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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20853993 No.20853993 [Reply] [Original]

Just got laid off.
>worked for a big engineering firm
>worked my ass off for a year since i graduated.
>Will be on unemployment where i get the max state benefit
>its hardly over 10% of my working weekly salary.
>Before i was told i was laid off, my company had a meeting talking about company
>"we are selling office space in america to integrate new work from home initiative since we found wfh has been more productive!"
>"we are excited for change!"
>"our india offices are very productive in helping our US offices"
>"we are seeing explosive growth in our india offices"

I listened to the ER call of my company and they said the following
>"job growth overall in the company has been going up while costs are going down!"

its over, isnt it? rich ceos and managers will continue to hire cheap labor overseas, until americans work for shit pay as well. The world is going to turn into india standard of living.

>> No.20854032

Imagine thinking you can get gold from poo

>> No.20854061

magic mushrooms grow on cow poop

>> No.20854089


Americans have already been working for shittier and shittier pay for 50 years so yeah it's going to keep getting worse until the workers rise up and kill the ruling class

>> No.20854101

Bullish for street shitters I guess

>> No.20854295
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We need revolution

>> No.20854312

>Globalism is inevitable cancer
Silly goy. Globalism is the only answer.

>> No.20854337

Lmao just sell your land dude it's not hard just click sell

>> No.20854519

>we are excited for change.
They really don't give a shit, do they?

>> No.20854582

Turns out YOU are chump change. Sorry OP, just take the neet pill.

>> No.20855556

You're right. I'm basically working for a US company from my third world country. They barely pay me $7000 a year. I do the same shit as their Americans employees.

>> No.20855752

Neetbucks literally only exist to suppress any mass pushback until the destruction of the american middle class is complete.
When the tap closes, you'll starve, and you'll somehow think it's the wagies' fault.

>> No.20855791
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Be nice to the Poos anons. We're going to have to co-depend on Japan/Indian and Japan for awhile. Murrika is going to suffer economically for awhile. Make friends.

>> No.20855869

It's inevitable. Let's say you worked your ass off and stayed loyal for longer. It doesn't increase the company's overall value against the market. It just maintains current value.

If you work hard but brought no new groundbreaking competitive edge which only you have knowledge about and can work on, the company will know your position is not vital.

I'm not sure if this is what you want to hear but I'm confident OP you'll one day find a smaller firm/company that will actual believe in your potential and give you the tools to showcase your value. It'll take time and shifting around but I'm confident you will make it. Can't keep a good anon down.

>> No.20855887

This is literally just capitalism but /pol/tards vote against their economic interests to "BTFO /leftpol/"

>> No.20856266


At the end of the day youre just a number , the chinese replace manufacturing and the indians replace the service sector since english is pretty much their second official language. Boomers dont care as long as they have a green percentage in their pie graphs for their power point presentations for wank factor.

>> No.20856607

>tfw no buyers

i think theres a huge lack of understanding that investing is worthless when theres no people.
If everyone is had a house/farm and was self sufficient, no one would invest. Not a bad future but someone will always want more

>> No.20856627

they are forcing me to swallow it. I don't want it. I want to develop skills that can generate value. im never going to get a gf if im a neet....


>> No.20856711

why cant you fix your country an demand higher wages.

>> No.20856745

Im honestly going to pick up coding and start app developing and doing freelance work on the side. I did live frugally and saved 100k from my last job that i plan to actively invest with while managing risk

>> No.20856768

>The world is going to turn into india standard of living.
It is inevitable. Finite resources cannot support infinite growth. Having it the other way around (the rest of the world catching up to American standard of living) would require several planets' worth of resources. There's simply too many damn people.

>> No.20856906

>Nothing is more evident than that modern capitalism is just as subversive as Marxism. The materialistic view of life on which both systems are based is identical; both of their ideals are qualitatively identical, including the premises connected to a world the centre of which is constituted of technology, science, production, "productivity," and "consumption." And as long as we only talk about economic classes, profit, salaries, and production, and as long as we believe that real human progress is determined by a particular system of distribution of wealth and goods, and that, generally speaking, human progress is measured by the degree of wealth or indigence—then we are not even close to what is essential...

>> No.20857188

>concentrating the top %10 of global talent in urban centers to grudgingly work together to make numbers go up on a computer while everyone is miserable and has no reason to live


>> No.20857896

>freelance coding
So you're going to compete with devs from India, Bangladesh, the Philippines and pockets of eastern Europe who will work for nothing?

>> No.20858285

>gets fired right as the free money ends
OP on suicide watch

>> No.20858310

There is legitimately so much money to be made thanks to gobalism. How did you fuck this year up?

>> No.20858345


This is why we need white nationalism.
Fat cats gotta pay living wages so we can have many kids