you build this experience. I have done this with my humor but now I'm too much of an entertainer.

>> No.20975267

when 99 of the fish are ugly, and 1 in 100 are gorgeous... yes. i'd get depressed as fuck over it. i've exhausted all my cute matches now, who knows when another one will come around. and i fail all the fucking time trying 1000 different things.

>> No.20975297

She’s interested but then loses interests when she gets the attention of a chad

>> No.20975318

This guy gets it. Stop wasting time trying to be accepted by thots and do activities you truly enjoy. Some good ones are lifting, shooting, and getting drunk nightly.

>> No.20975336

99 of the fish aren't ugly. You've become desensitized to the average woman through porn. Learn to see 6s and 7s as attractive girls and things will go much easier for you. If she is a 9/10 you will likely get. friendzoned or have to deal with attention from other guys all the fucking time, not to mention their exes.
That being said, a lot of girls on these apps are fat or black and no matter what I do I can't bring myself to become attracted to them.

>> No.20975374

You had 3 years!

>> No.20975406

i got banned on tinder twice.

always polite to whoever i talk to.
first 1 was maga hat, and OK hand sign.

2nd time was for putting "no atheists or jews allowed" for dating preferences.

i also clearly stated, all races/religions welcome, except for atheists and jews.

that was enough for ban.

other dating apps are alot more lenient.
my current profile has hitler in it.
no one gives a shit.

>> No.20975452

Number 1 thing you can do in my opinion is torrent Transformation Mastery by Julien Blanc and watch all the videos and be honest with yourself about your faults. This will change who you are at the core and remove a lot of neediness and naturally set you on the right path.

>> No.20975508

i dont think its neediness persay. moreso the constant imbalance of getting a response and feeling a rush to the crippling defeat of being ignored. That creates such a whirlwind of emotions in my life that it's impossible to stay focused

>omg she replied, im going to get laid
>omg she ignored me, i'm going to die alone
>omg she replied
>omg she ignored me

its fucking madness

>> No.20975623

You literally just described neediness. You're coming from a scarcity mindset rather than abundance mindset. Watch the videos, they'll change your life. They're not even about getting girls they're about truly improving yourself.

>> No.20975648

what videos?

>> No.20975724


>> No.20975814
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>my current profile has hitler in it.

>> No.20976038

maybe. i'll meet you halfway. maybe i'm seeing it from a scarcity standpoint. but my external environment(ie matches) kind of reaffirms its scarcity... and I'm watching one of his videos now on youtube, Level of Transformation. I've been listening a lot lately to Jordan Peterson, really have identified with his view on things. Like I posted above, trying to be better than who I was the day before(although I failed today)

but a lot of people hear keep telling me my desperation is coming out of what i'm saying... and to that, not only do I really not see it as I'm re-reading a lot of this bullshit but they also don't understand how much trial and error I have gone through over the last decade or so of trying to win women over. has it worked? yeah. has it failed? far more than not. if i matched with nothing but 9s and 10s i'd see the abundance side of it. and i actually did for a minute last week. 3 matches, very attracted to them. 1 unmatched me. 1 ignored me. 1 gave me her number then ignored more, which is why I made this post. To everyone sitting there telling me I should've just said come over and fuck my brains out, I HAVE TRIED. I've done that soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many times before and its had 0% success. Maybe 1 in a 1000 in the last 10 years resulted in nudes on snapchat but my approach, based off my personal experience, has netted me the most likely chance of success and thats still apparently fucking 1%. Even this cute girl from tonight... she said she liked my glasses, i told her i guess that meant we needed to swap glasses to see who was more blind and asked when she was departing for the navy. HOW IN THE FUCK DOES THAT ALLUDE TO ANY SENSE OF DESPERATION? It's flirty. It leads into her saying some time and allowing me to say well we better not waste any time then BUT NO. She doesnt fucking respond. It's fucking madness

>> No.20976119

Correct, "elo" score.

To be frank, you should be paying for the premium, for bumble/tinder/whatever - though if you are good with computers you can do a few tricks.

GPS location - you can forge your gps location via the browser developer options - sensors and pick wherever you want.

I do this to curate an area, get numbers and have people ready/waiting to meet. I've even had girls meet me at the airport and I fucked them long time.

On an android phone, there is the app "Fake GPS" but you must enable spoof gps location in developer options.


My current method is bumble, Tinder does not work unless you are attractive.


Bumble - 5 pics, portrait, me w/ cat, me with dog, tokyo, new york city.

No selfies. Stupid girls really love the cat/dogs because they make you relatable and not a "sociopath." You can go to a cate cafe, dog cafe, fuck a humane society and get a few pics and buy them some treats.

Then You put in your bio your instagram, a fake one, curated from bullshit travel pics, stolen or not. Depending on whom you want, wholesame, golddigger, etc you make it about that. Steal good redditor content or other IG. Does not matter, it's a shit account and should have *no* social standing.

Number should also be a prepaid or e-sim, makes it easier, and separates.

Create a social media profile with your name and verify it w/ the number - that is how you bypass the bans, they don't give a shit about your name or credit card number. There is a unique string, identifier for google, facebook, etc that makes you unique. Higher the number, newer the account, etc.


Talk, use the STAR method, learn about who they are, if they are happy, what they want, when they last had fun, family doesn't matter.

Curate the converstion to talk off the app, IG helps, FB makes you *wow* higher quality because you "shared" your life identity with them.

Say hey-glad to meet, you're going to delete the app (unmatch them afterwards, screenshot for trophy)

>> No.20976156

Am I based if I didn't know what the app was until >>20969153

>> No.20976216

After that, you need to make up a motive, or reason to meet, if possible referencing an opener from before -

"Hey, I'm new here from NYC, show me your fav place/bar/whatever" should work.


"you're pretty cool, I'd would love to learn more about your thoughts and world perspective" bs

Then if you're going to fuck ,have a plan of action, a workflow, thinking ahead, try to avoid car, unless you have a suv. Hotels can get pricy, like $80-180/night in USA, $10-50 in Asia/Japan so that isn't so bad.

you should avoid bringin them back to your place as that ruins your OPsec.

Then you can have fun breeding them or robbing them or whatever you want anon.

Be confident.

Create plan.

Put your photos, bio, ig out there.

Pay for bumble premium so you don't waste your time swipping.

Don't do paypal, direct CC so you can chargeback if banned, I suggest lifetime.

Delete account and re-create it every few days to get new matches and score higher on the match ratio, purchase is restored as long as you use original account or reach out to bumble support.

tl;dr shitty direct sale techniques, nice photos, look attractive, pay for the date, fuck them, let them chase you. Even better if you accidentally let them know how many matches you have, but don't boast, and if you deleted the app, don't let them know cause "trust"

>> No.20976252

>use the STAR method
>not the dennis system

>> No.20976298

Yea get out of tinder guys. If you're not a model or on steroids, it's wayyy too much work just to land a one night stand with sluts who fuck 20 guys a year, or more. My self esteem and mental stability have appreciated by at least 10% each quarter since I got out of that scene. Easy gains bros. Drop the sluts, quit porn, clean up your sexuality, and look for an honest and reliable woman who will stay with you and respect you

>> No.20976397


Trust me Julien will help a lot more than Jordan Peterson. Look at that long fucking wall of text you wrote. All this shit is in the back of your head when dealing with women and it is your mind working against you.

I've watched tons of videos on YouTube, the actual Transformation Mastery videos are way more helpful and can be torrented. Also, it might help if you adopt a modified persona since this current character you are playing in life is unsuccessful. Kinda how he does in Fight Club after burning down his apartment.

>> No.20976399

>direct CC so you can chargeback if banned
lol they ban people that pay? amazing. i figured that was one of the draws of actually paying.

>> No.20976435

> look for an honest and reliable woman who will stay with you and respect you
ok how do you do this part

>> No.20976462

if she doesn't have a good relationship with her dad stop talking to her and try again

>> No.20976509

You know, fuck DENNIS should work.

AS for "paying" for it.

YOu pay for it because you don't fucking sit at the app all day swipping. That creates a feedback dopamine loop of "feel" good bullshit

"Maybe the next swipe is a match."

Then it goes ding, the phone vibrates, you then wait, for the fucking reply. Fuck that noise.

Feedback loops are evil, you must put your phone on silent, disable all alerts and fuck that *noise*.

Engagement is how these apps make their money, the more time you spend on it == adds to their money.

Let's see if I get banned if they can tensorflow image detect this one. :D

"but anon, $50 is to much for 6 months."

How much would you pay a hooker? Average cost in USA is about $150.

How much would you pay for drinks to get brushed off at a bar? $20? $40?

Set it up like fucking email.

>The 50+ is a limitation, it won't list more than 50.

>> No.20976533
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Yep, you chargeback as services not rendered, screenshot and I haven't lost yet. So fuck them.

>> No.20976607

Is there a service where you just give someone your account info and they swipe and chat and arrange dates for you?

>> No.20976612

lel checked

>> No.20976628

go read the terms and conditions. You can't sue them.

>> No.20976662

Also, Bumble is a russian psyop, if you inspect headers, you'll see an invite to apply on the badoo website. https://badoo.com/team/jobs/

They also have other messages there if you investigate :)

>> No.20976700

I thought of doing this too, the only thing that makes sense is a virtual assistant. You can hire a filipino to do it for you for about $2-3/hr, or if you bring them on full time, about $400/month.

I have two, and they enjoy the work, so I'd suggest it - just you're giving alot of power to a virtual assistant, especially if you're fucking and chucking them.

Especially if you're in the Philippines...

Which I somehow usually end up, lol. :D

>> No.20976746

Also illegal in CAlifornia, what they say and what is legal is not ==, they put that boilerplate to deter and have their customer service point to it.

You send them service, (service is a fancy legal word for paperwork) in breech, or notice of small claims (process server essentially.) you get your way.

Their legal departments are will also do almost anything in terms of refund or such too, but private platform == you'll be deplatformed.

>> No.20976756

What's your endgame, anon?

>> No.20976829
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Yeah, I'm thinkin we're based

>> No.20976906

i dont even look at women for longer than i absolutely have to, and i sure as hell dont talk to them (anymore lmao) because im on a mission. now if one starts to flag me down or actually try to snap me out of it and force my attention towards her, sobeit, but i have goals that i have set for myself and at the ripe old age of 27 women have sabotaged me time and time when i make the pursuit. so im going to make my life about me and when i can finally tolerate the risk (think investing) ill may or may not go for one. that was more about me than i had start out wanting to write but i see a lot of myself in you and i think we're both gonna make it fren

>> No.20976923

It seems like this thread was solved long ago. I am going to prune it now because it is a question and answer thread that has been answered.

You have 5 minutes to post gore pics and call be a jannies and then it’s over.

>> No.20976928

as for the new IG, did you buy followers?

>> No.20976968

No damage with us....
What do I need to deposit my account @Bitcoincomgames? So simple ones you have a Bitcoin wallet then you are free to go. @bitcoincomgames doesn't select which Bitcoin wallet you must use, any Bitcoin wallet is allowed for the deposit which enables you to "GAME IT"

>> No.20977075

this felt bad. this is a sick culture we are living in.

>> No.20977111

india has no right to exist

>> No.20977659

I don't know anymore, at some point it was fun, but now I'm lost and lonely and like to travel and fuck random pussy and have them say it's okay, no condom.

Then I feel good, chat a bit with them and fade out.

I have a spreadsheet with their info spanning the past 4 years, and it's fun to go look and see their social media. Sometimes I fuck around and add them back in my life, but have to be careful because it ruins my opsec and sometimes they'll message girls I put on "my day" or "tag" on IG in terms of finding more information, where I'm at, etc and it can foil a new match.

I'm not kidding about the "my day" thing at all, you meet a date, do a selfie together, and tag her and have other people send hearts and shit really makes them feel like you're "someone" and special.

And to think that's all fake, and bought.

To be frank, I put in a ton of effort and string them along a few weeks at a time because digital nomad makes travel lonely.

And I hate socializing and winging shit myself.

>> No.20978047

Fuck that's sad

>> No.20978165

Tinder literally doesn't work at all for 90% of men and i do mean 0% success rate. If you're not a shredded model you need to use your personality and game, which are only possible irl

>> No.20978178

I'd be a wing once LINK is $100 and I don't ever have to work again.

>> No.20978272

Is this schizoposting or can anyone corroborate that people actually do this

>> No.20978408 [DELETED] 
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Listen guys,
It's really better to not give a shit abt women.
If you MUST give a shit, literally go right now and search youtube for "Alpha male strategies" and watch all his videos. Its basically this hilarious redpillled New York black guy and he totally lays out all the secret keys of female psychology.
For example: replying to girls within a few hours is a HUGE TURN OFF TO THEM!! you have to leave them hanging and wait, so that they assume you have a life, and they will be more attracted that way!

I swear I'm not a shill, I watched his videos for a few months, used the techniques and now I have pic related. Just took the screenshot now, not gonna reply to her till tomorrow. It works

>> No.20978673

lol i posted an album as my profile picture and made a cringe info about just wanting to fuck and do drugs. Would only recommend if you want to get a disease and fuck mentally unstable girls.

>> No.20978729

based, I did this as well for some time.

>> No.20978840
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Don’t ask if she’s available, tell her to meet you in 48 hours

>> No.20979437


Ever wonder why a girl deletes their instagram, or invites you to like her new IG?

The spreadsheet is trophy shit, I don't do physical because I travel and minimialistic and that pill. The excel links to chat logs, photos and other info I put down. Some of them I have a one note w/ diary entries and some are just a loose assortment of logs, whatapp backup and photos.

Sometimes I forget what birthday I use, but lately I've been doing it around my *real* one and it's unreal how they remember and buy me gifts.

It's all fun and games, but condom is safe and some girls I don't look at for fear I did breed them and they got preggers.

>> No.20979585

3+dates a week? You must have zero standards

>> No.20979642

Just be Chad dude lmao haha

>> No.20979734
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probably since the justice and law system in the USA is completely fucked up.

>> No.20979941

imagine putting this much work into to get some pussy when chad just uses the apps for free and smashes all the thots with a simple “dtf?” text

>> No.20979978

Schizo it is then

>> No.20980028

Do you guys really go through all this for a nut

>> No.20980323

This is fucking pathetic really. Imagine going through all this shit and then blaming other men for not trying enough while whores don't have to do anything at all just exist. Fucking pathetic, what a shit culture to live in.

>> No.20980889

>bohoo girls dont respond
>bohoo girls ghost me

guest what losers, IN REAL LIFE 100% OF GIRLS WILL RESPOND YOUR QUESTIONS. REAL LIFE is more easy than tinder. go and talk random girls on the streets, gym, coffee shop.

>> No.20980925

Cope, looks are everything

>> No.20981047
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PSA for all lonelyfag anons ITT:

If you actually care about being rejected (as in; you actually give a shit about what women think and/or desire companionship) you shouldn't even be on tinder in the first place. You should be talking to girls IRL and using other dating apps. Tinder is THE hookup/slut app and despite being the most normie/popular app it's far from the only opinion and many self-respecting women won't even make an account on there. It's a filthy app.

Being a chad and looks maxing like an autist has nothing to do with it. (Just don't be unwashed and disgusting) You just learn how to communicate with strange women and relate to them better over time and you learn the dating game. You get ghosted sometimes. Doesn't matter. Set high standards for yourself and don't ignore red flags because you're FOMO on a relationship. Patience will reward you with a girl worth investing in, in the end. Until then date multiple women at a time casually so you're not devastated when one ghosts you. Never believe that having a woman in your life will solve all of your other problems, but it can help give your life direction. I probably never would have even gotten my first job and would have kept being a NEET if not for the desire to fit in with my peers while dating.

t. I met my fiance on PoF after probably going on 200+ dates with girls on there not including girls I asked out IRL like cute cashiers and shit.

>> No.20981265

This. But they might live in a shit place.

>> No.20981344

i get off on them telling me i can fuck without a condom too. i rarely do it without a condom though, only if they have an iud or can't have kids, but i love to hear them say fuck me raw

>> No.20981410

This. Tinder is a hookup app to women not a dating app. They will never admit this but its undeniable if you observe with an honest eye. I’ve fucked so many girls on tinder, every single one of them claimed to “not here to hook up,” and guess what many of them did on the first night? It’s retarded. The more aggressive I was right off the bat the faster they were willing to hookup. It’s all so fucked

>> No.20981820

Idk why but this thread really sealed it for me. It’s either go minecraft mode on a girl or just target lolis. If I can meet someone through mutual friends that’s great, but after years of going to house parties/bars/clubs etc., that’s still never worked out for me. My friends seem to pull gfs out of thin fucking air but they practically never bring around any decent looking single friends.

>> No.20981935

I asked a couple of "girls" if they are traps

>> No.20982612

Same and I'm not even sure why I care honestly. Not just because its futile, but because even if hell did freeze over and I did have a future with one of these and had kids (which is the whole point), they would just be clones of me; shiftless little spergs who are completely incapable of reading social signals or subtext and are painfully aware of their deficiencies and so lock themselves away to avoid further humiliation, and that's no way to live. They'll spend their adult years cursing me for bringing them into this world. So why even.