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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20909925 No.20909925 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, WTF do we do marines? I’ve gone from such excitement the last 2 years to being totally demoralized. I almost wish I didn’t find Link because at least then I could fight being raped by a vaccine and not give a shit about dying. But not we are on the cusp of becoming really wealthy and the only way we can enjoy that wealth is if we get vaccined. But then is it even worth it in that kind of world we are headed? It feels like is all over. More than half want to be vaxxed and only 20% are ardent in not being vaxxed. Even if the vaccine isn’t harmless (fat chance) the hyperdrive security state we are entering right now is going to make getting your balls molested by a TSA agent seem like 1776 type freedom.

>> No.20909981

no bro. those chips are satanic.
you want the cool chips.

>> No.20909996

Woke for real. I think we're closer to 50% who will refuse "voluntary" Vax. When the mandates come it will get bloody.

>> No.20909997

At least we won’t be poor

>> No.20910040
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Stop being a faggot and adjust your situation to one where you do not require being vaccinated.
I prospect in the aussie outback, they cant vaccinate me if they cant find me.

>> No.20910062


>> No.20910094

The conference yesterday revealed to the world the fat Russian that runs this scam. Price has already tanked 10%. Once it breaks through the $5 resistance the panic will begin and small holders and speculators will begin to offload, with the whales already long gone. Once it shoots through the $2.5 mark, unabated FEAR will ripe through all LINKies. With all those who dumped their current accounts into this scam twitching at their arsehole continuously while refreshing binance. The $0.50 mark will be met, the largest panic in history will ensue. The final stinky Nodes will begin to go offline, and wagecuckers with their engineering salaries loaded up in LINK will be left with it stuck in their wallet, unable to move it to binance to salvage some self respect. The price WILL tank at this point to sub $0.5, and most probably sub ICO levels. From that day forward the stinky Linkie wagecucking engineering nerds who bought this coin thinking it had fundamentals will go back to their jobs, with no money in their current accounts, to be made redundant by the next wave of pajeets arriving to undercut their wages. Stinky Linkies will hold bags FOREVER, with no job, no money, and no crypto. I warned you LINKies. There’s still time to get out. Sell NOW. Don’t be stinky, don’t be a LINKie.

>> No.20910108

Fair enough but who gives a fuck if your rich tho in this new world where everyone is destitute? And who’s to say we won’t be fucking tracked for owning this shit. I mean what if you have 30 million bucks and then cash out a few million. Your compromising your safety just in doing that when you have so much and so many have so little

>> No.20910129

Ok so I become rich and then I go live in the fucking sticks with no way of enjoying my wealth? What does being rich afford us in this new world?

>> No.20910150

They wont be tracking us. They wont have to. Our nodes will be enslaving all of mankind. The data. The chainlink. Damn.

>> No.20910202

Are you more likely to be forced in to something you don't want if you are rich than if you are poor? Seems to me your options for opting out of it are greater if you have resources.

>> No.20910233

Do you want to be a part of this? I don’t think Jesus Christ will look down on me favorably

>> No.20910253

Yeah I know. Fine. I’m not selling or anything. I’m just saying it’s fucked. It’s more about survival than having a fun life at this point then. That’s my point. I can’t even play live poker right now and that’s all I want to do with millions or not

>> No.20910276

>Seems to me your options for opting out of it are greater if you have resources.
That is the lie. If you are poor all you have to care for is surviving, once you get real rich, societal rules becomes more important, and if you fuck up, mostly your riches will be gone soon as well. Changing your life fundamentally is easier if you are poor

>> No.20910342
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>mfw have to quit my job when they force vaccines
>mfw can't even fly to Japan because my passport gets revoked

>> No.20910376

Mark of the beast

>> No.20910383

Not saying to do what I do, just think outside the box.
There may be countries to move to or maybe just buy a big ass boat and be a based pirate.

>> No.20910389

no chip bro. just link

get saved.

>> No.20910440

no they will pull out some project blue beam fake alien hologram voices in your head shit and 99% of people will submit

>> No.20910463

>easier to change your life if you are poor
This is the opposite of the truth.

>> No.20910620

my plan is to bribe a doctor into writing all the right things in my chart if it's just a vaccine. but if it involves some type of chip that i can't fake then i'm fucked. there's always a way around these things anon - do not despair. the government won't suddenly become competent.

>> No.20910686
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That's fucking funny because I also had a similar experience with this asshole. I saw Sergey at a Second hand store Moscow yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything.

He said, “Oh, Cyka blyet, mudila?”

I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like eleven Flannel shirts and two additional flannel shirts in his hands without paying.

The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter although he managed to unnoticeably stuff few flannel shirts in his pants.

When she took one of the flannel shirts and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and angrily told her that he was horny and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think Chainlinks oracles are working anyway. After she scanned each flannel shirt and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly and asking if it's possible to pay in the "new disruptive technology called Link".

>> No.20910727

If you are down it can only go up, if your up, could go down, sideways, slow up hard down. Being poor is easier, less responsibilities, less things to care about, as said, basically basic survival only

>> No.20910918

I am a pharmacist, I will take a bribe to document I gave you a shot. Even better though. Go to a pharmacy you've never been to when they're really busy. Pay for it, then pretend to get a text and have to leave urgently... Say you'll be back soon. Never go back, you should get all the paperwork you need when you pay, voila

>> No.20910955

Sounds like you are conflating "life changes" entirely with "net worth", which is ultimately just an abstract number. In reality, your circumstances are litmitlessly multifactorial. Location, status, leadership, alliances, education, resources, training, and general power are all attributes that are independent of your net worth, but a change in any one of them can be greatly expedited if you are wealthy, as opposed to poor.

>> No.20911043

Good idea. Thanks pharmbro

>> No.20911051

You are not welcome to the yatch, skizo faggot.

>> No.20911798

if really comes to a microchip being mandatory (even implicitly ie. you need it to buy food) then it's time to go off grid

it won't be easy but it's better than going to hell

>> No.20911909

>no way of enjoying my wealth?

guess it depends on how you define "enjoying wealth"

being way out in the sticks on my own land away from burning society sounds pretty enjoyable to me. I don't need LAMBO AND YACHT AND BIG TITTED BLOND BEECH SUCKING MY COCK

>> No.20911966

You get enough that you need, then you move to a lower populated area and survive off the land and anything you brought prior. Cut ties, ensure you are armed and just survive in the wilderness until society collapses. Then return as a god with knowledge of survival.

>> No.20912025

This is a good plan, except the vaccine will be somewhat useful when they release Covid 2.0 that will be more deadly.

You'll have the Vaccine as your only method of protection, yet the vaccine will be chipped also. If you fail to have the vaccine the new airborne Covid will get you.

>> No.20912076

Dont take the vacine until its been out for a long time if at all. Thats from two experienced nurses. If it works their immunity will protect you. If there are massive side effects you will know. Dont take the mark no matter what. If they roll out the mark what other proof do you need to serve the lord. Go inna woods and serve god. Nothing else matters.

>> No.20912118

Don't take the vaccine period numb nuts. They're pushing a vaccine based on a lie. Not saying the virus isn't real (although I couldn't prove that it is) but the "pandemic" is a complete farce, and they're still pushing masks and goggles and vaccines and all this shit on us as if it's completely legitimate and it's this super deadly, super contagious virus. As if we don't have our own fucking eyes and ears and can see what's going on around us.

Why do they continue to push a vaccine on us based on a lie? There's an ulterior motive.

>> No.20912292

One of those nurses worked in detroit and saw firsthand the toll it caused. Its not just a flu bro. We dont even know the long term effects yet. The early evidence is that its roulete. Healthy people can have their lung capacity devastated permanently. Geniuses have been basically labotomized. The nurse said it seems to find a weak link in your body and targets that. Believe what you want. Im from /pol/, and we have been following this since day one. Is the response sane? Fuck no, the economy must continue. 32% drop in GDP may have already destroyed us. That doesnt mean this isnt a dangerous virus.

>> No.20912370

i dont think that the vaccine will contain a chip
the chips are on the outside of the vaccine containers. not fucking in the goddamn vaccine, that doesnt even fucking make any sense and the mark of the beast is a fucking payment method not a fucking vaccine for a viral pathogen.

>> No.20912862

yeah it also renders you sterile and makes you have seizures and causes heart damage

or you have NO SYMPTOMS AT ALL. It's completely random


but only 2% of the population have caught it in ~7 months

THAT IS WHY YOU MUST WEAR THE MASK (but only after 7 months into the pandemic, it wasn't that important at first)

>> No.20912945

It's made that way fren'd.

A culling, that selectively seems to decide if you spread it, die from it or get made sterile so you can never reproduce.

All the while, those that will survive are being conditioned to fear and to wear a mask (sign of obedience)

>> No.20912993

You will eat the bugs
You will wear the mask
You will get the chip
You will bend the knee

>> No.20912997

The vaccine will be a 'health barcode' that is scannable via the 5G system. They will be able to identify individuals through that.

The payment method version is optional, to distract and to see who willingly volunteers. Later on this method will be used to ensure those that did not get the vaccine must be chipped to interact with any level of the financial system.

>> No.20913163


I'd like that.

>> No.20913510
File: 49 KB, 800x450, A1EA814D-EF91-4E1C-A1C0-13C9EC3A238F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then just kill yourself dude, they will always win, you can at least lick their boots clean so they spare you and let you have a McMansion for 40 years till you die. I plan on consuming and spending all my gains, why would they track me down? What is your alternative? Getting rich off of what was a Bilderberg project anyway and then somehow destroying (((them))) with your measly $5mm?
Ten years ago I would have cringed at what I’m saying now but if you think muh secret 4chan club isn’t already compromised then grow the fuck up.
Quit bitching, we got an opportunity to not have to shovel shit for the rest of our lives, that’s more than enough on this gay earth. Or you can go circle jerk with 42 and the other new faggots. This is /biz/ not /pol/.

>> No.20913760

>Jesus Christ
Oh look, it’s retarded. I should have read the thread before I wasted my time with a dignified response.

>> No.20913819

im taking two just to be extra safe

>> No.20913984

Wait, how do you do this? You pay for it before "urgently leaving", and then call them a couple days to get the forms?