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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 3 KB, 222x227, EVERYTHING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20877208 No.20877208 [Reply] [Original]

It will pump just as fast when we break 1$ today.

Make of this what you will.

>> No.20877282

You convinced me to hold with your last thread. Thanks fren.

>> No.20877298

I bought in at $600M mc. Holding was a little tough but here we go

>> No.20877304


AMPL is going to be one of the biggest things in crypto.

That is why there is massive pressure to shake everyone out right now.

>> No.20877368

AMPL hitting 1 Billion market cap is going to be the easiest trade soon.

Number of addresses is 19000 right now and imagine what happens when its breaks 50000 next month

>> No.20877408

It'll take a fair bit of momentum to get there, but I'm positive we won't have such a dramatic correction this time after, where do you think we'll correct to before the next cycle?

>> No.20877483

here we go boys

>> No.20877525


Probably up to around 800million mkap this cycle, then we correct to about 450-500m

>> No.20877548

Sounds about right. I will take the top, fix my teeth and go all in at the bottom again. Hail AMPL.

>> No.20877561

were gonna get you some new teeth anon

>> No.20877600

I know, its really my only want in life at this point. And before someone says it yes I'll get a passport and go somewhere other than burgerland.

>> No.20877704

this token is like a fly trap for newfags. Keep up the good work anons, I don't want a single normie to get rich off this board

>> No.20877738

How much do you need for your teeth anon?

>> No.20877758

it already broke $1 today and now it's dumping. good job retard

>> No.20877764

I haven't looked into it in other countries but in burgerland I have been quoted by 4 different dentists ranging from $45-60k.

>> No.20877766
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>> No.20877802
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>4 different dentists ranging from $45-60k.


>> No.20877821
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>> No.20877832

I know, I know. I learned my lesson daddy. I won't make stupid financial decisions anymore.

>> No.20877871


Excellent choice.

>> No.20877890

Well shiit, that's way higher than I thought. You should make a teeth token and let everyone know you will be pulling the rug once you hit your goal

>> No.20877945

That would be funny, however 4chan has been my home since I was in middleschool and I love you guys, no matter what.

>> No.20877977


>> No.20878066

I seriously have never seen so much FUD before. i wasn't around for the chain link FUD. similar levels?

>> No.20878167


I've been here since 2014, and the level of rage and seethe this coin inspired has been unmatched in my experience

>> No.20878212

Not realy. Ampl actualy can compound losses which raises the hysteria. The best chain link fud was the lambo fud which is week fud.

>> No.20878278


Except your % of the market cap never changes.

You buy 1 BTC for 100$
Market cap of btc drops 2%
You now have 98$

You buy 1 ampl for 100$
market cap of ampl drops 2%
You now have 98$

>> No.20878285

That is were you are wrong.

>> No.20878306

Normies dont know that all they see is red dildos fucking there assholes.

>> No.20878309

AMPL is undervalued right now. We will hit another rally. Sorry, but you're wrong.

>> No.20878329


The amount of retards in crypto should be a major signal that we are in a bubble and will crash soon,

But AMPL is something different and i love it.

>> No.20878338

Ride for ruin!
Forth Eorlingas!

>> No.20878418
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its running back up....

>> No.20878541


When we break 1$ the real show begins.

>> No.20878581

I learned my lesson this time though and will sell the tops.

>> No.20878617

yea im having a hard time seeing this run up like crazy again because of how many terrified people there are that bought in at 500+

>> No.20878625

good luck holding those bags

>> No.20878691


we can hire jeets to make you a token on fiverr

>> No.20878781

The run up will build gradually then shoot up but it will dump hard.

>> No.20878879

side go to hungary or poland. even india (no joke)

>> No.20878880

Following a traditional market cycle, those people are going to get bear trapped.

>> No.20878927

Oy vey

>> No.20878990
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>> No.20879018

how long til rebase? Im not a fat burger

>> No.20879046

3 and a half hours.

>> No.20879168

Since Oracle rate is 0.75 what is the rebase going to be today ? Still negative ? If des this would pump the price even further

>> No.20879247


We've got 2 more hours of price averaging before the final rate's set, but yeah, looks like we're headed for a tiny negative rebase

>> No.20879285

This is very exciting.

>> No.20879302

Depending on how this turns out I might actually do this, if nothing else just for the keks.

>> No.20879341

Good thing is there will be no selloff with a negative rebase and it will further drive value. This time with coming coinbase Listing this thing is going straight to 5 usd

>> No.20879415

Also in the whole chart 8300-8800 sats was usually where it bottomed and jumped back. And I witnessed a couple of Whales freaking out under 1 usd and Dumping their huge bags completely. One of em sold 2,5 million in just 1 hour or so. Made me shit my pants

>> No.20879463

nothing but cope ITT. shoulda bought RSR FAGGOTS

>> No.20879480

how do I see ampl in metamask?

hoping to catch the second wave of this

>> No.20879516

nvm found the contract

>> No.20879517

>This time with coming coinbase Listing this thing is going straight to 5 usd

Christ, I hope not

>> No.20879538

Y tho

>> No.20879540

Fuck if that happens I will insta cash out.

>> No.20879707

You saw how hard it crashed when it hit $4 and then the next time it didn't even hit $3 before a crash

>> No.20879743

There’s a very specific reason coinbase will be listing AMPL.

1. Ampl will become the preferred method to take profits when bitcoin is worth 100K.
2. People will send their ampl to coinbase to cash out.
3. Coinbase will be rolling in cash out fees.

>> No.20879785

Sell the top then. Good strategy is "Half when doubled". Sell half your stack when vague doubled and so on. Reduces alot of riskant instead of being all in all the time

>> No.20879809
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So I should wait another market cycle until it gets to like 7-800 million. Cash out. Wait for it to crash to 64 cents and buy back in for next cycle. This is a nail biter of a coin. I think I love it.

>> No.20879818

is this an erc token? can you just buy it and stick it in your ledger?

>> No.20879842

It's truly tested my risk appetite and I plan on buying back in after the next correction, 100%.

>> No.20879848

Nope. 55,873,563 amples gonna be dumped from the team at any moment.

>> No.20879883

This is the correction. 8300 sats to 8800 was literally the bottom every time. It just dumped to 5500 because a whale sold 2,5millis in literally 1h under 8000 sats (stoopid)

>> No.20879901

I'm already completely priced in to AMPL right now, I mean after this cycle in selling the top and buying the bottom to start anew.

>> No.20879926
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Independent whales are done with this after the failed pizza delivery service guys and seed investors dumped on the public.

There will be no more cycles.

Who wants to hold an asset threatened by compounding losses?

Pic related: Token distribution.

>> No.20879930

Gotcha. This thing is gonna make is rich. All the people are burned right now but wait till the fomo kicks in. I love this gem

>> No.20879936

Also what the fuck is going on with the trades on Kucoin? Are those trade bots ran by whales?

>> No.20879945

too man bagholders now.

>> No.20879958


>> No.20879964

Independent whales are who's been accumulating these last few days retard.

>> No.20879990

That first AMPL run was once in a lifetime you’ll never see anything like it again it’s over

>> No.20880012

Not really, alot of people panicsold yesterday including whales

>> No.20880028

>posts shill fud
>biz reverse psychology
>it actually dumps

>> No.20880106

will there be positive rebase?

>> No.20880137
File: 335 KB, 935x1807, SmartSelect_20200801-012646_TradingView.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Accumulation? lol

See all those red candles getting bigger and bigger when everyone runs to the exit?

That manipulated coinbase tweet was the last exit pump.

Distribution done. Only bagholders now.

>> No.20880239

what's your target shlomo
how low this gonna go

>> No.20880410


Given how the team's behaved, I'd make damn sure to be all cash by the 26th. That's when the next round of investor/ecosystem funds unlock, and the devs just dumped 6.5 million tokens @ 2.50 to Kucoin in one fucking transaction

Which is how we got here. They genuinely do not give a fuck about bagholders.

>> No.20880475

Do you even know how to look at the wallets that have been buying?

>> No.20880525


>> No.20880967

Woa this anon impressed me

>> No.20882149

Coin will go up to 1.3 after rebase tonight when "smart people" buy in after the negative 2% rebase.

>> No.20882213

We will dump price before rebase
resistance is futile.

>> No.20882243

Been here since 2017 and I agree, never seen a crypto so polarizing and rage inducing before

>> No.20882268

I was here in 2017

The Link fud was similar levels. I think it was easier to see through though. I still remember the SIBOS toliet copypasta

AMPL FUD is better crafted

>> No.20882337

Longer time to learn how to do it.
People learned what made baggies tick.

>> No.20882338

Ecosystem fund was recently liquidated.

Guess what that means? Coinbase treasury

>> No.20882346

h-how do you know it was him?
what part of exponential dont you undestand?
checked. how much do teeth cost?
chiqquidy checek holy shit. dope pic too
kek your not gonna make it. this is the foot of the run and the world is full of retards - especially burgers
you ever heard the analogy of 5 blind men feeling an elephant? thats what most people are doing with AMPL.

>> No.20882392

This better pump

I am using it to double my link stack

>> No.20882462
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This coin gives me a rush every time I look at the chart goddamn im never selling

>> No.20882575

wen moon

>> No.20882647

kek, the whale that dumped on everyone 2 days ago is buying back in.


>> No.20882731


typical nigger pajeet kike whale behaviour.

>> No.20882784

what a cunt

>> No.20882917

i will save my rebases to hire some guy to beat the shit out of this whale

>> No.20882953

Should I buy at .97??
Kinda kicking my self in the ass for not buying at .63

>> No.20883043

Negative rebase just happened so perfect timing.

>> No.20883056

wait, how long is trading halted on kucoin for the rebase?

>> No.20883064


~30 mins
The market will dump when we re open. Don't lose your shirt.

>> No.20883076

well i got in at the absolute bottom, so im good

>> No.20883103


I also got in just before yesterdays rebase. But I sold today at 1.01$

>> No.20883127

Why does it matter when you buy if it will always reset to $1?

>> No.20883171

Because if it's over $1 you have more coins the next day.
And it might take a month for it to get back to $1 like it did the last 3 weeks.

>> No.20883177

No matter, the team will dump another 50m $ on you anon. They hate you from their jacuzzi.

>> No.20883209

This is just pure nonsense

>> No.20883212

time to pump boys
$3 EOD

>> No.20883260
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$3 EOD is fud, more like $5

>> No.20883268

I will not dump after unlock on decentralized exchanges if the rebase is negative. We have seen that yesterday, check it on coingecko.

>> No.20883272


Everyone who bought at 1$ will get dumped on.

Good luck frens.

>> No.20883372

12 posts by your id, all of them are fud, nice try my friend

>> No.20883400

i'm back in boys

>> No.20883473

lets get the bread family

>> No.20883541

Why are you dumping on us now? I thought we were frens?

>> No.20883552


I also made this thread.

B .60
S 1.01

You will get dumped on soon.

>> No.20883583


>exchanges are back, nothing happens.


>> No.20883586

Depends if the price goes to a retarded number or not. Anything above $2 will dump fucking hard if the mcap is high.

>> No.20883619


You are the same dipshit you who said yesterday that whales will sell off before the rebase and literally nothing happened. Also it never was at 0.60.

Try harder to FUD dude.

>> No.20883620

>It will pump just as fast when we break 1$ today
then what the fuck did you mean by this? Pump from 1 to 1.01? Or are you just saying whatever comes to mind?

>> No.20883648

hes just a literal retard

>> No.20883689

OP will sell his 500$ stack soon better fasten your seat belts lmao.

>> No.20883696

top kek

>> No.20883727


Keep buying.

>> No.20883735

>dumps upwards

>> No.20883749

I will but take your fucking meds

>> No.20883811


You do know what a bull trap is right?

>> No.20883821

Welcome back friend.

>> No.20883862


>> No.20883937

Why are you flip flopping so much? You are a fucking skitzo. Get off this board

>> No.20883970

IDK I'm starting to think its humorous at this point. I recognize his posting syntax and he told me a nice story yesterday. I think he believes in AMPL overall, just enjoys shit posting like the rest of us.

>> No.20884047


Tooth anon!

Have you made any profits yet?

>> No.20884076

Almost, I'll be at break even soon at least. You've become my favorite poster so much so I can pick you out in threads now. Creepy? Probably, but I enjoy your presentation.

>> No.20884094

Too. Many. Fucking. Whales.

I'm tired of their shit.

>> No.20884129


Well i have been shit posting a lot lately.

>> No.20884152

Believe it or not you've helped galvanize my mind against fud and thats a lesson I can't ever repay.

>> No.20884169

Future tooth anon:

>> No.20884176
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Traders that learn lessons become good traders. I have had to learn many along my path.

>> No.20884194

Lol what a faggot you are.

>> No.20884211

I might be a part of the herd of nigger cattle controlled by Bill Gates, but I'm no CIA glow nigger.

Literally babbys first week in crypto, yes I'm a huge faggot, but I can't help but be honest about my experience.

>> No.20884215

I remember all the fudders saying ampl would crash to 0.10. Never happened.

Note to noobs: don't sell because of biz fud you will lose money

>> No.20884260
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>> No.20884495
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>> No.20884526
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>> No.20885017
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This fucking coin, lads.

>> No.20885041

Look at it go... fucking monster. It just wrecked so many tards

>> No.20885060


Not enough volume on the buys.. it's gonna crash

>> No.20885125

US and europe asleep, it's normal around this time

>> No.20885129

If thats the case then I support him haha. Good luck tooth anon

>> No.20885156

feel bad for anyone who sold
their fault, I guess

>> No.20885220

I held though and laughed and the FUD,

>> No.20885254

Bought at 600M and held through all of this. Feels good

>> No.20885305

I bought in at like 70m but only put in $600 because im a poor fag and you have to start somewhere. Im happy with my little stack though

>> No.20885331

Just bought 100k DENT

>> No.20885339

Just sold at 1.18
Please dip, sir.

>> No.20885415


>> No.20885477


>> No.20885482

Leave tooth anon alone, you fucking newfag twat. Go the fuck back.

>> No.20885743

I just bought back in. Hail AMPL.

>> No.20885780


ehh you had all day to buy at like .60-.70..
hope it works out for you though.

I took a long position in ETC today at 000649 so im comfy rn

>> No.20885790


>> No.20885843

uhhh you sold?

>> No.20885888
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>> No.20885915
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I'm ok. Got back in at 1.17 and am enjoying the ride up.

>> No.20885987

Well im glad you are back, lets enjoy this ride together

>> No.20886416


>> No.20886602

bought at 60 mill and sold 20% of my linkies right away... even with the dip - it was worth just as much as my link. 2nd best financial decision i have made. 1st was buying link. 3rd was swinging my link stack from like 7k to 11k

>> No.20886604
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Hell yeah, brother.

>> No.20886619
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XAMP faggots