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20892890 No.20892890 [Reply] [Original]

What age did you start investing in stocks/crypto

>> No.20892902

17/f/cali ;)

>> No.20892918

21 unfortunately, 3 years ago.
i was playing around with crypto at 18 but never actually invested and i lost all my old wallets. eats me up some days still

>> No.20892943

19, old enough to understand it and young enough to make it before turning 30. Managed to accumulate 20k linkies

>> No.20892946

>off topic data mining
If you post without reporting op your mother will die in her sleep tonight

>> No.20892954

Like 13 lol

>> No.20892981

based schizo calling everything datamining thinking anyone gives even a remote fuck about the demographics of biz

>> No.20893015


>> No.20893053

22, 3 years ago
wanted to invest in btc since i was 16, but never got around to it.

>> No.20893068

i started buying drugs on silk road with btc in 2013, does that count?

>> No.20893269

50. Started in March as I thought I might be furloughed and need weed to get through lockdown. It didn't happen and since then I've just put all my salary in bitcoin. Started selling and buying alts about a week ago but have since stopped as I realized that was stupid.

Not putting any more money in. Thinking of selling the lot fairly soon.

You learn to be very cautious with age.

>> No.20893338
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nothing brings me more happiness than knowing poor boomers will stay poor because they are so fearful

>> No.20893371

3 years old, 66 years ago

>> No.20893416

i bought my first btc about 4-5 years ago, i was 23.

it's funny cus I woke up one morning scared/anxious about money and my future. I literally went on /biz/ and remembered bitcoin was a thing and then purchased one for 400. had no clue the wild ride i would be on. it literally helped me start my own business and not have to get a real job

>> No.20893423


>> No.20893478

Gen X, cunt.. And we shall see who ends up owning a nice boat. The tortoise or the greedy shit for brains hare.

I bought gold in December, btw. Not quite so keen on selling that.

>> No.20893585

I'm curious what your reasoning is. You've lived through a few market cycles, including the crypto slump were finally starting to recover from. Do you mean all-inning on us treasury bonds? In that case I'd disagree it's the best move but it's not unreasonable if your goal isn't making money. If you're staying in ETFs and shit why not kee' 5 or 10% in crypto? The market matures more every week and bitcoin has a good track record. I'm a little younger and married without kids so I have more risk tolerance but even if I were 50 I wouldn't completely exit all my crypto positions. You still have a good 20 to 40 years left, maybe more considering how crazy medicine is getting. If nothing else the fact you can't lose crypto funds or be prevented from using it how you want is attractive. I've had some bad experiences with PayPal, legacy banks, etc.. No harm but it was terribly frustrating and made me appreciate crypto more. Even gold can't offer anything close to this degree of freedom.

>> No.20893627


>> No.20893723

Buy chainlink old man
If your racist or hate Jews definitely buy link

>> No.20893909

Why would I want to do that? Can I go shopping for recreational pharmaceuticals with it like btc? No. It seems more like a Ponzi. Just another shitcoin lifted by the rising tide of bitcoin.

>> No.20893947

Never, better chance at winning the lottery

>> No.20894020

About 3 weeks ago

>> No.20894066

With age you become more stubborn and outdated. Enjoy the crab ride.

>> No.20894089

I remember first dabbling in crypto when Bitcoin was still at $500. Then I didn't touch it for a few years.

>> No.20894409

I sort of agree with you.. just I am convinced there's going to be a big stockmarket sell off later in the year which will take bitcoin back down with it. I want to be in all cash for that day. Traditionally it's an October event, although elections complicate matters.

I think I'll hold until mid September, and then start selling. The Jew in me doesn't like buying more as it's much more expensive than when I started.

>> No.20894486

That's not much of a sales pitch for link. Do you even know yourself what you've been buying?

>> No.20894868

All I'm saying is that if you think that the value in crypto is that you can buy stuff with it, then you should reevaluate the whole crypto space.

>> No.20894920

Been using crypto to buy weed since quarantine. Started actually investing and holding it 3-4 days ago.

>> No.20895012

honestly.. prob 13?
i've been browsing 4chan since i was 10, was browsing /g/ when i got into dogecoin at around 13, bought eth when it was shilled on /biz/ for 14$ around 14-15, held like a motherfucker for years, and only now just getting back into trading in 2020 (19 years old)

>tfw only $30k porfolio
i don't think there's any chance of me making it

>> No.20895107

There are those who've started a decade or more later than you, whose portfolios could be less than 30k. At 19, you've got a long way to go.

>> No.20895168

crypto will probably get regulated in 5 years max, which means the days of x100 gains are over.
and desu, the future is really fucking bleak for zoomers, there are no optimist zoomers, most of us already know america is going down the shitter, crypto is the only option out of a lifetime of wageslaving and debt slavery for the average zoomer

>> No.20895223

one week ago at 29

>> No.20895336

why the actual fuck you are not buyng cronos or canopy growth co stonks?

you like weed and this will need to waise as recreational weed hits all states and most of countries in south america, a good investment for your 60s.

> oh boomer I love you boat, how did you got it?
I invested 1k in weed stock back in 2020

>> No.20895393

Started in stocks at 19. Crypto wasn’t a thing yet back then. I somehow convinced my parents to let me ‘invest my entire savings and my brothers’. I was doing great until I found penny stocks then lost all the money in about a month’s time

>> No.20895613

21 and got burned hard by mtgox.

>> No.20895751
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My current age - 7 days