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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20853092 No.20853092 [Reply] [Original]

>stupid fucking boss lady comes in with paperwork for everyone because for some reason she's switching payroll companies
>nags me to fill it out
>I'm busy as fuck for my entire shift and barely managed to inhale my lunch
>everyone else has all the time in the world to sit down in the lobby and fill it out and plenty more time to watch me work and whatever the fuck else they do
>stay late to finish writing supplies on the board to text to other boss
>go home and eat
>10 hours until I have to be back
>not gonna fill out the paperwork
fuck it just take me off the books I don't have time to fill it out that's why I quit this semester of school

>> No.20853123

Why are you the only one doing work? You retarded? Slack off more. It's the only way to survive as a wagie.

>> No.20853141

That's right keep sweating wagie.
Maybe if your boss sees how hard you've been working, he'll give you a raise!

>> No.20853205

fuck her. she doesn't have LINK and she will be left behind in the dust soon.

>> No.20853535

Because I'm expected to make sure it all gets done. Recently had a sitdown with my boss where he tells me he expects me to step up my game and be a better leader, that I shouldn't be coming in early I should be telling people to come in early for me and turn on the oven like he does. I should prioritize better and have all the prep done by dinner, but don't delegate any of the prep, because he doesn't like the way anyone else does prep. Meanwhile any time he hires another pizza guy, I have to babysit the pizza guy and tell them what needs done and help them do the majority of it and help them stretch doughs and we've never hired another pizza guy with less than 10 years experience. So he'll hire someone more experienced than me, pay them what I make, and I have to babysit them. But I work with no help and if I work with no help on a Friday and it gets busy and I sell 60 pizzas during lunch and the boss comes in at 4 and I still managed to get everything done except for cut up a bin of tomatoes, my tomatoes aren't done because I didn't "prioritize". But then I rise to the challenge anyways and I delegate shit to everyone all day and I keep everyone working, and it goes great for a little while, until I have to work with his fucking daughter who he knows sucks and he says she sucks but he still puts her in there and everything goes to shit. He sends her off to school and she comes right back. Now she's joining the navy but congratulations that's on hold because of covid, allegedly. And then I work with this pathological liar of a "front end manager" (we're all "managers") who spends the most time communicating with customers but has the worst listening and comprehension skills in the world. Nobody even gets tips, those just go "towards payroll" while I'm just over minimum wage if you count time and a half. It's all a joke, a super funny joke

>> No.20853644
File: 22 KB, 222x293, 1595897259266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hate to break it to you, but you're just the guy they string along to do all the shit they hate doing because they know they can. you should probably just leave.

you're just gonna let them blatantly steal your fucking tips? is this your only fucking choice of employment? be a real person and leave this hell hole and steal as much shit on the way out as you can. you don't get sympathy when you're blatantly being exploited because they've worn you down to the point of being docile. stop fucking whining jesus christ i bet you're a terrible person to work with.

>i've worked more restaurant jobs than i can remember

>> No.20853757


Jesus fucking Christ, if this shit isnt true. Grow some fucking balls and move on instead of being a whiney bitch about it. You make nothing, get no respect, and handle pizza all day. Let me guess, you have a family you're feeding paycheck to paycheck? Use that excuse more, surely you'll be happy 50 years from now struggling to find a way to keep working while your body falls apart. Maybe an hero or some shit. Fuck.

>> No.20853969
File: 75 KB, 746x430, 1595644089497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


it's fucks like you that convince me, no matter how advanced humanity goes, even IF we reach post-scarcity, there's always gonna be someone fucking stupid enough to never walk away from being exploited. i bet they could spit in your goddamned face and you'd end up making a fucking blog post on a Indonesian clam research club and expect SYMPATHY?

unironically go to reddit.

>> No.20854015

Seriously find a new job to leave that toxic hellhole.

>> No.20854042

I made this picture about a year ago. The fact that it is still in circulation even with that little white line in the bottom left corner that I forgot to crop out makes me proud.

>> No.20854100

Bruh what the fuck kind of pizza place do you work at. I cook and do delivery runs and I make like 20+ an hour after tips. You're doing more for less????? leave!

>> No.20854117

Usually I'm much kinder but in this case fuck you OP. This is not your blog. Find a more obscure chan or use Facebook if you want to write wishy-washy bullshit like this. I can't believe I read this trash. Fuck. You.

>> No.20854455

great job, it's a classic

I can't really justify it, but I was at rock bottom when I started here a long time ago. It was different owners then. I walked in the front door drunk to pick up my calzone because they didn't have a driver, and they hired me to drive. I really just liked the big titted girl that worked there. 7 years later there's new owners and we moved from that store to a bigger store. I kept finding reasons to stay, often convincing myself that whatever problems I had here I'd just run into elsewhere if I kept changing jobs, so I tried to "change myself". Back then I worked at Subway and it was hard to get more than 20 something hours a week there, so I picked this up as some extra money. One day I was going to get promoted to asst manager at Subway, and this NY Jew convinced me to go "full time" aka 80 hrs/wk there and be a "manager" for him instead

Now I'm trying to lose weight but I get so fucking pissed off like today I ended up eating most of a calzone... it's time to go

>> No.20854581

You truly disgust me.

>> No.20855466

Hey dude if you didn't leave keep your chin up, get regular excersize and do what's best for your even if you gotta step on some toes along the way. Otherwise you will look back on it and regret not having done so looking back.

>> No.20855714

Ok nvm about >>20854100
You aren't doing more. Eating enough of the product that you get fucking fat? What the fuck dude. I truly don't get how its possible to get fat. Just stop drinking soda instead of water, jesus.