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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20918991 No.20918991 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.20919029

telegram, discord, website?

>> No.20919051


>> No.20919215

Buy the fuck out of this anons.

>> No.20919303

jesus this is blowing up

>> No.20919321

shits xamp 2.0 hoyl fck

>> No.20919341

need 100 minimum to get into telegram hongbao.finance is the website

>> No.20919436

got in at $3 each after some trouble and its now at 9

>> No.20919441

We want to bring this model to China, to summon the power of Chinese DeFi community.

Good $KARMA attracts good people.
As a continuation of this concept, we named the Chinese fork of Karma DAO as "Hongbao DAO."
In traditional Chinese culture, Hongbao means fortune, luck and happiness.
We hope this DAO can be a venue for people to meet, exchange ideas and create value together.

--- Token Name ----- ------ Pool ------
HBO Uniswap HBO

--- Total Supply ---- ----------------- Inflation schedule -----------------
200K 10% weekly airdropped to all token holders pro rata

--- Next Airdrop --- ----------- Date -----------
18K 8/8/2020 8AM Beijing

>> No.20919443

just made quick 1.2 ETH

watch out though, scanned the contract and looks like might be weird mint permissions

>> No.20919456

whats in the telegram? didnt trust the link enough to click it

>> No.20919464


>> No.20919489
File: 25 KB, 600x407, pque1j2qnw911.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit I watched the price go up from $2
But the website and all looked so sketchy so didn't buy

>> No.20919509

threw in around 2 eth to see what happens

either rug pull or x20 with how fast its growing

>> No.20919619


>> No.20919632


>> No.20919656

Nah just some early buyer cashing out. Buy the dip

>> No.20919681

it's already coming back up

>> No.20919704

I was terrified but it immediately recovered. Bullish.

>> No.20919937

Ok this is gonna be moon

>> No.20920018

Can somebody just fucking tell me when these projects arise so I can get in at the ground floor? just once?

>> No.20920037

This is unironically the ground floor dude. This one will either die or go 100x, no in between

>> No.20920078

We already had YET ANOTHER YFI at 10k cap yesterday.
I don't understand how people who aren't part of the project even manage to find these. Uniswap Listings?

>> No.20920287

Get in here bois

>> No.20920362

you son of a bitch im in

>> No.20920387

Already $10.. took a few hours

>> No.20920403
File: 354 KB, 1210x644, 02a067b8e3975a79275d56652e11e788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

were gonna be rich

>> No.20920416

Buy INTX on hotbit instead, forget about this yfi scam.

>> No.20920418

so wheres the website

>> No.20920421

>I don't understand how people who aren't part of the project even manage to find these.
They're all shills in on the scam. How obvious do they have to make it for you with the way they speak like the insectoids they are in these shill threads?

>> No.20920472
File: 7 KB, 202x249, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20920473


https t.me/HongbaoTrader

unofficial telegram anons get in here

>> No.20920538

This is going to be insane

>> No.20920541

anon who shilled xamp early here, this coin was shilled on uniswap gem alerts which is almost never wrong

fucking dammit, i was sleeping 2 hours ago when the alert came, could have made x5, oh well

>> No.20920566

Naw i already dumped this retarded shitcoin but thanks anyways. Goodluck to all of you