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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20872929 No.20872929 [Reply] [Original]

So with Libertas /biz/ is going to war with censorships streaming platforms?

>> No.20873053

Scamcoin to cash in big tech distrust. Buy Urbit stars instead to go to war against censorship with a real project.

>> No.20873127

I’m against censorship! WHERES MY FREEDOM OF SPEECH

>> No.20873188

Peter Theil dicksucker confirmed

>> No.20873227

No it’ll just be the hot new pump and dump when the AMPL posting lets up

>> No.20873245
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i confirmed that confirmation

>> No.20873300
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>> No.20873420

It needs some sort of tech before pol will buy. For that reason, I am out (for now)

>> No.20873518
File: 52 KB, 303x298, 159139605622296187.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this coin so much. It is the coin I have been looking for, for a very long time. There will be an actual movement behind this coin. There are no staking gimmicks, just a clean business platform and honest devs.

>> No.20873562

No, but that's a clever marketing strategy ranjhessh

>> No.20873736
File: 10 KB, 212x238, 159139640960786144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all anti-pajeet here. Do your due diligence before you come in here and oust yourself as a retard.

>> No.20873788
File: 7 KB, 300x300, 300px-Urbit_Logo.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now an Urbit thread.
Urbit has been in development for nearly 20 YEARS and just released its first functional iteration THIS YEAR. The visionary behind this project was able to foresee the centralization of the Internet, the future it would bring AND how to go about solving it before any of those problems actually happened or Bitcoin even existed. He also wrote a famous right-wing blog which got him doxed, and that's how he got to know and get backing from Peter Thiel, who read it.
This has nothing to do with the recent Thiel scam going around (RSR) and it's genuinely going to take all the brainlets by surprise in the next years if not months.

>> No.20873816

Analyze the past 20 idex listings and the performance of all the coins post public sale. 10xs on all of them and the minimum market cap of that set is $1.8 mil, libertas is at $400k rn, so can reasonably expect a 4x if the trend continues

also fuck cancel culture

>> No.20873897

Wow 20 years and just now releasing a usable alpha? Sounds cutting edge.

I'm just busting your balls. I respect Urbit, but no normies will ever install an Urbit client or buy an Urbit phone. This lets you embed uncensorable audio in any webpage, where all content already lives. Much more viable use case

>> No.20873922

This being Libertas, the key to free online communication

>> No.20874003

Where can you view these listings and see when coins are posted?

>> No.20874251

It sounds cutting edge because it is. For the first 10 years of its development, the project was self-proclaimed pie-in-the-sky vaporware, and admitted it was likely never going to be functional. But now it is.
Urbit recreates personal computing and networking from scratch without the various technical limitations that led to social media centralization. Taking personal data and privacy off the hands of Big Tech (and off permanent immutable blockchains for that matter) is just one of its many effects.
Urbit is a virtual machine built to be easy to deploy. All you need to have is an implementation of a couple of opcodes, file system access and you can deploy it on top of anything. You don't need to buy specialized hardware or overwrite your operating system. Urbit can even be accessed on web browsers right now.
As for installing, Urbit is not ready for the normies yet, so obviously nobody is going to install it. Its development stage right now is that of low-level functionality. UX improvements are comparatively simple to implement compared to the core of the OS itself and they will come before you can blink. Official estimates are ~1 year to be boomer-ready.

>> No.20874289



>> No.20874317


>> No.20875214
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Still going up my frens

>> No.20875238

20 years for an alpha, it can't even display images yet. How are they going to host streaming content?

We need all the tools we can get in the fight that is coming. Join us fren and make it

>> No.20875363

okay but how do i profit from this

>> No.20875384

I didn’t say pump and dumps don’t make lots of money, just that this is another one

>> No.20875922

It's intentionally built around a neo-feudal framework. There are a fixed amount of assets that are set up for landlords of various ranks to profit from. You can't get into the nobility without making a large contribution with your technical expertise, which first requires having a reputation as a Silicon Valley visionary and 10x coder.

>> No.20876392
File: 2.89 MB, 1876x1440, Polish_20200731_163509537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek has blessed us.

>> No.20876791

By buying a star, or even better, earning one from the team's developer bounty list.
Stars have the rights to act as the analogues of ISPs in the network. They also give you rights to mint a limited number of planets. Planets are a right to the network as an end user and a signature for everything done in it. They have nonzero cost to make the network sybil-resistant, but there is so much room for the supply to expand at will from stars minting more that they might not be worth it as an investment for the foreseeable future. Even though individual star holders don't have an incentive to flood the market with planets per se, plenty of them will give anyone a single planet for free if asked. You can also easily get hosting for free for the time being, though some stars have gotten away with charging nominal fees for guarantees of uptime.

>> No.20877413

streaming a gay, buy kleros

>> No.20878193
File: 93 KB, 1289x525, still pumping.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope /biz/ bought the dip

>> No.20878468

but how can this beat the twitter trannies?

>> No.20878961

Is this going to be a /pol/ coin? What if someone famous starts using it? I’m starting to get hyped

>> No.20879717

That would be huge