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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20889335 No.20889335 [Reply] [Original]

Is your hair an asset or a liability? Prices of getting it cut have gone way up, time to shave it all off?

>> No.20889383

>jfl if you're not shaving your head with a double edge safety razor

>> No.20889385

My haircut is expensive but looking nice pays 100x dividends

>> No.20889410

100% liability
u need 100% of available worry/dread for crypto trading not inevitable hair loss

>> No.20889422
File: 99 KB, 908x714, 1555827416332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got the bald gene and am starting vertex balding

every option I see is shit or won't work long term so unfortunately I'll have to adopt the basedboy look bros. I won't make it, go on without me

>> No.20889464
File: 54 KB, 700x500, Long-Hair-Men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the long hair pill
(jk pay for a hair cut jfc)

>> No.20889558

I'm this honestly, girls like it more than your average balding

>> No.20889634

Long hair is the only legit choice. Long hair gives insane intuition

>> No.20889758

how expensive, anon?

>> No.20889806

Losing my hair is a liability. Have to make it if I’m ever going to afford a decent hair transplant

>> No.20889858

Just get /fit/, buy form fitting clothes, and grow a beard if you have the genetics for it. You’re officially sex tier now, especially to younger and older women.

If you have a weird shaped head you might be kinda fucked.

>> No.20889868

unironically put bee venom cream on your scalp

>> No.20889959

i've gotten two fue transplants from one of the top 5 surgeons in the us. first one to lower hairline, second to pack it. until im 70 years old ill be able to toppik + pomade my shit back like a gangster. best 20k i've ever spent.

the actual surgery can be painful. my first go the "scalp block" didn't fully take in one area and it was fucking crazy painful. you're so high on a mix of benzos you forget that you're suffering though kek

>> No.20889988

i was this a decade ago

>> No.20890583

Nice. Was thinking of going to Turkey to get 5000 grafts, only 2 grand.

>> No.20890637

holy shit, you don't say