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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20941171 No.20941171 [Reply] [Original]

>Life isn't a zero sum game
>You must share valuable and useful information to the rest of the world

What did he mean by this?

>> No.20941217

I don’t have any valuable information

>> No.20941406

In that case lemme shill $CBR... Only joking, I would never... Oh wait.

>> No.20941538

>share valuable things
>everyone profits

i dunno lol

>> No.20941560

oh yea btw this only works if everyone is white lmao

p.s. japanese are honorary whites haha

>> No.20941607

High performance high trust team ftw

>> No.20941623

buy buidl you stupid fucking niggers can you even comprehend what it means to have created an equity layer for ethereum and the first crypto equity ever

>> No.20941626

I tried to share valuable information by telling my friends and 4chan users to buy ChainLink. In virtually all cases I was ignored at best and ridiculed at worst

>> No.20941656
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>can you even comprehend what it means
no i cant and i said as much in another thread about it but no one explained it

>> No.20941661

I was subscribed to HydeWars for a long time, and I've been in Link for a long time.

I really think Sam Hyde got fucked up from learning about Link so late in the game. First he spewed a whole bunch of confused FUD at the Link shills in his Twitter feed. Then he started transferring that FUD into his HydeWars episodes with Kantbot and Nick, talking about Link in the most backhanded terms.
But weirdest of all is that, during all of this, he started really doubling-down with telling his fanbase about "hard work" and "grind" and "getting a skill".As if he himself didn't cash in on crypto early, and now he's trying to pretend that his current wealth came purely from "dat grind".

On his old Twitter (long since deleted), soon after his Link FUD got summarily BTFO, he was saying some really brooding shit like "these useless nerds need to get off these fucking crypto forums and do some real shit for once". He was saying the same shit in another HydeWars, this time without mentioning crypto or Link; he was talking about forex trading or some shit, as if anyone in his fanbase is trying to rich from that rather than from crypto.

He was also bragging somewhere else about "I told people years ago to buy Ethereum, and they didn't listen." I don't even remember if he was shilling Eth or not, though he was mining LTC at some point. But it's almost like he's transferring away the fact that the /biz/raelis that he clearly despises got into Link way before he did, and if he did indeed buy Link after, he was technically buying their bags.

You can really see this overall shift in the style, the affect, of his videos pre-Link and post-Link, and not for the better. He became cagey, magniloquent, overcompensating.
I think Nolinker Syndrome got to him bad. Like it does to so many others.

>> No.20941690

Right there with you.
Link going up has had this unexpected side effect of gradually making me hate everyone in my life for not listening to me telling them to buy chainlink.

>> No.20941748

He said recently he only bought a tiny bag of link
Kantbot and Nick fell for the link is a meme meme and mostly convinced Sam of that too
It's too bad, we tried to help.

>> No.20941779

i'm pretty sure ppl convinced him to buy at like 40c man

>> No.20941811

If you make it you're not competing anymore, so might aswell share how you did it.

>> No.20941863 [DELETED] 


It was way after the Google pump.
Listen to his fucking sniveling tone about it.

>> No.20941879

he means to buy the dether dump you biz retards

>> No.20941932


It was way after the Coinbase pump.
Listen to his fucking sniveling tone about it. Even assuming he'll admit it's the best crypto prospect going, he can't accept buying /biz/'s bags.

>> No.20941940

that's probably around the time he made a post here asking a bunch of questions about it lel

>> No.20942003

Good they're all pathetic grifter kikes, especially obesebot

>> No.20942087
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Sam Hyde is based and supports Austrian economics and free markets.


>> No.20942105

In the latest hydewars he said he owns Link.

>> No.20942110

that and he's a washed up one trick pony yukster who can't even meme anymore. if i got outclassed this hard on all fronts by the fanbase i tried so desperately to turn into paypiggies i'd have a rough time of it.

>> No.20942125
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Interesting, never knew this history. Just really got into him a month ago, which is surprising considering I've been on 4chan for like 10 years now. He's an interesting character. Some gets repetitive but man the bants actually makes me kek, reminds me of chilling with some of my buddies irl. You just can't find real humour like that on YouTube.

>> No.20942128

Sam owns link, but mostly bitcoin via his most recent hydewars.

>> No.20942133

If it's the same one I saw he said he has a tiny amount or something to that effect.

>> No.20942154

How is selling videos that you don't have to buy if you don't want to grifting.

>> No.20942181

>If you make it you're not competing anymore, so might aswell share how you did it.

But then you create competition and you're then at risk

>> No.20942182

Watch his TEDx talk for some good laughs, he's definitely a memester.

>> No.20942657

He means rape and hit 15 year old girls

>> No.20942737

tl;dr Sam Hyde is a Jew

>> No.20942758

Instead of buying Link he decided to finance a ford raptor. Sad!