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20869258 No.20869258 [Reply] [Original]

But hey, I'm retarded, so I wased 10 years being dreamy, delusional faggot, who's so desperately trying to fit in and participate in the clown world.

>> No.20869333
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>> No.20869348

Yeah a lot of Millennial's haven't woken up to the bullshit of our age. If you follow what society suggests you will suffer.

>> No.20869363

>read a few books, do drugs and have a networth of 5-10k
Yeah anon, you really have figured it out. You are the king of the world and so much ahead of everyone else.
What are you trying to tell us?
What did you accomplish?

>> No.20869409
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No use dwelling on the past. If anything, that will be a bigger obstacle to you.
Move on.

>> No.20869412
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Yeah even down to the diet. The food pyramid is hilarious. And remember to use rancid sunflower oil for cooking, margarine instead of butter and 'onions milk' instead of cow milk.

>> No.20869448
File: 378 KB, 960x1280, Collegeeducationin2020Cost$200000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah and go through to college and get a massive debt because 'that is the only way to make money' xD.

>> No.20869452

I didn't say that. I said that it would've saved ME personally.

>> No.20869470

based, OP make sure you dont waste another 10 years

>> No.20869475

It's never too late OP
I spent those years skipping school and smoking weed and life has only improved since then after I realized depression is a farce and I am the only one responsible for my success/ satisfaction in life
There's always today

>> No.20869507

another based and successpilled post, comfy thread

>> No.20869536

Mushrooms give me week long headaches after I trip. Sucks because the trip and immediate afterglow is great, but the persistent migraine the following days is not

>> No.20869925

Okay, that's good to hear.
Do you want to elaborate a bit on the shrooms and what they have done for you?
I did them as well. I didn't cure my depression completly, but I definetly can't kill myself anymore.

>> No.20869975

You can always have an after glow with kundalini yoga anon

>> No.20869988

psychedelics are like cheat codes in a video game

psychedelics = cleanser and teacher

>> No.20870058

My parents had $250,000 to invest in 2011 from an inheritance and I totally failed to tell them to buy BTC. Although I did tell them to wait for the LinkedIn and Facebook IPOs and buy that and they didn't, so maybe it's wishful thinking.

>> No.20870088

They arent going to wake up neither are the zoomers. Throughout all of civilization there has and will be a 90% population of shit brained plebs

>> No.20870130

>sunflower oil
Its tasty with chicken on a skillet tho

>> No.20870216

Man And His Symbols is better for getting into his later concepts

>> No.20870222

Whats hilarious was the only reason I found out about btc because I wanted to get LSD as freshman in high school. It felt too scammy for me to buy bitcoin at the time and ended up playing with a lot of RC psychedelics off clearnet instead. That was fun since i studied pharmacology and organic chem then too so it was interesting how legality/effects change off slight modifications to chemical structures. Didn't buy my first btc till 2013 off coinbase

>> No.20870245

freshman in college* woops

>> No.20870256

Also Jing was strongly against psychedelics specifically mescalin. He claimed using such an obtainable gift from the gods has the user pay dearly

>> No.20870801


Vegetable oils, especially seed oils seem to be quite toxic. High omega 6 too.


Our elites are also misleading the public.

>> No.20870862


obv rc lmao

>> No.20870938


>> No.20871054

Lsd microdose chad coming trough. Today is day 90 of nofap aka semen retention

>> No.20871174

Wtf I have 1 btc, magic mushrooms, lamb steak, and Carl jung books. Are you a Virgo?

>> No.20871317

So what's the 2020 pack look like? Same thing but swap btc for link? Also pass on the shrooms personally, prefer to find my own happiness, but if you're not addicted you do you

>> No.20871372

2020 pack is KJV Bible, nofap sheet, lsd, Chainlink and fasting>>20871174
Also you can't get addicted to psychedelics you dumb nigger. ngmi

>> No.20871415

Tell me more about the shrooms

>> No.20871494

Lol no. Rules a power is a meme. Its a boomer opportunists that took every lesson in machiavellis prince and dumbed it down for boomers. Zoomers dont read shit so they fell for this meme book as weel. Replace that with machiavellis prince, book of the five rings and shang tsungs are of war.

>> No.20871526

Wash em retard.

>> No.20871535

Wow only 250k to invest? What horrible parents you must have had I'm so sorry

>> No.20871603

I know that it's a simplified meme book, that's why it's there. It's kind of everything in one.

>> No.20872036

Addiction isn't only physical nigger

>> No.20872219


>> No.20872288

Redpill me on Toxic Parents. Any interesting/useful info in there?

>> No.20872308

48 laws of power is just as insightful if not more than the prince imo.

>> No.20872360

What the fuck is onions milk?

>> No.20872609

> he doesn't know

>> No.20872674

If you had sadistic, manipulative, clingy, retarded, immature gaslighters as parents, and if you're blaming yourself for everything in your life, this book will open up new perspective for you and will give you the power that they took away from you long ago. Many insightful shit in that book. But if you were born in normal household, then it's not gonna be interesting, besides some newfound self-awareness about the world that we live in. Don't dwell on self improvement though.

>> No.20872780

i got into btc cuz i wanted lsd too. i bought 0.5 btc for $200, you can figure out the date, ended up with 0.22 after buying acid. forgot about until 2017.
hindsight is 2020 kek

>> No.20872811

Even if you had a “normal household,” it’s a worthwhile read. You probably didn’t have perfect parents - even if they try their best, it just takes one or two slip-ups to give a child psychological damage. Educating yourself is the key to moving past trauma and establishing a stronger foundation as a person.

>> No.20872812

My dad was always a retarded cunt and I have a lot of anger toward him. Might give it a read.

>> No.20872865

Lmao OP
These days I am too having some kond of relevation that is similar to yours and I havent even had shrooms to begin with (not even weed lately).
I am about to make drastic change in my life and I feel like we might gonna make it

>> No.20872916

qrd on the toxic parents book, fuck boomers

>> No.20872958

You could have killed yourself and saved us from this thread.

>> No.20872974

Third. I've been open to them hearing stories of people getting their life together after shroom introspection. Only do alck and weed, but sadness and eventually depression always finds a way to come back.

>> No.20873092


>> No.20873121

>swap btc for link? Also pass on the shrooms personally, prefer to find my own happiness
Get the fuck out of here

>> No.20873307

>needing drugs as a crutch to find contentment and solidness as a man.

>> No.20873423

s oy

>> No.20873429

No. Also the author is a bit of a con artist. Read his bio.

>> No.20873441

ill give you a quick run down, the good the bad and the overrated.

essentially if you take a decent dose youre going to slowly get a bit of nervousness, then you'll forget who you are and start tripping, then you'll recollect your memories at the end of it. its like it breaks you down then you rebuild yourself midway through or towards the tail end of the trip. sometimes they're fun sometimes they're freaky just depends on your mood, and make you feel pretty weird shit ranging from seeing nature in the world like a beautiful painting, to thinking you're tapping into some sort of universal knowledge that you have always known but hadn't been clear until then.

but in terms of using them as a life improvement tool in my opinion overall they're pretty over rated by edgy 16 year olds on the internet. you can definitely have similar "revelations" without them. and i dont think they're that good for everyones psychology, i used to give them to friends as a kid believing psychedelics were super important because the media tells you that every successful person has tried shrooms, and a few of these friends had bad reactions. a friend of mine fell off a swing set in the middle of a trip then got super violent with everyone else lol. another one thought he was dying and started saying serial killer tier stuff, i ditched him because i thought he was going to kill me. i later learned after i left that he ended the night naked in the bathtub surrounded by his sisters and mom while he was freaking out which is funny in retrospect but if you think youre dying on drugs its not fun. no one dies directly from mushrooms its basically impossible but i guess he basically had a panic attack while tripping.

its kind of an emotional rollercoaster and honestly i'd recommend against doing them for MOST people but for those who are curious, do it in a fun and comfortable setting. maybe out in nature or in a comfy room.

>> No.20873561

>no one dies directly from mushrooms its basically impossible but i guess he basically had a panic attack while tripping.
Main reason why I've never tried them. Being prone to anxiety attacks is terrible, you genuinely feel like you are dying. Feeling that while on a trip sounds like a big NOPE

>> No.20873823

Kek, after taking 6g's I can really relate to that emotional rollercoaster feeling. Gotta try out an even bigger dose next time.

>> No.20873863

How much did you take to forget who you are? I took an eighth a few times. It was intense but not super duper crazy

>> No.20873973

With how much propaganda is streamed straight into you from birth, unironically yes.

>> No.20874278

Oof all this for me too. parents are abusive narcs wish I had that book then.

>> No.20874319

Bro I'm on like 60 days ish and I'm starting to have incredibly vivid sexual dreams with my ex where its hard to distinguish between reality. Imagine lucid dreaming level clarity and sensations but I'm not aware its a dream and able to control it. Soon though if I continue the retention process and meditate before bed. I'm basically literally having sex its ridiculous she was deep throating my cock. I also smoked weed which I haven't done in ages and felt high. Its like you can enjoy all your vices without the downside.