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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20948741 No.20948741 [Reply] [Original]

How are your investments going fren?

>> No.20948803

My investments are good friend. Now that I have solved my money problem, I can focus on my next one. Do you have any good advice on how I would go about finding a wife? (seriously).

>> No.20948806


>> No.20948850
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Pretty good. Profits were bigger but I think it'll get to normal... Even better!

>> No.20948860

where do you live?

>> No.20948878

This "fren" shit is the gayest fucking faggotry I've ever seen. It's worse than smug anime posters, because I know it's the same fat disgusting smelly pieces of shit posting it, but at least the site was founded on weeb shit and anime posters don't think we're all friends here. We're not. We're strangers who share a common interest, but we're not fucking friends. Yeah we're all fucked up but I hate the wallowing in self-pity from these fucking NIGGERS. It's reddit dogshit. Retard faggotry like "fren" and "tendies" is NIGGER NEET SHIT HUMOR and I wish all you faggots would kill yourselves.

Seriously, I mean it. Buy a gun and fucking shoot yourself frogposters. It's not funny, it's not cute, it's the same "uwu so wholesum" bullshit tumblr does.I fucking hate normies and I fucking hate you.

>> No.20948946

>Do you have any good advice on how I would go about finding a wife? (seriously).
What I did/am currently in the process of doing (mid twenties craddle catholic)
> Be or become Catholic or Orthodox
> Go to mass regularly (so people know your face)
> Go to confession
> Confess porn addiction and that you are recovering
> Priest is sworn to be rather martyred than break seal of confessional
> However Priest can tip of parents that you are single
> Parents start shilling their teen daughters to me
And here I fucked myself over
> Have volunteered for work at parish so about half the cuties flirting with me are in a "business" relationship with me
> Wait until the project I volunteered for ends (around fall), so I can take the cutie of my choice

>> No.20948960

everything is gonna be ok fren

>> No.20948986
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You're going to cop a spanking for that potty mouth!

>> No.20949010
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Why are you so rude, fren ?

>> No.20949019
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only eth is doing well with 50% plus. i opened a small position after the chinese banks barred their customers from trading precious metals because i considered it bullish for btc, eth and shitcoins. stonks are deep in red.

>> No.20949023
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Goodbye, fren

>> No.20949024
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well how about this, fren?

tongue my anus, dumb kike nigger

>> No.20949028

gay faggot

>> No.20949039

Good advice. Do priests seriously tip off parents? This sounds too good and easy to be true.

>> No.20949069


>> No.20949070
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Spaghetti for frens. We will make it.

>> No.20949076

everythings going good fren, i know we will all make it we just have to wait

>> No.20949220

Church is a great place to meet a trad wife


Yum yum yum

>> No.20949241

>Do priests seriously tip off parents? This sounds too good and easy to be true.
People talk and the priest is the head of the parish and has to know his sheep.
Obviously you have to talk to him a few times so he knows that you are overall of good character.
You can casually drop that you are lonely and or looking for a wife. I once a bit snarkly remarked to him when he was asking me how life goes how hard it is to find a proper woman in the west. He nodded knowingly and a few days/weeks later parents started asking me
> Hey anon, do you know Anonette?
> Hey anon, Anon just became XY years old, oh how I hope, she finds a good guy for her future *wink* *wink*
> Hey Anonette, do you know Anon over here, he is a good XY and does YX, maybe you can meet up sometime
> Hey Anonette, do you know Anon? He does YX at the parish? well no? So I will leave you here for a sec so you can acquaint each other.
Directly asking your priest (after you know each other for a while) is also perfectly fine. A good priest will be more than happy to help his flock out and play matchmaker.
You faith has to be sincere tough.

>> No.20949433

i'm making some pretty marginal gains while i figure crypto out...better than taking losses for sure. hope to find the next 300,00xer one day

>> No.20949527

I have doubled my stack but can't cash out half to pay off my debt in case I miss the moon. Did the same in the last bull run, lost 90x when it crashed, I would have been comfy

>> No.20949548

Need some fren advice.

What the fuck do I do with my 100k FTM stack? I feel this coin should have well and truly mooned or crashed and burnt by now.

It's so fucking stagnant. Holding seems stupid, though I don't really feel like selling or accumulating more.

>> No.20949565
File: 12 KB, 176x346, Alex_boyd_khorne_berserker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I delcare you non fren

>> No.20949597


If you are in the green sell some and put it into either RLC Bancor or Swipe for next pump this month

>> No.20949602

where's fagit jr. when you need 'em

>> No.20949621
File: 28 KB, 413x395, Animudoitfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

somewhat based

>> No.20949866
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this is the most autistic post i have ever seen

>> No.20949895
