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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 474 KB, 800x320, ripple_featured.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2093047 No.2093047 [Reply] [Original]

Let me give you cunts a quick rundown

Valued at half a cent, now nearly 100x that

Every fucking time this thing pops anons thing the doors have been welded, missing launch after launch and instead getting burned on cheap tickets.

Just days ago this trailed ETH, and then proceeded to gobble it the fuck up and hit over DOUBLE THE MARKET CAP. IN FUCKING DAYS. BTC is fucking mince meat and XRP will be the one to do it.

I've been speaking with the chinks and they don't even know about this fucking thing yet. The whole fucking country now knows exactly what BTC is thanks to the ransom attacks, whales have been given the inside tip on ETH and there's talk of moving the RMB onto it, thing is what really rocks these motherfuckers is big numbers, they've just been caught with their small dicks in their hands and we can be guaranteed they'll be piling on faster and faster as that cap goes up.

Do not forget we also have the coin lockup coming, more banks to be onboarded, and get closer to ripple reaching its goals.

Once it knocks BTC this thing will transcend fucking time.

You're out of fucking excuses anons, DO NOT FUCKING MISS.

>> No.2093062

>100x that
>Hmm doesn't sound like a bubble to me

>> No.2093070

60% is held by the devs, who will correct XRP moons.

>> No.2093082
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After it reaches their target price of $3.

>> No.2093086
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Only coin doing anything in my portfolio.

>> No.2093093

the normie speculators dumping millions into this coin will want to cash out eventually, I'd estimate 3-6 months

if you made a profit on this moon, great, but DO NOT HODL. you will get burned

>> No.2093099

Source my dude. I will go balls deep so fast if true.

>> No.2093100

Already sold. I cant handle the current volatility.

>> No.2093102

normies don't have buy and hold patience.
This shit will be sold into hard as profits are token by real traders and the normies will be left bag holding the same they were with XMR, DASH and LTC

Expect a retrace to 1100 over the next 2 weeks.

>> No.2093110


Banks adopting XRP don't want that shit mooning.

>> No.2093118
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Just do the calcs yourself lazy bums. It's fucking elementary.

>> No.2093125

the fuck you talking about beta cuck

Of course they want it to moon, higher price brings inherent stability, less likely to be manipulated. stop being a dumb kike

>> No.2093135

Has the retardation on this board completely fucking consumed you?

To be clear
>61bn total coins
>38.3 in circ
>22.7 held by devs


It is not and never was 60%, and following this devs will hold 8.7 of 47bn coins, LESS THAN 20%

You fucking clowns act like the devs hold 100% of the coins and will fuck you with them... all thats happened over the past 2 months is you've fucked yourself.

>> No.2093147
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, 1493781601163.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking polo keeps timing out. I couldn't buy back in during the dip

>> No.2093154

i prefer eth but this is backed by the illuminati so it will probably win

>> No.2093157
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Serves you degenerate wannabe traders right.

>> No.2093175

go eat some poo pashmal

>> No.2093176

Hey i also prefer ETH and gave it twice the initial investment, nothing I can do though XRP's just rocketed right past it

>> No.2093186

Sounds like polo just saved you from catching a falling knife

>> No.2093192
File: 180 KB, 488x358, 1494623845913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. increasingly nervous pajeetcoiner

>> No.2093200

We all like eth but its stalling at 90 and all the onecoiners are missing out on the sickest gainz since bitcoin.