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File: 52 KB, 350x346, GOLD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20932514 No.20932514 [Reply] [Original]

When it breaks 2k/oz USD, Will it continue going up and how high could it go. Also when too buy.

>> No.20933000

It w Als

>> No.20933013
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Wait let me check my crystal ball after I smoke this bowl of crack first

>> No.20933022

Depends what your local currency is.

>> No.20933048

>(Will open in 1 hrs. 35 mins.)
The anticipation is driving me crazy

>> No.20933074

The question is not how high gold can go but how low USD can

>> No.20933177

If the USD was to crash, what would that do to gold?

>> No.20933215

Did it work?

>> No.20933221

probably shoot up initially 100x or more as everyone panics and tries to get their hands on some and then settles at around 10-15x current value as it starts circulating and the govt tries to restore faith with a "gold-backed" digital currency

>> No.20933228


Fuck the Jews and fuck the Fed

>> No.20933399

The USD wont collapse without the US fighting/starting a war right?!? Or will they just switch right over to a new (((currency))).

>> No.20933419


>> No.20933466
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It's going to $5k/oz

>> No.20933586

Who would they fight? This perspective doesnt even make sense.

>> No.20933616

Or more importantly
>the USD is going to 1/5000/ozt au

>> No.20933658

have you been living under a rock? have you not felt the anti-china stigma in the air?

>> No.20933670

I don't like to buy stuff like gold at Ath's. Tech maybe, but not gold.

>> No.20933705

Well if the USD gets BTFO and it isnt used as the global trading currency, start a war with China? Get rid of the competition maybe

>> No.20933749

Gold is gonna make a comeback. Gold is the realest money there is

>> No.20933761

You had 10 years.

>> No.20933771

You mean the same shit weve been saying since the 1950s? Superpower war will never happen

>> No.20933783

Fair, but gold has been traded since the dawn of man. It will always have value and is setting records ATM

>> No.20933812
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buy physical gold and hold it until the bank run.

>> No.20933836

Gold is about to go mainstream. Gold is money, everything else is credit

>> No.20933848

I had no money 10 years ago

Understood but I would personally wait until everything is "great" in the world and price comes down to like $1000/ounce. Might take a few years obviously.

>> No.20933949

Its not going to get "great" anytime soon... I think that a large scale "hot" war could very well break out between china and the west. If that happens as the above anon stated "gold is money" especially if American cities start getting hit

>> No.20934171

what's makes you think humans have changed since the first two world wars?

>> No.20934207

there was no such thing as a superpower in WWI and WWII, not sure what point youre making.

>> No.20934615

If/When bank runs happen, gold prices would shoot through the roof and paper currency would start being devalued because of the uncertainty correct?

>> No.20934687

Theres no such thing as a bank run anymore since banks can create currency.

>> No.20934693

my point was humans are fucking retarded and will never stop fighting

>> No.20934709

there is one thing that is certain, you wont lose with gold and one thing is very likely, you will have huge gains in fiat value.

2 reasons, money printing and global competetion. dollar is most likely at the end of its lifespan as anchor currency

>> No.20934765

OK, well thats a pretty dumb point to be making and has nothing to do with USD collapsing.

>> No.20934838

collapsing the USD is an offensive move. this kind of fighting exists on a level above what we can see in our daily lives

it's fighting nonetheless

>> No.20934867

Worldwide, demand is only growing.
India is the biggest buyer of gold, by far. Every Indian household is buying gold right now.. massive, massive capital flight to gold worldwide.

I have seen predictions that August it is going to retreat / hold, after September boom
but I didn't really see any reasons for why in these predictions other than RSI being overbought
We are in much different times right now than normal market conditions where you should listen to RSI..

I have seen predictions it will go to $3,000 in 12 months

You are honestly a little late for gold..
what are you not late for is silver.
Silver is 80:1 with gold right now, it's supposed to be 60:1 - in other words, silver should be priced at $33 to be at the historic ratio..

Buy silver. Trust me.

>> No.20934890

Fighting between who? Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.20934900

i saw something about there being coin shortages... can the same not be done with paper money if everyone went to withdraw at the same time?

>> No.20934961

What kind of silver should i be buying? like 1oz coins or big bars?

>> No.20934969

see? you can't see it. just like how they intended. now you simply wait until they want you to see it

>> No.20934971

the real redpill is finding out there is more Gold in the world than Silver

>> No.20935028

Don't buy actual bullion unless you're planning on holding it for like 10+ years
You will pay higher than the strike price on the silver when buying, and also when selling you will sell for less than the strike; it takes quite a big move to overcome the losses you'll take on entry & exit

If you want to invest in silver for the short-term, buy SLV or SLV options (or silver mining stocks / ETF)

>> No.20935027

Every single fiat currency collapses, its not surprising and no one has to cause it

>> No.20935030

It looks like a monthly W to me so 2.9k 3k seems possible, it could also take more than a year with a few breathing on the way

>> No.20935068

Stack for weight first.

>> No.20935081

With that said, if you really have a lot of disposable income, you could get some gold coins in case shit really hits the fan / dollar collapses

>> No.20935114

they don't have to, but they want to, and they did

>> No.20935133


>buy SLV
>defaults tomorrow


>> No.20935223

It's not gonna happen brother "too big to fail"
Maybe in the late Fall / January, but not right now

>> No.20935285

Yea thats kinda what im thinking is going to happen, like trading gold links off of a chain for food and supplies due to massive WW and dollar collapse. Plus its just nice to look at lol

>> No.20935331

Could the feds put on a false flag by printing a lot of $100 bills and then burn them ceremoniously to "fight" inflation?

>> No.20935341

Like 100oz'ers?

>> No.20935368

I just keep a sack of potatoes under my bed
my grandfather whos irish said you could buy a house for a couple of tatos during the irish famine

>> No.20935381

They're phasing physical money out anyway, they'd probably just point to the problem and say "Look at the problems paper currency causes. This is why we are rolling out government run crypto and you need an RFID chip in your hand to use it. WHAT? Book of revelations? Are you some kind of religious nut?"

>> No.20935395

They fight inflation by claiming it doesnt exist

>> No.20935401

Source on this please?

>> No.20935416
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>when to buy
Clearly the answer is now
And buy physical as well as investing in miners
Can buy 1/4 ozt of gold rn for $600

>> No.20935465

I hear what your saying pal, truly the time to be with Christ.

>> No.20935576

Rodger that, thanks for input

>> No.20935587
File: 543 KB, 1747x1039, long-gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should open a long on gold for this year and next year, guaranteed a x2 if you look back in history. But if you take all inflation it would probably go above the x2.

>> No.20935683

McEwen Mining Inc. (MUX)
Aurcana Corporation (AUN.V)
First Mining Gold Corp. (FFMGF)

Which meme do I buy? Already got 50 oz silver and 1 oz gold but I want to gamble a bit on some miners.

>> No.20935699


I would take a decent position in Gold, Silver, Bitcoin en Ethereum.
Also make sure you have a decent amount of cash available in USD and CAD.

>> No.20935766

Gold futures are already above 2k

>> No.20935780
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Imagine all the rappers who bought gold chains and teeth the last 10 years. Unironically based

>> No.20936083

Aurcana because they have a wiki page lol? DESU i couldnt tell you bud

>> No.20936208

Why would anyone buy 1/4 oz for that much when a full ounce is only like 2080

>> No.20936237

How do you guys feel about junk silver? In a true shtf scenario, if all I have are ounces then how would I make small transactions without it hypothetically? It is just expensive per ounce compared to regular rounds

>> No.20936380

Its always good to be diversified, Ive heard stories of people trading links of chains for supplies during WW2.

>> No.20936422

Nuclear warheads you retard
Nobody profits from a nuclear war, really absolutely nobody
We all live on this planet

>> No.20936427
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>> No.20936463

There's a decent chance the dollar spikes as it's one last hoorah. This will tank the market and take miners as well. It may be smart to hold some cash and wait.

>> No.20936464

>India is the biggest buyer of gold, by far. Every Indian household is buying gold right now.. massive, massive capital flight to gold worldwide.
I don't have any numbers to back it up, and maybe the trend has reversed to the direction you indicated, but Marc Faber (counter-cyclical investor) recently claimed that the opposite is the case: middle class households in countries like India and Thailand have mostly been selling PMs because they are also suffering under the economic crisis and received no gibs cheques.

>> No.20936466


>> No.20936551
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This is the manipulatest shit i have ever seen
Instantaneous jumps between 0% and over 1% every few seconds

>> No.20936580

Yeah, we NEED to know

>> No.20936612


>> No.20936810

What happens when the mirage of normalcy goes away? in your opinion

>> No.20937010

once silver ceases to be suppressed it will moon. this is the only outcome.

>> No.20937016

We leave the solar system
US Fed Note collapses
Stackers buy their ranch homes (finally).

>> No.20937131

Can you explain how it has been suppressed please?
The housing market would surely go away with the Fed Notes correct? As boomers who thought their plywood and glue houses were worth the inflated prices but, in reality were way overvalued...

>> No.20937150

>There's a decent chance the dollar spikes as it's one last hoorah. This will tank the market and take miners as well. It may be smart to hold some cash and wait.

Can't tell if trolling or retarded.

>> No.20937153

>Can you explain how it has been suppressed please?

was meant for you

>> No.20937556
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>> No.20937981

I have severe doubts about the physical metals owned by GLD and SLV.
>not your keys, not your crypto
>if you don’t hold it, you don’t own it
Applies to gold and silver too

>> No.20937999

That being said, if anyone wants a way to profit from gold and silver in a paper way without the risk of the paper market collapsing, buy stuff like GLD, GLDX, and SILJ. These are miner ETFs.

>> No.20938309

"profit from gold and silver in a paper way without the risk of the paper market collapsing"

Can you explain please?

>> No.20938461

Miners profit from selling physical metal
Its not without the risk of the whole market collapsing, but if paper pm collapses miners wont go broke

>> No.20938490

Gold will probably x2 over the next 5-10 years , silver will x4. Safest gold right now is precious metal , we’re printing money like crazy and gold is a traditional hedge against fiat.

>> No.20938520

I’m high and my sentences don’t make sense but my numbers are solid , hop on PM or get left behind

>> No.20938587
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>admits he's high
>still tells us to trust his numbers

>> No.20938769

Understood, thanks

>> No.20938821

silver x4 over the same 5-10 years aswell? Im trying to numbers if they're solid.

>> No.20939013

fucking based

>> No.20939230

You are right that kinetic war won't happen due to M.A.D. And that is why we are already at war with China. Subversion, infiltration, espionage, economic and cultural warfare.

The domains have just shifted. We are at war.

>> No.20939529

god those gold bars are sexy

>> No.20939608

>ore as everyone panics and tries to g
Dont buy SLV, buy the miners.

>> No.20939626

You know they own an equal amount of bullion and shorts, right? Since they are the custodian of iSilver Shares ETF. Right?

>> No.20939674

They are custodians, but they don’t own it...and Id be surprised if they have anywhere near what is reported.

>> No.20939717

Bank of America says 3k gold 2k21

>> No.20939737
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>> No.20939761

Update, please.

>> No.20939843

Absolutely retarded, or a dirty kike. Either ngmi, or better start packing suitcases.

>> No.20939846

Will gold price in other currencies be stable?
Euro, CHF...

>> No.20939853

Wouldn't be suprised if it were sooner than that.
Yeah or did you OD lol

>> No.20939904
File: 114 KB, 1793x930, gold chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, 5000+, and now.

We've been building support at 1200 for 5 years now. That's a long time to build support. Very strong base. This commodity is set to rocket upwards.

>> No.20939928

and silver? will it not rocket even higher?

>> No.20939959

It will. Silver is the better play, in my opinion.

>> No.20939994

Bank runs are happening in China

>> No.20940014


>> No.20940036

Rodger that and will 5k plus gold correlate with a devaluation of the USD?

>> No.20940201

Of course. Not tightly correlated, but correlated nonetheless. You watch Peter Schiff, right?

>> No.20940238
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>> No.20940330
