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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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2088535 No.2088535 [Reply] [Original]

>Bitcoin dies due to transaction backlog
>Ripple and Eth take its place
>XRP @ 200usd
>ETH @ 1000usd
>LTC @ 50usd

This is the future

>> No.2088572

ltcs future is at 5

>> No.2088605

You're underestimating the effect of Bitcoin keeling over. There are going to be massive trust issues because of the underlying flawed architecture.

>Why did it die?
>What are the alternative coins doing to not repeat the same pattern?

>> No.2088608


LTC is a d e a d c o i n

>> No.2088666

In the case of using bitcoin, it only has to be transferred to the Waves decentralized exchange and then can be transferred and traded with a few different coins (and currencies soon) on a faster blockchain. It can be sent back to the BTC chain if you really want to though.

>> No.2088667

Unconfirmed transactions going to hit 200K in less than an hour. BTC will probably die completely within the week.

>> No.2088669

>Once demand begins to go down there are no more network problems again
>Demand goes back up

Bitcoin is not ded

>> No.2088838

How much are they paying you to shill shitty scamcoins?

I bet they pay you in bitcoin

There was one boat son; bitcoin. Im sorry if you feel like you missed it and some shitty centralized scamcoin is going to make you rich

Remember to sage and ignore non-bitcoin threads

>> No.2088867
File: 11 KB, 714x199, screenshot_16-05-2017 14.57.37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is fine

>> No.2088997
File: 15 KB, 579x90, BTCDed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see pic related
>remember that i traded all my remaining BTC into XRP 3 days ago
>instantly comfy again

>> No.2089005

XRP at $200 or more is obvious, but ETH at $1000 will never happen. $50 LTC, maybe.

>> No.2089051
File: 107 KB, 800x800, 1490966598942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>xrp at 200 is obvious
> market cap is obvious

>> No.2089123

I eagerly await the death of Buttcoin. Imagine how apeshit the Chinks will go when they can't move their money out of China anymore

>> No.2089133

Two trillion wouldn't be out of the question for a bank traded coin.

>> No.2089182

at this moment, using bitcoin is worth it for 100+ bucks transactions only.

fees predate microtransactions, so the "transfer millions of dollars to the other side of the world at just a few pennies" dream is dead.

right now bitcoin is just a wealth vault, not really a currency. the obvious thing would be to transfer a chunk of btc to other shitcoin (ltc, dash, eth) with negligible fees for everyday expenses, while keeping the whole of your wealth locked up.

>> No.2089302


why don't the people confirm their transactions?
why are they so lazy?

>> No.2089308


>> No.2089361

>XRP at 200 USD

This is a joke right? Have you seen the number of coins in circulation?

>> No.2089391

Do you know how much banks deal with daily in cross-border transactions?

>> No.2089452
File: 65 KB, 1050x591, dh11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking the jews are going to give up their control of the market for some meme coin

>> No.2089932

I pulled out of LTC so hard i'm being crowned King of England next week.

ETH I can believe in because it's hot-shit technology, XRP I can see being banker's lifeblood, but LTC is ... I mean...

It just seems so outdated.
It's bitcoin, only not at $1700~ There's so much better stuff on offer now.

>> No.2089998

The smart ones will just work with it; that's what they do.

Art of war rules; troop assimilation is preferable to fighting/execution.

>> No.2090019

Bitcoin has had lower gains than just about every other crypto this year, stay in your rowboat.

>> No.2090037

>preferable to fighting

mate there is no fight, you're comparing a bunch of literaly kids (18-25y.o.s) to generations of economists and bankers who will fight tooth and nail to protect their bank and currency, you've already lost and you don't even know it

>> No.2090056

>you're comparing Google software engineers and major banking consortiums to other bankers

>> No.2091704

The devs are being paid 80 million xrp. That would make them multi-billionaires. the coin will peak at a 3 dollars max, desu.

>> No.2091732

If bitcoin dies all coins die