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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 122 KB, 730x650, studentloan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20865659 No.20865659 [Reply] [Original]

pic related
imagine having to wagecuck for your fiat
when other people just just themself so hard
that they will get away with it
and you realize you had to wagecuck for them too

>> No.20865779
File: 114 KB, 1280x720, 2D0793C2-EC11-4CE7-A59B-72F705BC47B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOLOL hey at least she doesn’t have any credit card or car loans

>> No.20865855

Democrats destroyed women, it’s really depressing

>> No.20866149

It is so uplifting when I see people telling the truth

>> No.20866188

lmao I guarantee this roastie is also getting montly payments from her ex husband.

>> No.20866210

Did she follow up after the Redditors talked her into telling him? What was his response!?

>> No.20866247

>dating a 35 year old roastie with a kid and six figures of student loan debt
This guy sounds like a fucking cuck

>> No.20866258

>posting life story on reddit for attention, comfort and validation from strangers
>terrified to lose her boyfriend
Is it too hard to see that women are just trashy drama queens in all situations? This bitch isn’t looking for help she just wants to share and have someone tell her she’s beautiful and did nothing wrong.

>> No.20866282

Sure faggot blame the guy for the woman’s issues that he doesn’t know about. Fucking simp.

>> No.20866300

He knows about the kid retard

>> No.20866314

Well a hot girl in her 20s will still be diserable in her 30s
Plus the dude's 46 so...

>> No.20866334

My dad had me at 46

>> No.20866335

the threat of physical force, which we are losing very fast

>> No.20866336
File: 21 KB, 1024x1024, 7A63AD77-2729-428A-BB44-52AD44B22CE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This gives me a business idea anons. We get roasties to take out loans while they’re going out with you and promise to pay it back with your mad crypto gains. You syphon as much as you can of that loan into your pocket then break up her. A pump and dump leaving her with the bag.

>> No.20866413

Did it hurt?

>> No.20866470

How does she possibly have that much debt if she is collecting child support and likely alimony??

She has a graduate degree yet was barely making ends meet? Most likely was some nonsense degree like masters in gender studies with no actual career path

>> No.20866522

Well he already had another kid with another woman before meeting my mom. To my knowledge he has never dated a woman with kids from another man. His current gf is a sugar mama with no kids but shes leaving him so he needs to find another girlfriend to pay for his shit. So he's pretty chad but also not the greatest dad on the planet

>> No.20866547


You basically described what Chad and Tyron do on a day to day basis