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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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20874791 No.20874791 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.20874922

This is only the beginning. Do not listen fud and hold. We are all gonna make it anon.

>> No.20874983

Tomorrow our fates will be decided we will either be walking to the gallows or the lambo dealership

>> No.20875037

Just be ready to break even at 20k as founders and private sales will probably start dumping their coins again.

>> No.20875158

We need to shake off the weak hands and the initial investors before this shit goes anywhere. I don't have much of a horse in this race, only 1.8k SXP, but I have patience, so..yeah.

Most tomorrow's announcement will do is jump by 3x, but there's a lot of people longing this token on futures trading, check Binance's twitter.

>> No.20875359

3x = ~$4.5? Many people have predicted this for a while now. 1-2 weeks ago even. I think most Anons here would be happy with it DESU.

>> No.20875462

I'll hold until 10$

>> No.20875565

how good will it be?

>> No.20875605
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What did they mean by Coinbase custody?

>> No.20875615

$5 when?

>> No.20875639

Is 300 enough? I am poor as shit

>> No.20875678

I’ve only got 250 anon

Feels bad man

>> No.20875713

Put them on MXC and go LONG. This is what we are all doing. What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.20875734

old news before binance bought em.

coinbase will not happen, that much is known

>> No.20875735

Well, 300 was rounded up.
I have 230, more If this reaches $5

>> No.20875867

Whats that?

>> No.20876812

We’ll make it one day brother

>> No.20877411

Lmao just tried the app, shit won't accept my password, and when I try to reset it..it asks me for an OTP code..which it said that it sent..but it can't have because I didn't provide them a phone number, they never asked. I even used this one anon's code from the other thread as a referral. Fuck me this app is a mess, iOS btw.

>> No.20877682

nice FUD, sorry fren.. price will not go lower.

>> No.20877822

How 50000 Billion dollars sounds

>> No.20877893

its not even fud, fren
i tried make an account yesterday and the app asked for a code sent to my email.

but theres no code
simple as that
I was only trying to test and use the app but i gave up on it

>> No.20877929

Delete the app and try again

>> No.20878077
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150 reporting in

>> No.20878079

Yea dont think they thought their app through. Tried to register, enter email, username and password. Password doesn't work. Try to reset the password. Sends a code to my phone which I havn't even registered. Contact support, pajeet cant do shit. Has to contact "technical second hand" or whatever, in other words the real support as zendesk is just outsourced curry niggers trying to occupy your time. Deleted the account. Exact same thing happen. What the fuck guys.

>> No.20878133

Yeah the app is indeed buggy. But binance own them now, its rough around the edges still, it will get fixed quickly

>> No.20878330

Worked perfectly fine for me on my android phone

>> No.20878428

its already priced in

>> No.20878475

Sorry anon no cheap sxps for you, go market buy.

>> No.20878642

i don't buy shitcoins mate esp ones that have already pumped so much this month

>> No.20878719
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choose one

>> No.20878754

Screencapped gonna laugh at you when it hits $5 soon

>> No.20878947

if this hits 5$ ill eat my dick. anyone with an iq over 20 got out of this shit coin already.

>> No.20879535

Sounds rad
Based and wholesomepilled

>> No.20879683

Post that again, this time being clear tou are talking about SXP

>> No.20879948


>> No.20880039

i will eat my dick if SXP hits 5 dollars but it wont because its a shitcoin stay poor

>> No.20880196

And what amazing coins do you hold?

>> No.20880324

right now its dangerous to be in any alts. corn or tether depending on your outlook on btc