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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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20849543 No.20849543 [Reply] [Original]

DMScript is a blockchain-gaming company dedicated to backing and releasing video game-related projects, utilizing the blockchain technology that has also proven to be unshakable in times of crisis.

DMScript contains of the following components:
▪ P2P Betting Platform - Higglo. Higglo is DMScript’s main project at the moment. A Peer-to-Peer (P2P) betting platform focused on eSports, allowing you to bet directly with others on your favorite team.
▪Cloud Gaming Platform - DMPlay. DMPlay will allow you to stream your favorite games from anywhere you are, as long as you have a device with a screen.

▪Optimized Gaming Network - DMFast. DMFast, made for those barred away from victory because of a terrible internet cnnection.
▪DMSToken. DMScript is utilizing our DMST tokens as a way for users of any of DMScript’s projects to enjoy premium features only accessible via using the token instead of FIAT currencies.

>> No.20849574

Team tokens locked for 2 years
DeFi payment solution coming
400k mcap
600 token holders
Please DYOR before investing.

>> No.20849598

Contract: https://etherscan.io/token/0xF29992D7b589A0A6bD2de7Be29a97A6EB73EaF85

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xf29992d7b589a0a6bd2de7be29a97a6eb73eaf85

>> No.20849630

Website: https://dmscript.com/


>> No.20849664

Team: https://medium.com/@dmscript/the-team-behind-dmscript-99691a01d12b

>> No.20849701

This was a fucking pain to post anyway havent seen it posted on here and i just copped 10k seems like its been getting more than more traction everyday its pretty volatile tho so weak hands be careful

>> No.20849788
File: 182 KB, 500x375, 1595969651948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I guess this is gonna be my one scam token of the day

>> No.20849837

It's not a scam. I bought in earlier today, feeling pretty comfy with this one it's definitely undervalued

>> No.20849846

no scam should be pretty easy gains looks like more money is coming in than going out other than a whale here or there

>> No.20849879

Also facemelter and abother big-ish twitter guy called it today. There will be more attention later next week. Nows a great time to stock up

>> No.20849899
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>> No.20850138

all i could afford rn is 2 eth worth kinda bought near the top but not mad i have faith not someone who stares at the price 24/7