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20844106 No.20844106 [Reply] [Original]

It’s fucking gay. You can never a thread without “shut the fuck pajeet” or “oh god this is going to the moon.” Why are you fucking queers incapable of reasonably talking about crypto without a bunch of bullshit attached to it? Is it because money is involved in this? It’s like wading through a mountain of shit to find anybody remotely intelligent and sincere.

>> No.20844153

Shut the fuck up pajeet

>> No.20844207

Why waste your time writing this horsecrap when you should instead be buying a fuckton of XRP before the rocket leaves the station?

>> No.20844218

The mountain of shit is the protective force field that keeps the diamonds safe.
If the whole place was people sitting around having "sensible" discussions it would get swarmed by normies and be unusable.
If you want zoomer retards pretending to be insightful go to any of the platforms where people have an identity.

>> No.20844240

You got it exactly right, anon. It is because of money. Unfortunately, poor and dumb people get too attached to their decisions, especially financial ones, and any discussion on their decision might unravel something that they don’t like and perceive it as a personal attack.
Once in a while if a thread poses a good question, you’ll get sensible anons who can respond properly. However, it starts with you. If you are a lurker primarily, other lurkers will not know that sensible people exist here. Just respond to more threads in a sane way, and you’ll see more and more oldfags come out of shadows. Who know, maybe a couple of newfags might follow you too.

>> No.20844293

Low market cap means price is easy to manipulate on shitcoins.
/smg/ and /pmg/ do not suffer from this problem.

>> No.20844372

>Why are you fucking queers incapable of reasonably talking about crypto without a bunch of bullshit attached to it? Is it because money is involved in this? It’s like wading through a mountain of shit to find anybody remotely intelligent and sincere.
Yes, because money is involved. If you had to take away all the money, I would still be talking about the same project, but it would be one that I'm invested in now, because it's technically sound, with good tokenomics, good partnerships, and potentially pushing industry in the next 5 years. Bring it up a week ago and it was all "WE ARE ABOUT TO BE SO FUCKING RICH", but you bring it up now and it's all "poo poo pajeet nobody is buying your scam"

Nobody talks about coin fundamentals because you talk about a coin and a brigade of linkies come in to dishonestly spew bullshit about how your coin is being made useless by link.

Basically fuck biz, fuck crypto, and fuck link. If you're gonna buy on fundamentals, buy on fundamentals and don't try and actually talk about the team or the coins properties here. It's useless.

>> No.20844488

It’s all shit like “le moon mission strap in :D” and “sorry pajeet I’m not buying your bags” when trying to discuss the aspects of tokens and why they might be utilized in the real world. For the longest fucking time that was the case with PNK. I’d bring it up like “damn guys this seems like it could actually a use in the world outside of fucking ‘le moon mission’ “ but everybody fucking screamed about pajeets and scams. It’s boring. Is there any place on the internet with discussions about crypto that isn’t driven by greedy faggots too poor and unskilled to make money in their career so they think crypto is some get rich quick scheme?

>> No.20844568

Dear Pajeet, you're better of on Reddit, Twitter or Telegram. But there are bad actors and tribalism everywhere. Stay safe

>> No.20844618

Yeah smg and pmg shills make their money on commission fees so they don't give a fuck how you bet as long as you just fucking bet

>> No.20844917
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it would be great if


thats what would be great

>> No.20845022

because crypto is a giant ponzi that provides no real world value and has no purpose it’s literally just a swarm of low IQ 20 year olds and indians shilling their bullshit hoping someone else will be the greater fool. there is no intelligent conversation to be had because this is all a scam.

>> No.20845125

I'm sorry anon, but crypto is a zero-sum game. For me to make money, someone has to lose money. That someone is you.

I suggest you look into stocks and metals, I think it would suit you better.

>> No.20845287
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