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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20964978 No.20964978 [Reply] [Original]

>start college in September
>parents told me to get job so I have money to last until Christmas
>started crypto trading in June with $600
>now it’s hit $5000

At this rate I’ll have enough to pay for 1 years rent and not have to worry about living like homeless person, and it’s all thanks to crypto.

Why do boomers think that back breaking wagie jobs are better than sitting at home all day making fat stacks.

>> No.20965121

>>started crypto trading in June with $600
>>now it’s hit $5000

>> No.20965286

>why do boomers think jobs are better than sitting at home all day

Because anon, theres more to life than looking at numbers on a screen, some people actually enjoy their work but thats a whole life lesson you will learn soon enough

Also ripple 22$ EOY

>> No.20965342

High risk high reward. It’s essentially gambling but I’m slowly earning a nice amount of BTC and ETH every week thanks to shitcoins.

>> No.20965408

I enjoy playing xbox all day and profiting from my coins at the end of the day. Living like a NEET is much more enjoyable than being a builder or flipping burgers all day

>> No.20965458

>Why do boomers think that back breaking wagie jobs are better than sitting at home all day making fat stacks.
You answered your own question in >>20965342
>Its essentially gambling

>> No.20965562

I just hate it when they think they accumulating interest over 50 years whilst working a shitty job is the “key” to a good life when we all know that it’s completely false

>> No.20965608

My high risk high reward strategy is only temporary. I’m only doing it to get as much BTC and ETH as I possibly can

>> No.20965731

You're catching wins in a bull market. I started around the same time and have seen similar gains, but I'm not delusional enough to think that it can just continue on at the same rate forever.

>> No.20965797

> doesn't know about taxes lul

>> No.20965883

Listen man, this is a rare time. Since I’ve been in I’ve been making wild gains, but I’ve been on biz for months before where it was almost complete stagnation. So be careful. Make sure you are learning valuable and practical skills for when the market isn’t on a constantly upward trajectory

>> No.20966025

Same. But I might as well ride the bull until I fall off


I started just for lols but it’s paying off and I have finally found something I’m good at other than being a disappointment to my parents. I have seen the 2017 archives and I know when enough is enough

>> No.20966082


been in this game for 4 years, don't get cocky. you're in a market that has shown it's first signs of life since 2017. Just hold onto your shit and don't sell, you'll be extremely regretful if you cash out now thinking you'll always have this opportunity.

>> No.20966156
File: 21 KB, 432x288, 2F177D96-818C-4B36-8D9A-AF3A3524CA06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooo fucking cringe. I can only imagine what you look and sound like. Get a grip on reality

>> No.20966256

>Get a grip on reality

I’m literally a NEET making free money on my PC. What do you expect?

>> No.20966301

Fucking xrp shills. Someone is paying you faggots. /biz/ hates xrp. And somehow, just somehow, there’s about 15 xrp threads at one time lately.

>> No.20966371

Cause the shit is fucking pumping you retarded bitch. I’m here to make money. I’ve made +50% in a fucking week and a half dumping shit into xrp after reading one of these. Fuck you

>> No.20966382
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I bought in under .20c now its .31c of course I’m gunna shill it, then I’ll dump when it peaks and buy the dip. Then move on to another shitcoin

>> No.20966391

/biz/ hates losing money and for the longest time indicators were suggesting a bearish down cycle. Now its showing a bullish reversal and XRP has crazy profit potential. Notice that the higher Link goes the less enthusiasm and shilling? That's because there's less profit potential at higher prices. Believe me the XRP shilling will go down after it's over 3 dollars.

>> No.20966407

Fuck you r3ddit coinbase user. You are shit at the bottom of my shoe normie fuckwit

>> No.20966414

I like your style friend

>> No.20966445

Its not ever going back to $3. Sorry to yell you this to you idiots, but the xrp shills are literal Israeli glownigger agents trying to use the q anon movement to get people to buy their Jewish bank coin. Craig will crash btc before $1 xrp ever happens. You fuckers are DELUSIONAL

>> No.20966502

You seem emotional about your coins which I've always found bizarre.

>> No.20966516

Fomo is a negative energy source anon. It’s okay to be angry because you missed out lol

>> No.20966564

I don’t understand why people are emotionally attached to their coins. No matter what shitcoin I’m buying whether it’s a scam or not, I’m only in it for the monetary gain

>> No.20966605


can you just shut the fuck up and stop pretending to be some sort of wealth god? so fucking cringe dude

>> No.20966694

I’m only here for the money and nothing else.

Go work your cringe 9-5, I’ll be gaming.

>> No.20966728


bitch i've been in this for 4 years, my dog holds more than your shitty college fund. just stop.

>> No.20966799
File: 472 KB, 1000x667, 2023C316-B81E-4B0B-86FB-C98113FFB3E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get back to work or I’ll garnish your wages

>> No.20966880


how about you garnish this dick

>> No.20967589

XRP is meeting very stiff resistance at 31 cents. DUMP DUMP DUMP EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW!

>> No.20967614
File: 148 KB, 493x500, $(KGrHqF,!iEE-kqHDNp7BP)R(6NU9!~~60_12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no wait, wait for OP's expert opinion

>> No.20967645

XRP is the ticket. Don’t be stupid, just Hodl.

>> No.20967654

>At this rate
This never happens.

>> No.20967687
File: 136 KB, 1073x1245, Eehwkj2WkAEHUFk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, in the know.

>> No.20968173

> will everyone rich

>> No.20968294
File: 40 KB, 640x556, 20200801_221226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think 20 years from now telling a young generation to "just invest in crypto" like we did.

>> No.20968371

>hy do boomers think that back breaking wagie jobs are better than sitting at home all day making fat stacks

Because Boomers are literally wrong about everything nowadays and are only living life now in this timeline as spectators from a safe distance with all their given wealth