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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 55 KB, 602x400, ampl crashing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20923762 No.20923762 [Reply] [Original]

Oh look, we are under $1.50.

Your little "Golden Bull Run" has stopped. Big surprise.

Maybe this time you will listen to my advice, hmm?

There is no denying or stopping what is happening next.

You are simply destined to fail if you do not heed my warning.

Plead all you want and fool yourself into thinking we are bullish now.

But we are not.

We are far from the end of this down trend.

Sentiment may say otherwise but we are heading straight down for much longer.

Do not think even for a second that the rest of this year will be okay.

Because it won't be.

Some of you do not like me because you simply cannot handle the truth.

Realize that you do not know what I know.

But here I am telling you anyways.

AMPL is going to $0.1 in August.

There is no way around it.

That is the bottom.

Do not worry as AMPL will not die.

But that is the lowest it will ever be.

Pay attention in the coming weeks and you can multiply your stack.

It is really that simple.

If you don't listen to me you will experience the past 16 months all over again in the span of 1.

I am trying to help you.

So once again:

Do NOT Enter The Market.

Things are not what they seem.

The plan has not changed.

AMPL is going to $0.1 in August.

You can choose to listen to me or you can choose to lose money.

My predictions are never wrong.

I am never wrong.

AMPL is going to $0.1 in August.

Clearly the backlash is because people do not want to go that low.

It is certain.

AMPL is going to $0.1 in August.

This is the final bull trap before it comes crashing down.

From there I will reveal my next prediction.

But for now, plan accordingly.

I am sure many of you won't apologize for when you are wrong.

I am not discouraged.

I will help as many people as I can.

It is the right thing to do.

Again, do not misunderstand.

AMPL is not dying.

But it must burn and rise from the ashes like a phoenix.

Many will think they've lost everything.

Seize the opportunity.

>> No.20923802
File: 30 KB, 460x332, pajeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fukkin christ.

I have already made 10k with AMPL cashed out my initial investment. Have 2.5K left in AMPL, I don't care if it hits 0.01$. You need to have a portion of AMPL in your portfolio.

>OP on pic

>> No.20923953

Ample faggots are a complete embarrassment desu. Copying everything from link

>> No.20924424
File: 42 KB, 1024x570, 41D94D43-E369-4A11-8E47-84368F413F19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is very bullish

>> No.20924448

Gamble on TRA in the meantime breh

>chainlink partnership
>DAO swap about to be shilled by chico
>listing on kucoin and polkaswap imminent
>300k mcap
This is like buying RING or XOR at 300k when he shilled it going to 8 mill minimum. See you at 400 mill in 6 months comfy frens :)

>> No.20924495

Asked in 2 other AMPL threads without answer..
Why is AMPL so revolutionary? What difference does it make really?
Another currency might drop or pop in value. AMPL has the same "value" a piece sure but your share/supply of it will drop or pop accordingly so what fucking difference does it make!?

"No one wants to use crypto as a currency because it's volatile they say". Who the fuck wants a currency that can be ripped out of your wallet?

>> No.20924675

It's not ripped out of your wallet, dumb fuck. When you buy AMPL you are buying a percentage of the market cap at that time, represented by the amount of tokens you get at the price you bought them. Ultimately AMPL is supposed to stabilize at $1 per token. If the valuation of the token is outside of the $0.95/$1.05 range then a positive or negative rebase will occur at 10pm ET. For example, if the valuation is OVER $1.05 then the circulating supply will INCREASE in order to meet the demands of the market, which in turn reduces the value per token. Right now AMPL does not have a large enough market cap to be stable/exempt from whale manipulation, so yes it can be used for a quick profit while a handful of whales at a time are capable of investing a few million in order to facilitate a run away pump/dump. However, as the market cap for AMPL increases then it will become more and more stable in value/purchasing power (and less and less subject to coordinated whale manipulation), which is what a currency NEEDS if it hopes to actually be used in everyday commerce. The elastic supply protocol is what separates AMPL as a future, usable currency from the speculative, volatile asset shit coins, BTC included. AMPL is everything BTC should have been i.e. decentralized blockchain technology that is NOT subject to the influence/manipulation of any private entity, be it a central bank or conspiring whales who want to manipulate the value for their own benefit, and at the expense of others. AMPL restores power to the people.

>> No.20925082

I know you're shit posting and probably secretly hate AMPL holders because yes some of them are neck beard "high IQ" retards, but I bought into it before the huge dump and have lost my investment savings from this. All I'm asking for is one day without fud so I can at least pull out some of my money. I didn't know how badly crypto markets were manipulated and was naive, I deserve this to some degree but try and have some sympathy for the gullible retards like me that were just hoping for a leg up in their shitty lives.

>> No.20925102

We aren't half as annoying as these faggots, come on.

>> No.20925138

That's the same thing in practice. Everything you just said could be used to promote any crypto.
Bigger MC means lesser volatile. Your stack can still increase/decrease in value so yes its ripped out of your wallet if it gets manipulated the same way its added to your wallet practically speaking.

When you buy any crypto with a static supply you also buy a percentage of the MC.

>> No.20925201

The rebasing mechanism never prices people out. At a stable market cap, the high liquidity will provide an offramp from crypto to whales without significant impact on price. Check the uniswap pair for Eth-Ampl for liquidity & volume. No other coin has come even close. Like it not, this token is good for the crypto world.

>> No.20925228

The elastic supply protocol accounts for human nature and perceived value. Whereas fixed supply ASSETS can be manipulated to look like the value is "mooning" (this facilitating FOMO panic buying and leading to volatility), the elastic supply CURRENCY adjusts to the demands of the market and will keep the the value of the token at/around $1 if a rebase is ever necessary within a 24 hour window. This keeps the perceived value stable and assures/encourages people to hold and continue to use it as a currency.

>> No.20925292

It's benefits transcend beyond the cyrpto world. It's good for people on an individual and collective level. Ultimately it will take power from the central banks AND manipulative whales and restore it to the general population of the world. Eventually the market cap will be so high and the token will be so stable that it will be near impossible to manipulate the currency for personal benefit and at the expense of others, thereby eliminating the temptation to be a GREEDY prick. Now imagine a financial system that doesn't incentivize greed and other ugly human behavior. Imagine the compounding, positive effects that would have on society with each successive generation.

>> No.20925356
File: 20 KB, 1000x916, 1528601772173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh look its the same guy who told us that we were supped to drop to $0.01 cents and stay there for a few days when we were under $1. What a load of shit Rameesh, no ones falling for your bs again.

Not selling, my bags are not gonna end up in your scummy hands.

>> No.20925903
File: 208 KB, 1000x745, 1596128169066.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are saying this is really amazing but we have to first sell them cheap before they become amazing. Wow much accumulation reatardeness much swing for you wow.