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>> No.20948094
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>> No.20948106
File: 298 KB, 1600x1200, m4a3e8_001_of_109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MSFT up TSM down premarket

the m4a3e8 sherman was the best all around tank of the second world war

>> No.20948109

NIO moon today

>> No.20948120

Buy HBP on open.
Thank me later.

>> No.20948131

>VAR on possible siemens buyout news

>> No.20948132
File: 625 KB, 1241x811, amd_earnings2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a real redhead

>> No.20948160
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im scared frends, today is my first day on the market
am i gonna make it

>> No.20948171
File: 388 KB, 918x918, 1522919409356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So when does does market crash 2.0 happen? Whoever wins the next election, they'd have time to see a great "recovery" from a market crash if it occurs near election day

>> No.20948172

Holding fat stack of calls. Really really really hoping this pays off today...

>> No.20948173
File: 762 KB, 480x800, 1572712678220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sold a 2.5 put on them late friday for 1.05 desu
ridiculously cheap for the premium

>> No.20948176

I agree, Shermans were underrated. g*rmoids will jerk off to their KANG tigers and other retarded logistic shitpiles, while Shermans were focused on crew survivability and quick repairs. They didn't guzzle gas, they weren't hell to keep running, they weren't death traps like ruskie tanks.

>> No.20948179


>> No.20948195

>tsm down
of course i buy top

>> No.20948201

You'll be fine. It's monday.

>> No.20948208
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>am i gonna make it

>> No.20948209

>Under the agreed transaction, Healthineers will acquire all shares in Varian for $177.50 each in cash, representing a 24% premium to the U.S. company’s closing price on Friday and 42% above its 30-day weighted average.
Who here /buying VAR calls/?

>> No.20948212

Anon. The US is going to war with China. People aren’t interested in buying chinese shit. Too risky

>> No.20948242

TSM is totally a good long term buy right?
>you bought the top didn't you anon
N nooo i totally bought at a reasonable price

>> No.20948244
File: 634 KB, 777x1100, 1595662377123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

according to 4chan it will happen later this week

>> No.20948267

According to smg it should have happend a month ago.

>> No.20948326

The US will do everything in it's power to avoid conflict with any country.

The level of appeasement we have seen from the entire world on Chinas actions show just how weak we are. Whilst we have to de-arm because of global relations China is building and showing off their army of bug men. They exploit our open system whilst also using their own system. I've been saying this for years but the west's freedom and prosperity will be it's own downfall.

Basically what i am saying is that i hate China but i know they will win so why not bet on them winning?

>> No.20948353

>I've been saying this for years but the west's freedom and prosperity will be it's own downfall.
Historically its always been racking up enormous debts in foreign wars. Germany, Spain, Britain, France, Russia, Japan, Prussia, Greece (and Rome), Egypt, Austria, etc.

>> No.20948362


You’re a glass is half empty kinda four aren’t you. Every country in the world is sick of China and they just crashed the world economy with their virus and the awful handling of it.

They won’t survive this

>> No.20948378

The world got too distracted by election talk and black lives matter. I bet they will do nothing, so far we have seen them ban huwei and tiktok but if all what they have is banning chinese data gathering methods it won't mean much.

>> No.20948402

Going to war with China is impossible. Our balance sheet is beyond fucked, can't afford it.

>> No.20948403

Too late now unless your good at scalping. Plus look at the spreads, not option friendly stock.

>> No.20948413
File: 3.71 MB, 2572x1574, Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 3.01.08 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pros of this timeline: absolutely remarkable headlines

this is a good art

oh no is it crashing??

decent chance this will be one of those wars without any shooting, it pretty much has been so far

>> No.20948421

I set a limit buy for the memes. If it doesn't go through it's fine.

>> No.20948443

All around was T34.

>> No.20948459

Look for the US trying to stash intermediate range missiles somewhere in SEA after terminating that treaty with Russia.
That'll start some shit.

>> No.20948469
File: 158 KB, 1200x1331, Cooky.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckkkk why is BILI, which I didn't buy, pumping while TSM, which I did buy. dumping?

>> No.20948480

Where my NET bros at? And are we going to see MARK pump this week? Let’s get those fake dollars boys

>> No.20948482

i hope not

>> No.20948501

There have been times in history where china looks super strong and then just implodes into chaos and cannibalism.
It's just what they do. It might take some time though

>> No.20948502

Oh also $MSFT too late to hop on the hype of the potential TikTok buyout?

>> No.20948504

give companies that run freight ships.

>> No.20948505

The Karen meme isn't even about race. I hate the media so much.

>> No.20948511

>not buying OTM options yoloing everything or nothing

>> No.20948532
File: 126 KB, 320x320, 1594102268517(1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Karen meme: so hilarious
>Latoya meme: much racist

I just want to buy bili bili at a reasonable price desu

>> No.20948534

>not immediately going yolo on AAPL puts on margin
NGMI but won't be broke

>> No.20948561

looks like it takes 3 days to be cleared for options trading on TDA

ill just yolo with my paper money account

>> No.20948593
File: 245 KB, 110x110, 1589405619540(2).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my first day
>already on way to do options in 3 days
>3 days

Why do you hate your own money so much?

>> No.20948609

dumbest, gayest stupid shit pic ever

>> No.20948625
File: 833 KB, 912x807, UaRKN9w0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck happened to Peter Schiff? Dude looks like he got AIDS.

>> No.20948626

How many days does it take for a man to be prepared for the options

>> No.20948631

Still a chance to buy BILI before it reaches $50. I have faith in the weebs and vtubers that it'll grow.

>> No.20948635

Prolonged gold dust exposure
Doctors won't accept anything but fiat for treatment

>> No.20948645

Lotsa late nights on 'phetamines watching and waiting for big thick green candles

>> No.20948656
File: 370 KB, 300x300, Fiery_Akko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will beat the market duh

>> No.20948664

I'd like to know as well. My broker won't let me do spreads. And I really want to. How is mitigating risk gated off to rich people?

>> No.20948668


>> No.20948672 [DELETED] 

Fuck I closed out of QQQ at 265 on Friday. /NQ is DEEP GREEN, FUUUUUCK!!!

>> No.20948681
File: 169 KB, 646x700, 1595849934036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is going to be a good day.

>> No.20948699

Options are a zero sum game so of course there has to be designated losers

>> No.20948702

i was expecting a much bigger pump. This is actually a bit disapointing

>> No.20948719

Why the FUCK is TSM down fucking $1.19???

>> No.20948727

How much do you have in your account? Apply for the highest trading permissions.

>> No.20948729
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the "pump" is really underwhelming so far

>> No.20948743

im expecting $14 eod what are you feeling for the eod?

>> No.20948749
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there is a green feel in the ether

>> No.20948769

WKHS $17 premarket.
What the fuck. That's a new one

>> No.20948770

Thoughts on getting MSFT calls?

>> No.20948781
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if you mean NIO they have to break $16 or even $20 and they have to do it quickly

>> No.20948785
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>> No.20948787

And +11% now $17.10
Wew lads is this it

>> No.20948789

China can hardly feed it's people, it's citizens all know how fucked the ccp is, the government is run by nepotism, and nobody can do their job. China is showboating, and only a threat if their leader goes off the hinge and starts bombing shit. China is good to watch but they were only ever an economic threat. It's all showboating.

>> No.20948809
File: 38 KB, 651x513, 469731E4-482D-453E-8093-A59477E13840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is there a triangle in the wall? Is that a rip in the fabric of spacetime?

>> No.20948829
File: 696 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20200803_064041_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's mutts law even on stocktwits.

>> No.20948835


Damn. Wish I owned more horsies

>> No.20948843
File: 3.11 MB, 2400x1800, 82739673_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DJIA will close at 1.3%+ today

>> No.20948853

>sold apple in hopes for it to dip
>it doesn't
>sold amd in hopes for it to dip
>it doesn't

>> No.20948854
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only 1.3%?

>> No.20948869

Nak is closed. What did they mean by this?

>> No.20948884

Glad I bought wkhs end of day Friday, what you think it's going to continue it's upward trend?

>> No.20948897

Why are you trying to time massive cap tech stocks lmao. Just buy and hold newbie

>> No.20948913

Swing city is airlines, cruise lines, and oil to farm robinzoomer money

>> No.20948952

Name one time a popular karen meme wasn't a white woman.

>> No.20948955
File: 33 KB, 350x556, 435534254325342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do retail buyers know anything other than
>buy the dip
>stocks only go up
You need that sort of mindset in order to baghold at the top, I do give the institutional PR department's props for that.

>> No.20948976
File: 293 KB, 1333x2000, everglowbrasil-1164259248823574530-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

karen got hijacked quickly to mean whatever they want it to mean

it can be the person refusing to wear a mask or the person telling you to put your mask on depending on the persons interpretation

my opinion karen is just a boomer insult like "turn the music off" to the neighbors

its not anything to do with race but most karens are white middle aged ladies

>> No.20948981

Also dollar is up along with stocks, this is new. Could be really for tech if this is people realizing they're country currency is going to be worse than ours

>> No.20948982
File: 468 KB, 1125x2436, 2071B8A7-1589-4F31-9D02-6FF6642C9F6F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is AVTX booming this morning?

>> No.20949005

Shares of AMZN, MSFT, AAPL, and GOOG will now replace treasuries for foreign debt servicing.

>> No.20949011

What do you mean? It only took 16 years for the NASDAQ to recover from 2000 bubble, not factoring inflation

>> No.20949021

yes, we also know
>it's crashing, better sell
at the bottom

>> No.20949037

Poorfag Brit who has £15,000 life savings. Equally divided going into the following:

>GRG @ 11.80
>EZJ @ 4.96
>BVB @ 5.6

Will I lose my savings /biz/?

>> No.20949045
File: 5 KB, 394x115, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heil Hortler XDD

>> No.20949067


ok, we have recognized you though, Mr.K-pop, so now talk about stocks or get the fuck out.

>> No.20949071

That's what it appears, the NASDAQ will be the new global exchange

>> No.20949084
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stocks are boring i just invest in whatever meme and try to make some money

>> No.20949098

Is izea a buy?

>> No.20949102

What's it mean when a stock is closed premarket

>> No.20949112
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reverseu splittu

>> No.20949139

>was planning on buying this morning if it looks like we're going up
>didn't for some reason I can't even explain to myself
>now it's green clown time
Why do I keep doing this

>> No.20949147
File: 576 KB, 773x773, latest-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big pumpu pumpu today

>> No.20949150

>Putting your life savings in Greggs, Easyjet and Dortmund..

Seems a little bit meemy lad..Why haven’t you invested in US stocks as well?

>> No.20949158

Except for the fact that we are in a market-wide bubble, reference DJIA. 2002 was almost exclusivity NASDAQ, that is true.

>inb4 its a shakeout better not sell
most retail normies will not sell at the bottom, more like 50-80% down. We will return to the mean at around 10k DJIA. When we are at the bottom, nobody will want to touch the market, if you bought rel estate in 2010 you would be called an idiot.

Why haven't you killed yourself yet you dumb nigger.

>> No.20949164

Is MSFT pumping solely on the tik tok potential deal?
This is beyond retarded.

>> No.20949180

Ofc it is but who cares as long as you profit

>> No.20949183

Ya seems so, watch all the 16 yr old Robinhood Retards buy MSFT to protect their investment in TikTok

>> No.20949199
File: 1.33 MB, 1024x569, 1595452362357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.20949202

Yes. Shit is retarded

>> No.20949214

in a world where tesla is $1500 you think $210 for MSFT over rumors of a major acquisition is beyond retarded?

>> No.20949228

>if you bought rel estate in 2010 you would be called an idiot.
Trump literally said in 2008 that it's great time to buy real estate and anyone who listened to him is probably rich by now.

>> No.20949238

has there ever been a bigger CHAD FAD than apple?

>> No.20949245


In fact, here it is. 2012 not 2008 but my memory is shite.

>> No.20949246

what in the fuck is HIHO and why is it pumping on literally nothing but bad old news?

>> No.20949254

Any CLX call holders? I named dropped it last week for you guys. Earnings beat by 25 percent. See you guys on the moon.

>> No.20949256


>> No.20949258

Not in this millennium, that's for sure

>> No.20949260

I am talking about retail fags that lost everything on their housing stocks and their foreclosed house.

>> No.20949269

Not exactly retarded, scary mostly. I've been holding a lot of MSFT and I know that if the deal doesn't go through not only this pricing-in will be completely removed, but the disappointment will make it drop to early June lows.

>> No.20949275

>I am talking about retail fags that lost everything on their housing stocks and their foreclosed house.
lol who cares about those retards.
If you mean business you buy physical. CFDs on precious metals are convenient, but ultimately if you don't possess, you don't own.

>> No.20949289


I am financially unruined

>> No.20949304

I normally don't be emotional with my plays but I am holding these KODK puts out of principle. I'll probably be out like $200 when all is said and done. But fuck a federally funded insider trading pump and dump. Holy shit

>> No.20949312

I’ve been holding MSFT since before the tiktok rumors and I agree with the how it might be affected by a failure to acquire. I am very hopeful though as MSFT is publicly pushing the deal now. https://twitter.com/microsoft/status/1290064457612197888?s=21

>> No.20949321

Karen meme attained normie adoption with plebbit stories about these sorts of women. It was/is a bunch of first hand accounts, often from retail employees, of poor interactions with the type. Race is rarely specified. The original archetype, which started here, was near wall to post wall women, usually mothers, treating retail employees like garbage, starting with some nothing problem escalated by the woman via invocation of the 'can i speak to the manager?' opening salvo.

>> No.20949327
File: 240 KB, 2048x1364, Beautiful000113-1287342110438383616-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine being such a cuck that you continue to use tiktok knowing that microsoft owns it

>> No.20949329
File: 177 KB, 436x361, 1588949590923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in the respect that retail is pumping the market today as it always does and is left holding the bags, that is physiology that will define the bottom. The bull trap will be everyone that hadn't bought the paradigm and figures it will reach those levels again, hence buying the dip. I am merely defining the physiology.

I do own physical, even if we do not get a bull run soon where I can dump them, they will still worth holding onto 30 years from now.

>> No.20949335


>> No.20949342

>Is that a rip in the fabric of spacetime?

>> No.20949360
File: 58 KB, 618x589, EKNYRKZUUAA4th-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when you realize one day Microsoft and Amazon debt will yield less than US Treasuries

>> No.20949379

How green will NASDAQ be today?

>> No.20949393

Amazon sent out a bond notice and it was 10x oversubscribed at a 3% yield
People will hold Amazon bonds with <1% yields than treasuries.

>> No.20949395


Is this why WKHS pumped a little pre-market?

>> No.20949398


>> No.20949405
File: 169 KB, 1080x1350, 74618351-2BF9-4C3C-966C-4E48D588ADFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TECL chads rise up

>> No.20949416

I was being a sarcastic, I couldn't imagine waiting that long to break even at the top

>> No.20949417

Let's just say that your QQQ calls will be printing by 11am at the latest.

>> No.20949435

>KODK pumping again premarket

>> No.20949439

Dumb as shit, you may as well send over all the money for EZJ to me.

>> No.20949448

i don't know but holy shit

>> No.20949450
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>aapl still going up

>> No.20949468

so TDA lets you start trading at 7AM EST, are there any places that let you start even earlier?

>> No.20949469
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>retail traders using their access to premarket to buy at the day's top

>> No.20949474

>look mom i'm pumping it again kek

>> No.20949478

being manipulated again right now pre market

>> No.20949494

Do u use tiktok ?

>> No.20949502

when is the split going to happen?

>> No.20949513
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Welcome to pain and suffering pic related

>> No.20949523
File: 2.52 MB, 2730x4096, Oiko_Yujin-1229271654531887104-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yup i do but i wont be if MSFT owns it

china spying > usa spying

trust me

>> No.20949543
File: 67 KB, 665x387, gbdbbggg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20949558

thank you but at least my first half hour has been good!

>china spying > usa spying

If i lived in china, my internet history would have resulted in my organs being harvested 10 years ago

>> No.20949560
File: 645 KB, 1027x1059, 1595665639053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By the time they announce anything is because all the inside traders are waiting for your money to pour in and short don't buy the news but the rumor

>> No.20949562

>they will still worth holding onto 30 years from now.
Stocks are a transfer of wealth from the stupid to the intelligent. It's a consequence of things.

>> No.20949573

I'm fucking buying it

>> No.20949584

Apple is going to $500 minimum before the split.

>> No.20949590
File: 133 KB, 600x900, egMIAmyanmar-1230390786316849152-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and we dont live in china

they cant hurt you

usa can hurt people and abduct people and do whatever they want with them

>> No.20949598

As it stands MSFT and Amazon has less chance of immediate overnight collapse.

>> No.20949609
File: 2.27 MB, 1350x1920, 1594239037280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rember to have fun!

>> No.20949627

Holy fuck Apple is never gonna gap down again?

>> No.20949631


>> No.20949643

this fucking thing is going astronomical today

>> No.20949659
File: 105 KB, 1432x932, Screen Shot 2020-08-03 at 7.35.33 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot SS
400-500% today guaranteed

>> No.20949664

>tfw portfolio is exclusively AAPL MSFT and SPY

might actually decide not to kill myself today

>> No.20949665
File: 66 KB, 784x574, 1588029447648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

roll for MSFT breaking 216 today

>> No.20949682

SOXL appears to be the better bet

>> No.20949685

Don't die friend we're strangling bobo with his own guts by Friday

>> No.20949686
File: 194 KB, 1181x1748, 1543599858394.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NASDAQ ON 11,000


>> No.20949689
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Gotta try to push snibby off the chart otherwise he's going to sit there and destroy all options traders with the flatness and the endless fake outs leading nowhere.

>> No.20949697
File: 618 KB, 900x647, 57-571660_collection-of-free-pepe-transparent-pepe-laugh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the west's freedom and prosperity

Your country is worst in every way to Nazi Germany, your only freedom is to consume one processed shit with All kinds of chemical trash like silica and other hormones not labeled for pig consumption.
Even the open movement privilege americanas used to have, has been resented and your only allowed to move from communist California to crony capitalist New York.

America is a fucking oligarchy ruled by Botox addict child molester and faggots, you can't even speak up your mind with it having the Gestapo coming to burn your house.
Shut the fuck with muh freedoms, you're a sheep and you'll be slaughtered for no reason other than entertainment to your king and queens in Congress

>> No.20949702

>everything is mooning but the Russell is literally a breath away from red again
When does this meme end?

>> No.20949713

We eating good today my niggas

>> No.20949714

Because if it trends down the economy collapses

>> No.20949718

russell updates like once every 4 hours

>> No.20949728

Everything except my stocks are going up

>> No.20949730


>> No.20949744

I love it when that happens though
go snibby go !

why would anyone buy russell right now

>> No.20949746

Just waiting for a little Apple dip...

>> No.20949757

Buy the Denny's.

>> No.20949773

>DXY recovering
Well, there goes that excitement.

>> No.20949776

Market is not even open yet?
How the fuck your cherry is already popped?

>> No.20949789

MSFT announced they plan on buying tiktok's American business yesterday. is it a buy on the open or will it jump and trickle down over the day?

>> No.20949801

The karen meme has always been reserved for white women.

>> No.20949802

Boomer millennials don't seem to like TSM nearly as much as they do AMD

>> No.20949816

DPHC will be today's darling

>> No.20949817

I wanna know the same.... I have 1000 to invest

>> No.20949820

So what will happen? WKHS is not directly linked to this apart from the 10% stake and knowledge sharing. If we buy diamond holdings, will we get $RIDE after the merger?

>> No.20949825

I had calls on it being 80 by August 7th. Shame.

>> No.20949827

Could be a good thing for stocks too

>> No.20949847

sure as shit looks like it and there's a massive sell order holding the price down right now
based SOMEONE is holding the line for us to get in

>> No.20949872

You are supposed to buy anything before any announcements, once they talk about anything is already too late unless the government is involved.

It'll be red by Friday according to clown market, no one is leaving money more than 48 hours, buy a call today, sell first thing morning and buy puts, you'll make some going up and some going down.

One thing I can guarantee you is that it'll go down some time during the week

>> No.20949881

>>tfw he bought the INTC "dip"


>> No.20949896

So this will be slightly good for WKHS and we will see DPHC jump up after open? What are the long term repercussions? DPHC is nothing it seems and little intel is available.

>> No.20949902
File: 682 KB, 748x1228, 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Surely KO will rise.

>> No.20949911
File: 10 KB, 212x237, download (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. INTC bag holder

>> No.20949937

I kinda want to buy some risky lottery puts on apple in case their security vulnerability gets blown up and everyones' iphones get bricked
think about it lads

>> No.20949945


Only through ETFS - who would be a dumbass and buy more?!

>Boomer millennials
What is this oxymoron?

>> No.20949955

$1.6 in Endurance pre-orders
WKHS gets royalties for each one sold
Lordstown Motors worth AT LEAST $1.6 to start with and the only ticker available is DPHC which will presumably be switched over to $RIDE upon completion in 2021

and this is yet another connection between WKHS and GM as well as other institutional money

>> No.20949962

Nah lad seems way too risky to make the premium worth it

>> No.20949964
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no, short GWEN

>> No.20949981

>in case their security vulnerability gets blown up and everyones' iphones get bricked

But all money would be worthless without iphones so how would you enjoy your gains?

>> No.20949982

*$1.6B in Endurance pre-orders

>> No.20949994

Lots of volume on NIO again

>> No.20950006

DPHC has THIRTY FUCKING THREE robinhooders on it
this mother fucker is going to moon at EXACTLY 9am

>> No.20950010

So is it starting at 10 dollars a share

>> No.20950024
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Eli Lilly's turn to get everyone hopeful with antivirals and get the public optimistic!!

Thank you Meg!!

>> No.20950028

This market has the audacity to open green. That’s fucking gold.

Dip this week. Housing crisis confirmed and announced. Renters fucked. Mass evictions next week.

Collapse of tech the week after.

>t.the person who warned you

>> No.20950029

>smug market general

>> No.20950034

>DPHC isn't listed on Trading212
Remember me, comrades

>> No.20950039

DPHC is already pumping in PM
$11.89 already
closed at $10.25 yesterday
this is NOT a drill

>> No.20950060

I am watching KODK trying to moon again in PM. I am definitely selling everything except my miners.

>> No.20950070
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>> No.20950082
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The book makers buy the dip every weekend and sacrifice bulls on Friday, I can almost see the red dildo forming already

>> No.20950085


>> No.20950099

I'll get in some at open as well. WKHS hasn't let me down when I got in at 5ish and I think Lordstown has a bright future. Especially if Trump gets reelected as that plant has a political value.

>> No.20950102

You can buy/sell on TDA starting at 7AM EST

ty, losing money is more fun with frens

>> No.20950105

if I had another grand lying around I would totally short Natural gas now and wait a week. check out KOLD

>> No.20950119

RIDE WKHS will be the patrician stock duo.

>> No.20950125

it just passed $12
pajama traders are going to get rich today

>> No.20950132
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should i take profits before market opens?

>> No.20950155

and put it all into DPHC?

>> No.20950166
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Spce and fcel will moon today. Kodk will dump once sec investigation announced. Wkhs to 25 today or in 2 days. Cap it.

>> No.20950170

If you call them directly they might add it before market open (though I've never tried this)
They list a couple phone numbers on their 'privacy policy' page
They usually take about 12 to 24 hours to add something but if you're hell-bent on buying DPHC, it's you only shot

>> No.20950180

Do you expect DPHC will reach today?

>> No.20950183

It says in the article it's going to be valued at 10 share? How would this work if it's price is over 10?

>> No.20950194

>Spce and fcel will moon today
There is no conceivable reason for SPCE to moon today

>> No.20950195
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Green or red today? Choose carefully

>> No.20950201

Fuck, degiro doesn't have it either. Fucking niggers.

>> No.20950257

I'm not feeling good about Draft Kings/DKNG bros.

>> No.20950262

>The business combination values Lordstown at an implied $1.6 billion pro forma equity value, at the $10.00 per share PIPE price and assuming minimal redemptions by DiamondPeak stockholders.

>assuming minimal redemptions by DiamondPeak stockholders.

>> No.20950273

wtf what happened

>> No.20950274

Should I hold MSFT, APPL and WKHS or go all in on the horse today?

>> No.20950290

Kys you absolute retard

>> No.20950295

That's how it started, that's not how it's used now. That's like saying pepe the frog is just a character in some spics commic, was true at one point now its only a half truth.

>> No.20950303

anymore cruise chads left? all liners looking real bad, thinking will it bounce or nah

>> No.20950305

I’m still bagholding BYFC and UONE ama

>> No.20950306
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SO WHATS THE CENSUS? I've been laying off the market over the weekend

>> No.20950321
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>> No.20950326

how black are you

>> No.20950328

same here, took a week off, now feel like a caveman

>> No.20950338

the census is where they count how many people there are

>> No.20950339

All in on KTOV

>> No.20950352

How many are there then?

>> No.20950369

Everyone's saying MLB is going to get shut down, I talked to a bunch of my sports friends over the weekend and they all think it's going to. I bought in at a bad time but I think it's going to get worse. Hopefully earnings has some impact and I can get out.

>> No.20950370

Are you not gonna answer him? He asked a valid question. Give him the census.

>> No.20950376

Not a clue to be honest but Lordstown will be a good stock to own.

>> No.20950378

I’m Thai

>> No.20950391



>> No.20950404

Good, fuck boreball. But this doesn’t bode well for football in the fall, especially college football

>> No.20950406

It should and no one will care because of the BLM garbage

>> No.20950409
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Also futures this morning

>> No.20950429

he asked what it was

man I don't know
probably a lot

>> No.20950437

>investing in niggerball

>> No.20950446
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Europe is fucking mooning, we're next lads

>> No.20950456

Really wanna get into DPHC when RH lets me at 9, but don't wanna get dumped on by the Bogs. Reassure me bros!

>> No.20950470

How many is many

>> No.20950484

Any hbtx bros?

>> No.20950490

Did not expect PRPO to be so short-lived desu. Is anyone feeling good about holding for medium or long term?

>> No.20950491
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DPHC is going to explode
/smg/ can get there first

>> No.20950492

Wow a real Thai ladyboy.

>> No.20950494

Lord Vishnu and Ganesh, please increase my portfolio by 15%

>> No.20950497
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How do I make money with European options?

>> No.20950499


more than a few that's for sure

>> No.20950528
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Do women trade stocks?

>> No.20950540

Lmfao no

>> No.20950541

DPHC chads

>> No.20950544

I sold at 3.6 for more CLSK.

>> No.20950551


>> No.20950564

those fucking alien hands lel

>> No.20950565

Sell and buy a call

>> No.20950580

Why would it? If industrials keep going down tech keeps going up. Interests rates are 0, fed is pumping liquidity, fed is buying assets. Just buy tech. It's going to keep going up but is it going up in terms of 'real value' is another story.

yes it is faggot

>> No.20950586

Who’s buying DPHC at open?

>> No.20950595

gonna liquidate my SOXL to do it

>> No.20950598

I'm not gay but

>> No.20950601

Can't even get in because fuck degiro. This way I can still brag if it goes up for online credits while stating I didn't get in when it goes down. No financial gain but I can make it into a mental win with a bit of gymnastics.

>> No.20950608

This song is dedicated to everyone that doesn't own TQQQ

>> No.20950612

>everything is green again for no good reason
Time to load up some puts

>> No.20950627

I had sooooo much clsk at 2.40 sold as soon as it was over 3$. Don't talk to me

>> No.20950628
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What a day, what a GLORIOUS day!!

>> No.20950646
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Should I dump my Microsoft calls at open???

>> No.20950662
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Sitting on 300 CLSK atm, I bought at 2.5, then again every time it dipped.

>> No.20950674

>screener didnt show upcoming Capcom earnings
>another easy +10% missed
>jannies still ban me from posting pictures
>crying woijak taking the rope.jpeg

>> No.20950690
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>sold my apple call during fri market panic
>went all in on tesla and amazon calls
>nuked my apple gains

any hope for me lads?

>> No.20950714

What does this mean for WKHS?

>> No.20950721

Calls or puts on planet fitness
On one hand they are the one of the few gyms surviving this mess
On the other hand they maybe the next to fall

>> No.20950727

I startet trading one month ago and lost 5% of my entire networth lol
I am all in on Vanguard etf to recover and lost another 2% already

>> No.20950734
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i bet he must feel like shit to see the company he ran make so much gains since he left

>> No.20950736

kek what the fuck were you thinking

>> No.20950739
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The good ones do, anon

>> No.20950746

MSFT has 45 days to work with ByteDance on deal. MSFT is strong but regardless but I think it moons 10% when they absorb TikTok

>> No.20950753

>planet fitness

>> No.20950755

Would you gamble all your money at a casino? That’s what you’re doing

>> No.20950758
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Daily reminder, the failure or DIS to make a new Kim Possible is comparable to INTC's failure to produce 7nm. Short DIS.

>> No.20950763
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>> No.20950773

WKHS gets royalties for every Endurance sold and these are the first numbers that i know that we're seeing for pre-orders. and it's at fucking $1.6B
WKHS operates in the facility they're talking about, and this is connected to GM. connect dots there

as far as i'm concerned it is being clearly spelled out that lordstown motors and workhorse are going to blow up next year

>> No.20950776


>> No.20950777
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debelopers debelopers debelopers debelopers

>> No.20950778
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i got 180 dollars left after loading up for this week, know any good cheapies?

>> No.20950779
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never mind

>> No.20950793

>Short DIS
Ahh yes, time for more newfags to get bogged by the mouse

>> No.20950795

I'm still undecided on this one... could really be female but raises so many flags...

>when he's the largest shareholer of MSFT

>> No.20950802
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>> No.20950804
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I buy $1000 worth of DIS each year and will continue for the foreseeable future.

>> No.20950809

Microsoft gon moon today isn't it?

>> No.20950822

>gonna be up 10k immediately at open

feels good man

>> No.20950823

I’m hoping they land that USPS contract

>> No.20950834


>> No.20950835


>> No.20950859


>> No.20950871

I think they will as they are one of the only US players with indirect support of the administration. Even if they get a large chunk of the contract they will blow up. I myself don't believe in the drones yet, but it gives it some hype and meme power as well.

>> No.20950874

INTC will be back to 60 within a month

>> No.20950896


>> No.20950901

just let it go man...

>> No.20950907

I'm putting 1k in at opening. Wish me luck.

>> No.20950917
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just give up, its all over

>> No.20950930


>> No.20950932

I think their implementation of the drones is really interesting tho. It's not like a drone is flying from the warehouse, miles to your house. A truck parks in your neighborhood, and the drones go back and forth from the truck to the houses in that neighborhood. Pretty neat.

>> No.20950938

Lordstown is IPOing?
Is that good for you horse boys? What's the deal anyways, Lordstown was the thesis because pence was visiting, but then you fell in love with the trucks?

>> No.20950964


>> No.20950965

they're the first EV truck to market and they've got $1.6B in pre-orders in less than a week

>> No.20950977

>can't afford it

anon we have infinity dollars

>> No.20951126

What is this?

>> No.20951212
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I'm hype for DPHC, let's get it boys. Balls deep at open.

>> No.20951328

Anyone holding XOM? What’s your plan with it?

>> No.20951396

I was investing in nigs betting on niggerball

>> No.20951406


>> No.20951410
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>> No.20951574
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Am I going to make it?

>> No.20951674
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The good guys members of the left and herald of silicone valley.

This is America

>> No.20951721


Moon frens