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File: 660 KB, 1024x576, vlcsnap-2020-07-31-21h46m40s952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20873668 No.20873668 [Reply] [Original]

Tell the Truth, /x/... erm... /biz/!

>> No.20873680

oh fuck there's a spider on her!

>> No.20873696

If it's a man, as long as he can do the job.
If it's a woman, no.

>> No.20873698

Who know's what's IN her!

>> No.20873708

more spiders!?

>> No.20873716

>"oh shit a spider" *smacks her face*

>> No.20873724

Judge how trash the tattoo is / thought that went into it slightly yeah sure but overall not really. Nowadays everyone has them famalam, most of my employees have a few tats, it's never smart to instantly discount people cause of how they appear, everyone has something to offer.

>> No.20873753
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close enough!

>> No.20873777

no. my work experience with people that have visible tattoos is that they without exeption, are belligerent, obnoxious, confrontational, argumentative, undermining, uncooperative, disloyal, scheming, selfish, repugnant, degenerate and foul vulgar trash
males and females

>> No.20873794

yeah I guess what position you need them for... and how complex is the story they make up about the relation of the tattoo to the tools they are handed and responsibilities they will fulfill

>> No.20873840
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>> No.20873911

Sadly it does seem that the dividing line between tattooed and clear skinned people is no longer one of much discernable capability
I think the social hierarchy is however becoming "classy" tattoos and few-no tattoos over people with lots of tattoos or very trashy ones

>> No.20873942

based and sexualharassmentclaimpilled

>> No.20873954

back of the neck is (almost..) forgivable.
that shit on the chest tho
ragrets will be had

>> No.20874006

>everyone has something to offer.
The only thing of value tattooed roastie whores can offer is the use of their bodies as fertilizer after jumping into a wood chipper.

>> No.20874018
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>> No.20874051
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Depends on the tat.
In general it would count against them though.

>> No.20874052

I don't care, if hiring them means I make more money I will take it, doesn't matter if they are tattooed or a fucking attack helicopter or they like gangbangs, if I smell profit I take it, however I would take a non-tattooed person over a tattooed person if there is no difference in the amount of money they are gonna make me. It's about the endgame where I will have enough money to actually do something against these degenerates and nuke them into the ground instead of only hurting myself and my business because I didn't hire that one fucking person with a tattoo that's not even visible most of the time except when I ram my dick into her holes in my office. It's about the endgame.

>> No.20874057
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Depends on the job obviously, and depends on the tattoo. Why would I care for a small tattoo somewhere hidden, specially if the person is no require to deal with PR?
The only tattoos that are a no-go are face tattoos, in case you are about to do something stupid, OP

>> No.20874169

Cringe redneck

>> No.20874173

This it really is a sign they’re a piece of shit and completely pathologized

>> No.20874178

>day 1 hires maximum profit gangabanger tattoo guy
>day 2 rest of the employees dead
>no profit :(
What about neck tattoos?
My lifelong optometrist now has a front desk servant with a neck tattoo. Think of changing them.

>> No.20874191

No. Even the tattoos in porn disgust me, it seems like its a norm nowadays.

>> No.20874242

tattooed psychopath detected

>> No.20874247

No. The only people who get tattoos anymore are edgy soibois and SJWs. If I see someone with a tattoo working in any white collar field, especially tech, I'm going to assume they think trannies are normal and I will distance myself from them.

It's more edgy and rebellious to be a clean cut heteronormative person in 2020 smfh

>> No.20874285

yeah you’re very edgy and rebellious, anon. kek.

>> No.20874299
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the only acceptable tattoo
preserving the white race is the noblest and most important of all endeavors

>> No.20874323

As long as it's not in a socially unacceptable location (neck, face, hands) then I wouldn't care either way.

>> No.20874328

>, , , , ,
You type like you're low iq trash yourself. Of course you wouldn't judge them on possessing the same qualities as you.

>> No.20874360
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just 4 u honeybunny

>> No.20874363

No, tattoos are entirely the domain of uneducated, low impulse control and low-IQ normies. The only benefit of tattoos is that they act as a highly visible signal of which people to avoid as they will add nothing of value to your life

>> No.20874415

Hello, based department? He’s doing it again!

>> No.20874448

Hell fucking no.

I wouldn’t hire a woman regardless but if one has a tattoo I wouldn’t even let it in my building.

>> No.20874450
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This, but unironically. EVERY coworker at my office that has at least one tattoo is an SJW or soiboy. They are all marketing/account managers/HR or busybodies doing exactly nothing. Not one programmer or tech guy at my company is tattooed.
>t. straight white 20 something male in tech

>> No.20874487

>uneducated, low impulse control and low-IQ normies
You just described the entertainment industry.

>> No.20874510

Even with being the ultra normies they are, self proclaimed "sales chads" also never seem to have tattoos. So it's sales and tech versus the dead weight in modern companies. Surprisingly both fields are male dominated.

>> No.20874543

>doing exactly nothing
so they are practically who are running the office you work at, talking to clients and talking to the public and policing you. fuckin hell :/

>> No.20874585

Neck tattoos are trashy as fuck

>> No.20874590

>Would you hire someone with a tattoo?

>> No.20874628
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hows that celtic armband/lower back tribal working out for ya, rebel-anon?

>> No.20874707
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Their departments serve a purpose, true, but they are bloated as shit at almost every western tech company I've been at. You need programmers to build and maintain the product. You need tech support (non pajeets) to help users with the product. You need sales bros to sell it. So far so good. Then there are a million diversity hires and SJW women with meaningless desk jobs "policing" the dudes that are actually making the company money, or having a 3 hour meeting whether the header in some newsletter nobody reads should be red or blue.

>> No.20874825

I dunno man imagine if all that money spent on them went into your bank account or better yet building improvements like free hookers or free coke

>> No.20874921
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Based retard

>> No.20874934


If it can be concealed

>> No.20874963

oh no now I realize I meant to chastise you
no, I was saying a psychopath should come and slay all those motherfuckers down and then hire some ecofascists who replace them and also >>20874825 but also with doctors who check up on the free whores and your nose and mental health

>> No.20874995

>Even the tattoos in porn disgust me
A bit much lol I hate tattoos too but lmao

>it seems like its a norm nowadays
But I don't judge irl too much, teens make dumb decisions, it's part if life

>> No.20875084

As long as it is covered by clothing whole working with the public. I would never hire anyone with neck or face tattoos.

>> No.20875311

Any cause you support, nazism, communism, etc, is negatively affected by tattoos.
Tattoos show a degree of retarded fanaticism and lack of rationality that exposes the movements inherent extreme cultish practices which turn off any decent human being you are trying to convince to join. Also, all movements at one point or another need to infiltrate members in all branches of society and wearing an irremovable patch of fanatic loyalty hinders such actions.

>> No.20875348

go back

>> No.20875375
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Honestly it depends on the tattoos. Assuming everyone is equally qualified for the position, if their tattoos are tasteful and we’ll executed then yes I would hire them, if they’re trashy and cheap then abso fucking lutely not.

I’m an art director in tech marketing and have extensive tattoo work done on myself but I’m probably more judgmental of other’s tattoos than this board is.

>> No.20875486

nice, what are the tattoos of?
been thinking of tattooing pretty girls with a 2mm wide line running all over their body in semi-random pattern but wouldn't mind it being a global trend

>> No.20875710

My ink is neo-traditional japanese with traditional americana elements as well.

Sounds cool, just don’t budget a tattoo, always pay top dollar for the finest artist in your city. I personally lean towards traditional styles that aren’t trend driven.

I almost pity the people that get trendy tattoos from Pinterest lists.

>> No.20875785

whoops my caps lock was on
but seriously, do they KNOW?
they must know, right??

>> No.20875859

The more I play with stock market, the more I lose money. Seriously considering dropping it now and focusing on crypto.
Stock market is part of what will take a huge hit

>> No.20875964

I haven't yet got around to making acquiescence with all the tattoo artist in my city but I am sure I will find one to my liking. And if not, I will take matters in my own hand.
If you have any fine examples of neo-traditional japanese you would like to share, I would be interested in seeing it. Japanese tattoo is something almost anybody can appreciate as their attitude towards it is the same as their attitude towards life: oriented towards death.

>> No.20875968

Yes they know. They are fully conscious, maybe the most conscious of any living creature, of exactly what behavior of theirs attracts attention.

Getting attentionis their whole reason for living. They know exactly what to do to get more of it, and they even know that pretending they are doing that behavior “on accident” gets them even more attention.

>> No.20875996

>playing the stock market game
>when there are investment firms that make it nigh-impossible for a single man to bet with or against the market
Just throw your money into an index fund. It's safer than gambling your money on stocks.

>> No.20876010

Yes, stock market used to be a great investment but now prices are drifting further and further away from predictable outcomes of the company you invest in. Almost any stock can be crashed by anybody in this schizo-hysterical world.

>> No.20876049
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you tell me

>> No.20876379
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For sure! I agree, having a healthy understanding and recognition of our own mortality is incredibly healthy and allows us to live more presently.

You can check out ‘rg74’ on Instagram, he leans more traditional but is exceptionally talented. I prefer his older posts.

You can also checkout ‘moon.cheon’ for a more unique adaptation and would be considered more neo.

>> No.20876487
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>> No.20876538

A couple tattoos that look decent/expensive? sure

A ton of tattoos that look like whoever did them was drunk? ya fuck off coke addict

It's pretty easy to tell a normal person with tattoos apart from a tatted up street skid.

>> No.20876769

>normal person
I would never ever rely on that qualification
think about old people. was a mean old man a mean young child? most probably yes. was a sad old man a sad young child? you get the idea
normality is the exception, not the rule. and it's an exception I wouldn't recommend you.