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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20966746 No.20966746 [Reply] [Original]

Any tips to get started in crypto?

>> No.20966769

Don't. I am 18 and look 65. It's been 1 year.

>> No.20966776

You need at least 16gb of RAM

>> No.20966933

What happened?
What other computer requirments are there?

>> No.20967622

Yes acquire some then you will have some.

>> No.20967705

Any advice on what sites to use when trading?

>> No.20967736

Buy ETH then trade that ETH for BRR

>> No.20967749

Ignore the XRP shills. they are boomers left over from 2017 that never made it.

>> No.20967786

Ill check it out.
Which coins should I be looking at and which ones to avoid?

>> No.20967790
File: 903 KB, 705x1216, F051A282-4394-417D-9641-09E7F0FA976C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy link and roll dubs

>> No.20967848

start with this playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41JCpzvnn_0&list=PLU52pNodXIGdM6XDgHVG7DsPytlsrR_6b

I'm new and this has been very useful

>> No.20967861

How high do you think it will go? and how long until 10+

>> No.20967889
File: 49 KB, 1024x876, Ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure will thanks for the link

>> No.20967987

This 30-y/o boomer has learned a thing or two over the last long while:
>don't jump on hype right away; wait a couple weeks
>put in as much as you're willing to lose
>avoid selling the bottom; set checkpoints and don't sell until you make them
>get in early, understand tech, follow social media
For what it's worth, I'm all in SUTER, VRA, LINK, XRP, ETH, and BTC + running an Idena node. Hope you make it, newfren

>> No.20968030

Hey no begging!

Haha just kidding.

>> No.20968083

Thanks for advice pal. Which site is most trustworthy/Easiest to trade on?

>> No.20968091

few newfags understand what 'crypto' even is
Learn to pronounce
a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units of currency and verify the transfer of funds, operating independently of a central bank.

aka most of the shit on here is not crypto, its blockchain.

>> No.20968319

A lot of folks in these parts use Binance and Kucoin for exchanges. I'm sure other frens will be quick to chime in.
In the meantime, Coingecko should have all the info you need RE: trading platforms/pairs

>> No.20968425

Thanks fren

>> No.20969327

Just buy BTC, ETH and Link for your first three months
Only use gambling money
Don't diversify
Don't chase a pump
Read biz/ continually until you can smell curry at 80 words per second
When the FGBR has come and gone, BTC will still be #1

>> No.20969473

>watch alot of tranny porn
>call everyone who disagrees with your very limited research a fag and a fudder
>buy chainlink and shill it 24x7 or don't buy chainlink and fud it 24x7
>everything you don't buy is a scam and tell the people who did that they are ngmi
>watch even more tranny porn
>hope your shitcoin gamble pays off

>> No.20969591

Solid advice lmao

>> No.20969666

Thanks for input

>> No.20969802

>tell your friends your in it for the tech eventhough your not in it for the tech
>argue mindlessly that your vaporware will be better in 10 updates vs someone else's vaporware in 10 updates
>tell everyone...when_____gets implemented_____will be the new the bitcoin
>watch even more tranny porn because /biz/ convinced you all women are whores and goldiggers, deep down you know its true
>actually get a tranny and you liked it
>wait 3-5 years and repeat