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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 302 KB, 1200x675, Trustswap-Full-Feature-Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20848356 No.20848356 [Reply] [Original]

>new listing
>it just keeps dumping
Should I just sell at this point?

>> No.20848406

Just another place to dump my bags.

>> No.20848410

>keeps dumping
>5% down from ATH
>stable all day

>> No.20848493

This thing constantly dumps from 30c to 26-27c and doesn't do anything else.

>> No.20848873

It’s gonna pump soon. It’s got a small mcap and it actually does something useful. Should get a BUIDL type run once people start to look into it.

>> No.20849021

If you think it's been dumping please sell.

>> No.20849528

It's down like 20% in eth you faggot

>> No.20849610

From 30c to 26c is pretty substantial

>> No.20849638

I got a 30k stack and already 10x my money can't wait for a 30x. Before 1$ I am dumping this shit coin. It is usefull but not 1000x uswfull.

>> No.20850045

>he's still holding this shitcoin

It was vaporwave. We pumped and dumped it. It's over.

>> No.20850089

>25c now
I'm getting close to selling

>> No.20850718

Why is this dumping again

>> No.20850792

You should have dumped this at the 30 cent range. This is vaporware crap. Dump this and get into a good project like ALEPH or BZRX.

>> No.20850839

I need to wait for a good exit point. I don't know why I held for so long.

>> No.20850958

Also are any of you going to buy Jeff's new scamcoin?

>> No.20851037

What is it?

>> No.20851171

Don't know yet he's announcing in a week or two. Says it's bigger than trust and a guaranteed 50x

>> No.20851248


Are any of you faggots in telegram? CEO just lashed out after accusations about his whale buddy dumping. He has a massive inferiority complex. I'm also now realizing this product is total vaporware. I threw 10 eth at it yesterday, down to 8. Just sold and putting it into Dether fuck this

>> No.20851415

still not selling

>> No.20852021
File: 92 KB, 1000x1000, Cheers Biz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody else been raking in the swaps? It's been a good week for staking boys.

>> No.20852544

Sometimes I get impatient and worried. I just read their progress reports that they release daily and feel better. I spend my days ahead about half to 2x as it goes up and down but I never lose money so I am sticking it out. Last year I fell for link fud and refuse to do it this time