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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2093904 No.2093904 [Reply] [Original]

>basement dweller living in their parents basement are literally making a shitload of money
>while people who are working are still poor

This is the current era we live in

>> No.2093912
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>> No.2093918
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I'm glad because the old one sucked. This one is exciting and fresh.

>> No.2093931

Something tells me this isn't sustainable

>> No.2093933

> mfw have job but literally staying in moms basement because in between moving places
> mfw making monies with memecoins

the memes have become reality!

>> No.2093946
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Praise kek.

>> No.2094229

That's not really what's happening. Don't believe everything you read on /biz/.

>> No.2094242

Amazing times. 180% ROI in 9 days. Even bought at a shitty time but its all good now.

Thank you crypto

>> No.2094248

t. nocoiner coping

>> No.2094249

its ok desu, it's all a dream. go back to sleep, shhhhhhh

>> No.2094297

I work and live in my parents basement. I make a little money and save a lot of it.

>> No.2094344


>> No.2094372

>drop roughly 100 sat
is it dumb to bet on this pattern repeating and try to short or should i just ride it out

>> No.2094509

> getting PhD
> 35k a year stipend to do research and get published
> Travel the world to conferences for free
> have a beautiful gf who is also getting a PhD
> both of us are in very lucrative fields
> have an amazing downtown apartment
> The oldest in the state
> get our summers off
> have the love and respect of our parents

How can you justify your existence? I'm not even angry, I just get a vague feeling of sadness in my heart when I think about you people.

>> No.2094521

>The oldest apartment in the state

what a time to be alive

>> No.2094524

My parents and I get along, I pay them rent, and cook more than they do. My mom gave me a small amount of money and told me to trade coins for her once she saw how well I was doing so I'm making her money too.

>> No.2094558

LOL in debt up to ears, leaching off the taxpayers, experts do, losers teach.

How's it feel to know I will literally retire at 24 with over 10m in my account and no fucks?

>> No.2094570

What's even better is next time I pull up next to you amazing PhD gf in my lambo, her trembling clit won't let her pass up the opportunity to lick my butthole

>> No.2094571

They can't lol. NEETs are a drain on society.

>> No.2094640

How old now

>> No.2094681


>> No.2094720

>silver spoon: the post
>comes to laud himself over neets
If you're so successful then why are you wasting your precious time posting on an Indonesian crab collecting forum? Don't you have an assignment or deadline to be working towards? Surely someone so well educated shouldn't be so frivolous with their time?

>> No.2094732

>tfw NEETs importing gook products from their basement are putting Walmart out of business

>> No.2094742

Do you like apples?

>> No.2094749

The jews still win when you buy something.

>> No.2094758

like humanity
I say leverage crypto while you can, it's like gold bull market leading up to 2011 ath

>> No.2094762

how old are you? seeking external validation for one's existence is what women and teenage men do, not adults
not that we're in the company of the latter here but the point stands anyway

>> No.2094772

hes probably the type of guy whos gf has a bull

>> No.2094783

>t. wakes up from his dream and realizes he's degenerate posting on a malaysian racing car forum

>> No.2095116

Protip: your gf was a whore and sucked Jamal and Muhamed's dicks.

>> No.2095123

>this isn't sustainable

Ding ding ding, get in crypto and get your millions and your bunker before it's too fucking late.

>> No.2095126

This is the most fun I've had in awhile. Godspeed, you fucking maniacs.

>> No.2095208

we're early in the adoption curve.
we can do pretty much anything and get rich

>> No.2095220

>putting 6+ years into education
you got kiked lad

>> No.2095242

This is true, even the writer at the WSJ that tried to report on the crypto booms thinks that alt coins are still "bitcoin clones" and doesn't understand why there's so much money in it

>> No.2095262

if you literally just put 0.1 BTC on all the top 40 coins you would get some breddy nice gains if you hold

>> No.2095280

Are you guys really getting money? Stupid neet with no knowledge here

>> No.2095324

yeah senpai, i've made like 60% returns on what i've put into crypto, which is pretty shit by biz standards

>> No.2095460

Yes, it's actually difficult to lose money unless you throw it all away. You can just buy a hyped up ICO, sell when it reaches double, then put the money into another hyped ICO and repeat. You probably could repeatedly double your money doing this.

>> No.2095509
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>> No.2095711

Anon which fields (you and your gf)