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20870657 No.20870657 [Reply] [Original]

Today is the day I’m gonna start on my crypto poorfolio.

What can I expect?
What do you recommend?
What apps do you use?

>> No.20870700

i recommend doing at least five years of research before you fuck around with this shit

>> No.20870753

Been lurking/researching for years. Time to put my big boy pants on and take a step into the real world

>> No.20870767

Do some googling for the exchange banks play nice with in your country

Stack ETH

>> No.20870851

just download exodus wallet on your phone, no need to buy a hardware wallet.

where do you live?

>> No.20870907
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>> No.20871045

so you need an exchange to exchange your gbp to crypto.
coinfloor is a good one for bongs.

>> No.20871083

Get a fat stack of XRP right now

>> No.20871093
File: 184 KB, 1115x656, martin_researches_crypto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYOR brainlet

>> No.20871149

>What can I expect

>> No.20871249
File: 68 KB, 300x200, 9A142F98-0CEA-4E90-8A0B-157595AFA362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s about the journey right?

>> No.20871524
File: 31 KB, 601x508, 2f7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's that I tell my friends

>> No.20871630
File: 150 KB, 680x680, AFB00921-B987-49E9-9788-A81010FBD917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>delta or blockfolio app
>expect red dildos
>invest in LINK
>stay away from stinking pajeets and chinks on this board
>invest in LINK

Godspeed fren

>> No.20871634

This, and diversify with 10-20% microcaps like 0xMR

>> No.20871694

>What can I expect?
Long term? Lose money
Crypto is gambling, so you'll converge to that.
>What do you recommend?
Invest your money in real assets, e.g. index funds, bonds, real estate.
Leave this place while you can.

>> No.20871768
File: 76 KB, 720x770, pull_up_iexec.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok boomer

>> No.20871802

Get off the way boomer, World is ending in about 6 months.

OP go all in with ampl and youll be rich by the end of august

>> No.20871803

I can’t leave biz I’m here forever

>> No.20871946

There's where I lost all my money... Fucking boomer money is useless and its dying.

Crypto is the way, eg 2 weeks ago bought 200$ CHZ and I now I hace $80+ with a shitty coin that no one knows.

Don't get attached to any coin.

>> No.20872131
