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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20932063 No.20932063 [Reply] [Original]

Are all Link holders this retarded?

>> No.20932098

Welp this is the top of the bullrun

>> No.20932133

I'm selling

>> No.20932152

please tell me this is fake.

>> No.20932193

fuck man...

>> No.20932212

this is the worst news ive ever seen

>> No.20932214

He's right though

>> No.20932217


>> No.20932223

hes comparing link and xrp, not the actual percentage. hes saying 10% rise in link is better than a 10% rise in xrp.

>> No.20932284

10% is 10%, brainlet. Jesus Christ....

>> No.20932349

d-did you read my comment? hes comparing the value of link vs xrp. its like saying 6inches of BBC is better than 6inches of whit cock.

>> No.20932428

It's ok, he probably bought at $8.

>> No.20932437
File: 118 KB, 800x450, Punching_Pepe_Banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Just you.

>> No.20932458

or 10$ of USD is better than 10$ CAD.. the numerical value of both CAD and USD is the same (10$) yet USD is better and worth more. How can that be? Because it is alluding to the US economy rather than just the numerical value of 10$. in the similar way - 10% of link is better than 10% of xrp. this is alluding to the network of link as being more valuable (in the future) therefore the numerical percentage (10%) is not equal even tho it is the same.
basically, hes not talking about numbers.

>> No.20932465
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I'm considering selling, holy fuck absolutely braindead

>> No.20932476

Yes, like iron is heavier than feathers
-t. Link holder

>> No.20932538

That’s a really specific comparison, anon. You trying to tell us something ?

>> No.20932649

This is your brain on link.

>> No.20932707

been here since 2017 and this is the best fud so far

>> No.20932950

kek damnit!

>> No.20932995

Yeah but it's psychologically harder for something at like $8 to go 10%

>> No.20933134

hahaha shit

>> No.20933161

That's the average intelligence of pretty much every twitter crypto account no matter what they hold.

>> No.20933183
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>> No.20933218

Nice argument

>> No.20934010
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>Nice argument

>> No.20934233
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>> No.20934288

you guys sperg out way too easy

>> No.20934308

He'd be right if the market caps were the same

>> No.20934372

It's going to get much worse.

>> No.20934381

One of the best lessons a person can learn is 10% gains is 10% gains. Seeing money in percentages is a skill the jews are born with the rest of us have to learn it the hard way.

>> No.20934385


This is the beggining. The top will be when barber shops will day they will run their own node

>> No.20934443

Thanks, just sold 100k

>> No.20934449

retard alert

>> No.20934766
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>> No.20934818

I'm never done being amazed at the psychological impact the price of 1 token can have on (otherwise intelligent) normies. You try to explain about divisibility and you get blank looks.
I've made some headway by saying "which would you rather have, 10 bananas or 0.1 ounce of gold?".
Then of course you have to explain to them that some tokens have a much lower max token count than others eg BTC v LINK, and their little heads can't handle it. It's all rather tiring at times, and these people will probably sell when they reach 10x of whatever it is, anyway.
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink...

>> No.20934846


>> No.20934848

link holders have the same iq as ripple holders, they are just younger

>> No.20935318

Speak for yourself I am 135 IQ and 42 years old. Here’s the catch: I’m married with kids so my life is already over.