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File: 85 KB, 889x889, basic-attention-token-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20882788 No.20882788 [Reply] [Original]

I'm giving up on you.

Even faggot XRP scam coin is pumping while this shit sits with its thumb up its ass again!

>> No.20882804

It's literally free. kys

>> No.20882806

what's the scam? evolving the world of finance?

>> No.20883000


You first you worthless faggot.

>> No.20883254

Saturday BAT threads are when all the helpful Anons and oldfags post. Maybe they will have some news, Otherwise these threads are DOA are full of the same meme spam

>> No.20883273

Spend more money on free shit brainlet. Got some coupons I can sell you

>> No.20883311
File: 65 KB, 644x560, 37d56x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Compares BAT to free coupons

You bought AMPL and XRP didn't you you retard.

>> No.20883329

I already dumped my Biblically Awful Tokens

>> No.20883350


What did you buy instead?

>> No.20883631

It's not Saturday yet go do something else

>> No.20883896

This. Tomorrow is TA, GitHub updates, and thotposts

>> No.20883980

Paid off the last 2 years of my mortgage, a crate of shotgun aammo, and a pallet (3 years) worth of freeze dried meals.

>> No.20884015

yeah OP don't try to do anything on your own, everything on this site is planned by discord groups no reason to even comment.

>> No.20884106

You fail to understand how BAT works, it's not supposed to go up or down, BAT is supposed to stay at about the same price, it's purpose is completely different than your useless pump and dump schemes and tokens. BAT is just the equivalent of a digital currency in Brave's advertisement platform, that's all it is, you earn money by working, not by playing with money.

>> No.20884172

Have you seen the daily BAT threads with no discussion? They die in 20 mins or are either spammed with the same shit memes that gets posted day in and day out. The saturday threads are the only ones with something actually to discuss. But yeah, muh 26 cent stablecoin discord plotting bro.

>> No.20884318

>use Brave for a month
>get 30 BAT ~7.50 USD
>literally free
>expects BAT to moon to above ATH of 0.95
>expects to become millionaire for looking at pop up ads

>> No.20884399

lies, been using brave exclusively on mobile and desktop for 6 months, earned less than $2

>> No.20884432

yeah because for the past three years there's been an extremely coordinated "we don't talk about BAT" campaign by the maggots so we could never have any fun talking about it, obviously the fun is happening somewhere else and we weren't around for the joke so that's that.

we don't talk about BAT except when were told like good little obedient 4channelers.

>> No.20884469

BAT is literally the only crypto with a proven use case faggot.

>> No.20884479

I sell my BAT immediately when I got the reward.
Just no reason to hold this shit when everyone get it for free.

>> No.20884488

You are correct, and this board is retarded.

>> No.20884743

Github anon here, I have nothing to share for tomorrow. Nothing special this week

>> No.20884780

Mate add BAT to the title for the next times please. Makes it easier to look for. Cheers

>> No.20884806
File: 3 KB, 125x121, 1593669002185s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit do you live in Venezuela lmao? i get like a minimum of 0.8 BAT a day from just browsing a few hours

>> No.20884827

BAT is hands down the biggest piece of shit in all of crypto
Unpumpable piece of rat shit

>> No.20884832

BAT in LATAM is shit.

>> No.20884847
File: 77 KB, 470x597, F5546A47-9E21-417F-ADF3-C48978AB5DDF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking niggerfag

>> No.20884868

Being "unpumpable" is precisely what makes it worth anything, it has a real use case and will not be affected by your "pump" and "dump" schemes. Get fucked crypto shitcoin faggot.

>> No.20885012

Excuse me I'm retarded and currently only have xrp what should I trade it to

>> No.20885083

Iron fist that shit and dont let go. You will regret it, anon. Think of your kids.

>> No.20885174

Spend more money on free, centralized shit thinking it's an "investment", keep going.

>> No.20885213

I have gotten hundreds of this coin for free just from using brave. Why would anyone pay for it?

>> No.20885406

It's not free for the advertisers who will have to buy it to advertise on the platform. The fact that it's being widely distributed to Brave users will help it moon eventually.

?? BAT would be perfectly valuable even if it was pumpable. Most likely it would be more valuable. Look to BNB to see what happens when a utility token has creators that know what appealing economics looks like. Anyway BAT will pump sooner or later. At least they got the supply cap right.