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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 18 KB, 246x250, sta12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20835983 No.20835983 [Reply] [Original]

>King of DeFi

>> No.20835995

>"The STA Token can be “injected” into any financial instrument or digital asset ecosystem. Put another way, STA provides the ability to inject sound monetary policy into any financial instrument in crypto and even in the world (through oracles). We see this as a very bright future for STA as a token." This means the uses of Statera are endless, I don't know what a deflationary crypto loan looks like, but the openness of possible use cases is interesting. The fact that it can act as a tool for putting sound monetary policy into anything is really interesting.

>"...Within [Statera's] financial products, it forces a flight to quality and an alignment to market pressures. We believe the market pressure of cryptocurrencies is bullish, and Statera will reflect that much more naturally and powerfully than any other type of asset." This was in the Deflationary Token section, and I'd highly recommend you read the whole section. The long and the short of it is that deflation is far more powerful and important to good economics than you can imagine. If a currency is deflating and appreciating it forces a lot of healthy economic choices that are good for savers and good for your assets.

>> No.20836094


I'm sitting on 65k STA plus another 15k wrapped up in delta token for phoenix pool.

I gotta say, having been apart of the phoenix fund for two days, it does appear to work as well as advertised. I am a believer now, and will slowly attempt to build to 100k STA.

Between the low starting supply, and the fact the coin is deflationary, I really think I'm going to do well with this coin. Lambo or bust!

>> No.20836195

yes very good i have also heard lambos thank you ahmed good coin sirs

>> No.20836499

>yes very good i have also heard lambos thank you ahmed good coin sirs
Don't care, Still Hodling STA

>> No.20836733
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>> No.20837382

nice try, won't work...you won't buy cheaper

>> No.20838128

There's a TONNE of great DeFi projects around, but Statera is definitely up there with the best.
Been a hell of a ride so far in 2 months, but we're just getting started :D

>> No.20838991

Statera is the only one so far that has proven to be legit.

>> No.20839166
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Up 10% in last 24 hrs

>> No.20839353

It's at a great entry point right now

>> No.20839591

It's been really stable in the .035-.038 range. I agree, never felt comfier buying. Hoping for 5x in the next couple weeks as more exchanges and news comes out.

>> No.20840186
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STA will likeley crab and possibly go down more:
1. Balancer now has a caution/warning banner on our Flagship pool. Normies seem scared not to pool.
2. Refunds are far away and have a October release date, likely to slip to the right, could be early 2021 at best.
3. Clones are coming STATERA Gold an exact copy is out there now with more to come, Statera,(Gold,Silver,Diamond,Unobtanium etc..)
4. Uniswap refuses to whitelist STATERA
5. It's a /Biz/ coin and we have yet to see a /biz/ coin truly take off, though we could be the first since this is -an actual working product- people can use right now, today and tomorrow.

>> No.20840321
File: 171 KB, 864x1105, STA General.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Salute the king STAtesmen.

>> No.20840548

>Refunds are far away and have a October release date
Is this confirmed, or are you just guessing? October wouldn't be ideal, but STA has shown it can and will pump before the refund

>Clones are coming
Clones exist of every legitimate crypto project. Personally I see this as a bullish signal

>It's a /Biz/ coin and we have yet to see a /biz/ coin truly take off
Ever heard of Chainlink?

>> No.20840820

I guessing about the 2021 delay, but the October date is pretty solid i think.

Yes clones is a bullish signal for sure, we just have to as a community help steer new people away from the scams/clones that plagiarize our project.

Chainlink being a /biz/ coin is a grey area at best. After looking through some of the 2017-18 archives Chainlink as overwhelmingly pushed on /biz/ The more I think about it, yes Chainlink could've be the first quasi-/biz/ coin to "make it".

>> No.20841103

Well Balancer originally estimated 2 months, which would be end of August. So yeah I could see it being pushed back to October, but I'll be optimistic until I hear otherwise

I'm not too worried about clones. Yes people could get confused, but again that exists with basically every crypto, and most people are smart enough to do research before buying something. Also I highly doubt any of them will have decent-sized pools. Even with STA being down right now Phoenix fund still has $190K, I'd be shocked if any clones came anywhere near that amount

>> No.20841123

Bunch of bullshit nicely wrapped. WBLLSHT

>> No.20841146


>> No.20841172

Exchange listing? Or something else?

>> No.20841173

Anon please be more specific

>> No.20841224


She's just making shit up, there are no positive announcements this week.

>> No.20841229

>nothing ever happens
You know the deal anon.

>> No.20841255

they are paying out in coins not in usd balance at time of hack. most of the coins have pumped a good bit especially link. the longer they wait the more they may have to pay. they have every incentive to pay asap

>> No.20841288

Dev team confirmed that new exchanges are coming soon, so it's possible
But also very possible that anon is just making things up. We will see

>> No.20841301

They will pay out
>the Value
at the time of the hack.

Don't misinform everyone, not a good look for you.

>> No.20841335

next week that will be announced

>> No.20841463

I can't swap my ETH to STA on uniswap anyone else have this problem? I press confirm swap and nothing happens.

>> No.20841486

set slippage to 2 or 3%, gear icon top right.

>> No.20841523

take decimals out of STA

>> No.20841560

Something weird involving decimals and not successfully allowing the confirm of swap

>> No.20841607
File: 97 KB, 1200x1200, 001_51699228_388604961968853_1670836526058422462_n--40b1c9369bf6ff6b68a9525a0e93f80c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This worked, thanks anon

>> No.20841670

I believe they only have to repay their coin. Balancer said they'd pay back weth, wbtc, link, and snx since those coins shouldn't have been able to be stolen. The Statera team should only be paying back the delta token which is made of eth/sta. That is my understanding of the whole situation, also that it was agreed upon by both parties. I don't think the developers will have a problem fulfilling their agreement.

>> No.20841875

> Balancer now has a caution/warning banner on our Flagship pool. Normies seem scared not to pool
They said they would change the warning

>> No.20841881

this isn't true, Balancer has explained multiple times in discord that they're paying out the coins' value at whatever time they manage to pay out, so they're going to be paying more than the value at the time of the hack due to link/eth pumping. it's bullish, and it's also a good look for balancer because they looked shady when the hex_capital guy proved that he submitted the bug bounty before the hack.

>> No.20842167

Balancer team will pay back wETH/wBTC/LINK/SNX and Statera team will pay back STA. They will pay back the lost tokens, not their worth in USD at the time of the exploit.

So if you had 100 LINK in the pool when it was drained, you will get back 100 LINK that are now worth considerably more than they were back in june.

>> No.20842236

it is coin for coin reimbursement
e.g. 22k link (100kusd) in pool at time of hack
22k link paid out (as of today 165kusd)

>> No.20842292
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>> No.20842340

I challange both of you ladies to go into the Balancer Discord and State this:
>they're going to be paying more than the value at the time of the hack
They will bitch slap you like your boyfriend does.

>> No.20842371
File: 75 KB, 1311x365, reim.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>they're going to be paying more than the value at the time of the hack
This is from balancer

>> No.20842381 [DELETED] 
File: 111 KB, 750x257, 15E103D1-6B02-43E7-96A5-F38908C3C324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retard fuder gtfo. Text in pic was by a balancer admin and you can find the message here yourself: https://discord.com/channels/638460494168064021/706543540309852180/733774542798848074

>> No.20842423

Retarded fud, see >>20842371

>> No.20842514
File: 125 KB, 1200x1200, photo_2020-07-01_14-21-54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why are you Women so scared to just go in their discord and ask them. DO IT! Takes maybe 25 seconds, less time than it is to reply to me.

>> No.20842590

Why should we ask when it has already been confirmed by an admin?

>> No.20842687

It's embarrassing to see you talk about how little time it takes to do something knowing you could've just done it yourself and posted the screenshot here to prove your point. Ironically lazy sweetie.

>> No.20842701

>not your personal army

>> No.20842824

so did you not read >>20842371 you fucking smoothbrained mouth breather?

>> No.20843051
File: 5 KB, 116x87, WHYsoSCARED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.20843365

Why is nobody talking about the fact we're up 25% today?

>tfw bought at .055 tho

>> No.20843407


I think it's going way above that once balancer/statera pay back the fund.

>> No.20843624

yea nice little pump today. .05 is still a great avg buyin. A year from now it won't matter when we hit a couple dollars.

>> No.20843833

Cut your crap

>> No.20843923
File: 546 KB, 1000x1000, whatwasthat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>breaks another holder ath

>> No.20845031
File: 101 KB, 1831x888, 1595963665804.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly but surely..

>> No.20845142

Looking good boys.

>> No.20845272

Dump why?

>> No.20845462

Probably whales who got in at .01 trying to take their original investment out. it's a bullmarket, can't blame them

>> No.20845939

Already bought back at below 0.00011 eth price.
Best regards,
Top100 STA holder

>> No.20846428


Badass. I'm top 125, but not 100

we're all gunna make it

>> No.20847045

S'up boys, retard here. I can't seem to find STA anywhere on Uniswap. Am I just retarded or do I have to do I have to say an incantation before it appears?

>> No.20847119

click etherscan link, copy contract address and paste into uniswap to find coin. can also click markets on coingecko and click the uniswap link.

>> No.20847132

it has to manually be added https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0xa7de087329bfcda5639247f96140f9dabe3deed1

>> No.20847212

Based. Thanks bros. I hope you both make it

>> No.20847269
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Over 0.04 lets go

>> No.20847377

i have 15k STA. this is going to make me 15k in fiat isn't it?

>> No.20847393

If you sell early

>> No.20847682

With the supply what it is and the deflationary concept, I see STA going to the moon. $1 will be huge, $100 will be huger

>> No.20847707


>> No.20847789
File: 356 KB, 1702x1384, STAtesmen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holders are still rising steady.

>> No.20847830

Anons, how do I search for latest Statera transactions on dextools?

>> No.20848265

It's just keeps going up!

>> No.20848984
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Meme Lines looking bullish

>> No.20849063

Based and endgamepilled

>> No.20849575

I can see it at least getting to AMPL levels

>> No.20849575,1 [INTERNAL] 

Why STA is not on coingecko but only on CMC?
It's usually the opposite!