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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 11 KB, 194x259, link sergey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
20830796 No.20830796 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.20830809


>> No.20830857

90% of LINK wallets are from Brisbane, Australia

>> No.20830881

Yes. We’re going to make it.

>> No.20830901

that's why the linkaud chart is more accurate than the linkusd chart

>> No.20830931

I'm in melb :(

>> No.20830939


>> No.20830953

I might have the most link in australia

>> No.20830978

Fuckin' share some with the boys mate

>> No.20830992

Sold half my stinks at $7 don't @ me stacklets

>> No.20831006
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>> No.20831047

Me too

>> No.20831048

$33 next month?

>> No.20831102

Big shit is happening in August, then the summit at the end of the month.

>> No.20831130

I did, at least three of my mates and my dad are gunna make it thanks to my shilling. though i wouldve had dad sorted either way

>> No.20831156

Fuck how many aussies actually own LINK compared to the rest of the cuntry?

>> No.20831182

Can Australians let us know how the link token will perform later today?

>> No.20831209

What is the symbolism of the Gordian Knot

>> No.20831215


I got two friends to invest

One bought at $4 AUD and made 300% then bought at $12 and lost 20% and started whinging lmao

Oh well told them to chill out and to not try to time the market

>> No.20831285

Kek, i shilled LINK to a few people at $1.80. Only 1 person bought. Managed to get family to buy LINK and XSN too. They are gonna make it.

>> No.20831361


>> No.20831696
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Literally me holy fukc

>> No.20831723

I hope you are wrong.
Right now I'm all in LINK because it has the best memes, which I take a sign of truth and beauty.
However, if the fucking emus are involved, all bets are off. Truth and beauty can't really compete with drunk emus shitposting naked in 40C temperatures.

>> No.20831756

perths biggest linkmarine here.

>> No.20831887

I'm not even kidding when I say this. I work in Brisbane CBD and late last year I saw one of you fuckers wearing a Chainlink tshirt.

>> No.20831936
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You mean Chinese holder?

>> No.20831942
File: 57 KB, 250x219, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuckers wearing a Chainlink tshirt.
Ok this is epic. I'm gonna hang around the CBD Hungry Jacks until I find this lad in the chainlink shirt. Gonna walk right up to him and give him a firm handshake.

>> No.20831950

Sydney wanker marine checking in

>> No.20832018


>> No.20832026
File: 92 KB, 505x586, TENDIEPILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tendies Token (TEND)
Tendies Token (TEND)
Tendies Token (TEND)
Tendies Token (TEND)
Tendies Token (TEND)

>> No.20832056

This thread is comfy af :)

>> No.20832149

If you see someone in a chainlink shirt anywhere near a Hungry Jacks, take them to the nearest McDonalds and get them a Big Mac.

>> No.20832653

I distinctly remember it. It was at the intersection at Central station and Edward street. I had to do a triple-take and make sure I wasn't going full schizo and seeing shit.

>> No.20832658


>> No.20832706
File: 74 KB, 510x395, 1571323585847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's it going

>> No.20832813

Eight Mile Plains reporting in.

>> No.20832936
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reporting in

>> No.20833122

So... am I the only one who looks at houses on realestate.com.au and daydreams about buying one with LINK gains? As a lifelong poorfag it's a big goal for me.

>> No.20833448

Makes me happy knowing based Brisbane is going to house the new financial elite.

>> No.20833512


>> No.20833516

>buying overpriced shacks from chinese investors they bought for cheap bc boomers were indebted beyond relieve
Stop huffing gas, sleeping on streets is natural for aussies

>> No.20833710

Yeah I used to do that all the time.
Our housing market is fucked, crashing in slow motion. Will probably trend downward for at least 2 years, like Ireland's housing crash. In the meantime Bitcoin will have it's next cycle and I'll buy from some over-leveraged chink or boomer who is forced to sell at a loss. That's the plan anyway.

>> No.20834620

Get fucked, ya dog.

>> No.20834625

isnt Australia a shithole that's burning down every year?

>> No.20834656

Fire is a weak cunt. It's just a bit hot.

>> No.20835286
File: 192 KB, 1374x398, 1589093518805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We all getting penthouses in the city right frens? And a comfy property in the outback. Btw about a year ago I swear I saw a lambo with a LINK numberplate or something similar

>> No.20835329

Wait, really?
Is there any actual way to know?

>> No.20835662

I tried to get my ol nigger in Hobart to buy in back in 2018. But he was too busy buying silver.

>> No.20835672

It's because Queensland is racist and this is a racist anime forum. Pretty easy logic.

>> No.20835787

As a burger would I be welcomed into Brisbane with you cunts? I like utes and barbies as much as the next guy. I've always wanted land in Australia

>> No.20836675

It's true. Brisanon reporting

>> No.20836753

Only if you're white.

>> No.20836940

I heard most link fuckwits come from Cairns

>> No.20837014

>Queensland is racist
Based. Thank God I live in this glorious state. I'm a 400 stack linklet but I'm going to make it. Putting small bits of my paycheck into link

>> No.20837647

Most fuckwits period come from Cairns and Townsville.