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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20938887 No.20938887 [Reply] [Original]

What is your "make it" number? For me it's 5 million after tax

>> No.20939326


>> No.20939454

3 million would set me up for life

>> No.20939474

2 and a half million

>> No.20939510
File: 120 KB, 500x522, 8E382294-09D5-42B5-A9CC-E389053847F2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me it’s 3 publix subs

>> No.20939513

>basing your retirement calculations on a movie
>using retirement calculations that are 6 years old ngmi

>> No.20939578

Incredibly based

>> No.20939592

Down payment on a used civic sounds nice

>> No.20939702

I have no make it number. I ride the bull until it turns crab and then move on to the next moonshot.

>> No.20939716

Less than a million for me honestly. I really love the work I do and I am pretty close to being a "consultant" in the area whatever the fuck that means. If people want to pay me, that's great but even 500k would get me to a place where I can take work wherever/whenever I want and not worry about it.

If I had like 50 mil, fuck, I think I would still work. I'm not the type to just fuck trannies on my yacht.

>> No.20939725


>> No.20939738

10-20MM after tax, if I'm living in my dream spot.

>> No.20939764

there are actually people this financially illiterate

>> No.20939865

5 million after tax and I’d quit my current job and try to become a writer

>> No.20939888

10M, invest it all using 5% rule, make it all back in 20 years through investments and become an oficial millionaire 2-4 year into it. Never work again, and 500k a year from stocks and real estate.

>> No.20939964

50k. as long as i can get rid of my student debt im satisfied

>> No.20940032

I dunno maybe a couple billion
Enough to have a yacht with personal chef and helicopter with pilot

>> No.20940079

Even if I had 5 mil after taxes, I would still go to work. (Family business)

>> No.20940080

1.5mil and I cash out enough for a mil after le'taxaronis. Will keep some in market because I'm never selling PNK

>> No.20940114

5 mil would be enough.
This would be ideal tho.

>> No.20940143

Everyone's goals are different dude. Just because we want different things doesn't make me financially illiterate.

>> No.20940193

>take work wherever/whenever i want and not have to worry about it

>not financially illiterate

Pick one. 500k is gone after less than 10 years of not working.

>> No.20940250

You missed the part where I said I legitimately love my work. 500k allows me to take jobs maybe 2-3 times per year until I'm 80 years old

>> No.20940941

42 million. 20 million seems to be the going rate so 42 million by the time I make it should cover inflation.

>> No.20940982

t. sells his PNK early at 4 USD

>> No.20941202

Slave mentality

>> No.20941248

>loving to work
good goyim.

>> No.20941259
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forgot pic

>> No.20941349

Believe it or not, some people actually do satisfying, interesting work, instead of being a useless neet. Not me though, I'm a fucking neet.

>> No.20941429
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>I love to wage slave for mr shekelblatt and paying income taxes that go to Israel

>> No.20941700

"Make it" money is roughly 3 Stakenet Masternodes.
No, I don't measure in fiat like some newfag.

Fuck you.

>> No.20941756

Realistically Enough to buy a house and have maybe 6 months of expenses stashed away. Then I will work somewhere low pressure and enjoy my weekends

Fantasy wise have 6 homes in diff states private jet access and a staff of people who drive, cook, clean, and keep my life in luxury

>> No.20941778

>useless neet
If someone made "make it" money, they clearly contributed something at some point to their community, whether it was a physical local community, an interest-oriented community, an ideological community, or otherwise.

I'm unsure how someone could justify arguing that anyone who's made a fraction of that has contributed anything close to a similar amount.
"Make it" money is a lot of general human energy. That's nothing to scoff at and considering the small amount of people who are capable of making "make it" money, the pyramidal structure to this conversation shouldn't be overlooked.

>> No.20941861

Just enough to live in a tesla, and eat hot dogs everyday

>> No.20942573

Based Florida anon