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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 23 KB, 1191x312, dgb breakout.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2091752 No.2091752 [Reply] [Original]

This is the last warning you get. Buy DGB now before it moons to 1k sat overnight
>Warned you niggers about the 130 sat dip
>Warned you niggers about the 160 sat dip
>Warned you niggers about the 210 sat dip
>Warned you niggers about the 260 sat dip
>Warned you niggers about the 300 sat dip right now
If I ever see any of you retards irl and you're still poor without a lambo I'm going to personally laugh at you for an hour

>> No.2091766

imlistening this time
too tired of seeing this with its insane volume on poloniex everyday
ill buy in at 340

>> No.2091770

Fuck off this is a XRP board now

>> No.2091777

you stupid kike, buy DGB, profit, then buy more XRP, profit!

>> No.2091803
File: 98 KB, 500x479, 1436408197865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit will be 8k sats in a month

>> No.2091819

Better late than never anon, I really think we're going to see at least 500 today and probably 1k by tomorrow
>devs own 70% of the coin supply
>already has a 25% marketshare
Yeah XRP will surely give you high percentage gains

>> No.2091866

>not having your shitcoins funds split 50-50

>> No.2091877

Already at 100% ROI looking like it migbt be 1000 by eow

>> No.2091889

Listen to this man I bought 300k when it dipped today. >>2091752

>> No.2092025

poloniex is either jewing me or it has a gigantic amount of traffic due to the dip

>> No.2092031

newfag here, what does sat mean?

>> No.2092032

When do YOU see it soaring

>> No.2092048


OP you are seriously one of the best people in my entire life right now.

I took your advice and got in at 118 sats and I have been fucking celebrating all day. Straight up smoking weed and listening to Motley Crue and Tupac and just smiling like a fucking LUNATIC.

I will buy you a drink when I see you at the tropical island bar this time next year my man.

FUCK yeah.

>> No.2092058

Think of its uses.One dgb for winning a game of league.

I dont think its crazy for the coin to reach 10 cents.

>> No.2092070

Satoshi, please read more about cryptocurrency concepts before getting into it, thank you.

>> No.2092088

smallest unit of bitcoin
0.00000001 btc
>this delusion
we're all going to make it friends. I'm a europoor so I only had 0.1 btc to put into this coin, but I'm already looking at 130% gains. And that's if I sold right now at 300. Buy the 300 dip btw guys

>> No.2092119

Is it going to come out of this dive bomb? I honestly dont care I bought in at 100 sat with my profit from stellar lumens.

>> No.2092138

all I can afford is 35k dgb. Am i going to miss out?

>> No.2092144

Just do it

>> No.2092150

Why do people always ask this

Buy the dip rn and HODL

>> No.2092155

no, I already invested but I'm worried I wont be able to enjoy lambo land because of my pitiful initial investment

Is there any way to mine dgb? i have a mac (I know but its a hand me down)

I just want to have fun in a tropical island a year from now

>> No.2092161

Then don't ask.

>> No.2092173

I dont know how to mine though but someone would know more thanme.

>> No.2092181

You can mine but it's GPU dependent so unless you have a high end card you won't be mining much. I've made a bit less than 150 DGB after mining for 5 hours. I don't really know if it's worth the electricity at this point.

>> No.2092191

Play either League of Legends, CS GO, or WoW

I know league is 1dgb per win .1 per kill, turret kill, nd assist, or .01 per minion kill

>> No.2092193

I'll take it, the electricity cost doesnt mean shit because this is going to moon anyway.

Can you help me out plz

>> No.2092208


If you are too dumb to mine you don't deserve any rewards

>> No.2092210
File: 209 KB, 720x720, 11904675_585177301585088_8633642676590563468_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is over, isn't it?

>> No.2092217

I bought high but I won't sell low

>> No.2092222

It hasn't even started

>> No.2092230

Please tell me it's not over
I put everything I have and bought at 318 sats

>> No.2092234

why is polo taking so long to receive my eth .. must buy dgb..

>> No.2092238
File: 389 KB, 1424x5038, DGBMiningGuide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk what type of gpu is in your mac but here's a general guide i made.

>> No.2092244

bagholder city

>> No.2092249

Calm down. 1. its a long term investment 2. I will be shocked if it doesn't moon to 500+ tomorrow

>> No.2092262

Since a fellow anon passed me this info, I'll do the same for good boy points.

Go here and create an account, download the client, create a worker in your account.

If you're using an antivirus it'll give you a false positive so just add it to exceptions. Edit the X15-START file to have the info of your worker, so for example

ccminer.exe --algo=myr-gr -o stratum+tcp://stratum.dgb-groestl.theblocksfactory.com:9003 -u anon.worker1 -p 1111

where anon.worker1 is the name of the worker and 1111 is the pass.

Then run the program and check the Dashboard in the webpage, if it starts showing numbers you did it right.

>> No.2092263

You nig-face jews... I know your game now

>> No.2092265

Wrong it's mars colony.

>> No.2092267

I'm scared.

>> No.2092280

Are thurster engines in standby?

>> No.2092289

can I mine from the wallet offered on the site?

>> No.2092308

We just told you how to do it, you don't mine with wallets. If you're really new at this you should inform yourself more before you try to get into this.

>> No.2092312

Skittish is the worst thing an investor can be, not just for himself but for the thing he's investing in. People get scared and start to sell when it dips, then the currency is devalued. Have some balls and wait it out

>> No.2092357

Previous resistances usually become support after a rally, and there hasn't really been a resistance above 240. I hoped it wouldn't go this low but oh well. Still going to moon this is just a minor setback
It's over guys, just sell and go home. Remember to cry yourselves to sleep every night for the next 10 years reminiscing on how you missed out on >1000% gains

>> No.2092359


thanks niggas

>> No.2092364
File: 4 KB, 323x21, 2017-05-16-201749_323x21_scrot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 290

what do

>> No.2092367

Holding 1BTC worth here. Moon mission imminent.

>> No.2092373

Ride the wave up my friend

>> No.2092392

goddamn what the fuck macs are gay as shit

can't open the file or let me edit

>> No.2092398

If it's a laptop and a mac at that, don't even bother.

>> No.2092400

buy more you dip

>> No.2092417

Doesn't with with gtx 970?

>> No.2092418

this is why you set buy limits

>> No.2092432

I have a GTX980 and it works just fine, don't worry about the GPU list in the rar.

>> No.2092443

It's over folks. Just sold my 500k and made a nice ~150% profit.

Sorry to abandon y'all but this shit is going down down down. It's a cool coin though senpai, will load up again once she's level. Thanks for playing

>> No.2092460

Looks like a minor dip to me, hodl till 15 cents, wave down to the earthlings from the rings of saturn

>> No.2092461
File: 30 KB, 400x400, max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this fucking faggot.
Due diligence cunt. Don''t get crucial advice like that from here.
Future poorfag.
>Hey guys, XD lel like what is crypto, can I make moneys too? what is the blocked chain and why doesnt someone unblock it?

>> No.2092465

Please leave and educate yourself.

>> No.2092469

1000 SATS tomorrow let's do it!

>> No.2092671

how do I mine it solo? I don't want to join a mining pool just to get jewed

>> No.2093693

Fastest way to buy BTC??? I WANT IN

>> No.2093715

Do you have equivalent instructions for AMD gpus?

>> No.2093731


>> No.2093743

Bye, be seeing you via skype when we on the moon.

>> No.2093745

Local bitcoin.

>> No.2093772

Just buy back at 430 while you can anon.
And let this be a lesson. Coin is mooning as we speak

>> No.2093785

Minecraft, steem, guys dont underestimate this coin, i made an ascending triangle last year and it broke the trend.

Do you realize 8 billion coins vs ripple 30 billion?

100,000 million little shits playing minecraft with 80 dgb is 8 billion, dgb will legit hit 1 dollar. now figure, there are more than 100million players. Steem markets,those faggots buy games for a living. Add the fact that microsoft owns minecraft. we are talking top 5 coins. Steem, and microsoft will have to buy it. this is nothing, it will goto 100k sats this summer.

screencap me faggots, i called this last year thats why i have 5 million

>> No.2093799

Will I be comfy with 1mil?

I don't want to be a wage cuck anymore.

Literally threw all of my savings into this because I believe in it.

>> No.2093858

Depens on where you plan to live. In any metropolitan cities you need $10mil. In third world countries you might be ok.

>> No.2093862

I pray to Kek you are right.

>> No.2093871

Looks like it just corrected pretty hard. Is it likely to bounce back up above 470? I'm tired of this coin toying with my emotions.

>> No.2093887

just bought so y'all better brace for the inevitable crash

>> No.2093894

Fuck off Will

>> No.2093905

Alright, just bought the dip, almost exactly where I sold it last (403 sat). You guys better not be wrong about this.

>> No.2093907

I know how you feel anon. But zoom out and take a look at that little dip in the grand scheme of things. This coin is seriously undervalued, and if you can buy it at 400 sats you definitely should.
If you're really paranoid download blockfolio and set an alarm to like 350 sats so you can buy more if it ever goes that low again, and at 5k sats. And then buy the coin right now and don't look at the charts again until your phone alarm goes off.
You can literally mine this coin by playing video games, and you can spend what you earn on in game currency and game gift cards. This shit will make it big, much much bigger than the measly 60mil market cap it currently has.

>> No.2093926
File: 220 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20170517-023006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2093938

i dont want to over hype anything but this is a fucking goldmine. riplle plah plah jews.

We are talking billions of people using this. this will replace btc. >>2093926
literally never. quit crypto NOW

>> No.2093961

1 cent today?

Holy shit

>> No.2093970

Did you just add another 0 to your winnings?

Yes you did.
Cuz I have 15MM and my winnings are exactly the same as yours.

>> No.2093978

maybe he got in way sooner than you anon

>> No.2093986

nvm, my brain farted into thinking it was 2016.

I was just about to tell myself to all in fucking ripple next feb.

>> No.2093993

Whats the go boss? Are we still going to 500 tonight??

>> No.2093998

with my money i will buy land and build two houses live in one rent the other, and spend the rest of my days playing guitar and fucking traps

>> No.2093999

why price do i buy at?.. i dont want to buy over 400 ='(

is it gonna dip before it goes back up?

>> No.2094047

It's at 380ish at the moment if you want to buy now.

>> No.2094055

380 is amazing, I mean, lets just think how far it's come in just 24 hours. from 133 to 380, and even higher.

Wow. Off to Andromeda!!

>> No.2094108

Bought at 465, hopefully it gives me something

>> No.2094112

when will this stop rising? it feel like a pump that just wont stop

>> No.2094114

If anyone is freaking out, look at yobit until polo removes it head from its ass.

>> No.2094116

Statement retracted.

>> No.2094155

how does anybody make any money when this piece of shit site wont even take your orders. price has gone up like 20 sats and it still wont place the order.

>> No.2094162

overloades because of all the people who want free money
xrp and dgb would be far higher if polo got its shit together
once they do get grounded im hoping they rise

>> No.2094187
File: 1.03 MB, 1920x1080, Screenshot at 2017-05-17 11:53:35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice upward trend boys.

>> No.2094209


but it is going up youre right

>> No.2094212

Yeah I find 1 min makes weak hands.

>> No.2094213

consider bailing lads i think 450 is the peak

>> No.2094220


150 peak
200 peak
250 peak
300 peak
350 peak
400 peak
450 peak

faggot. ITS A POLO DDOS/MANIPULATION DIP, just wait it the fuck out, and if you are scared, fucking bury your pc in the garden and come back in a month.