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File: 1.44 MB, 3000x2000, 160610-liberal-psychotics-study-feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2082740 No.2082740 [Reply] [Original]

Why do business related majors get so much shit from liberals?
Every time I tell one I'm an accounting major they scoff at me and and it hurts my feelings. Should I start lying and say I'm majoring in aboriginal mud hurt architecture? The accounting department at my school is so small there's hardly anyone to be friends with.

>> No.2082761

Why force yourself to be friends with those you have nothing in common with? Find engineers or other business majors to be friends with. You are at the top of the social hierarchy as far as college majors go. The ones who spend 6 years getting a degree in liberal arts will end up with a job at Starbucks with $80k in debt. You are not them.

>> No.2082762

Liberals hate capitalism

>> No.2082773
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Where do you live? All my friends are liberals and they don't care about my business major. Albeit I also graduated years ago and haven't met any younger liberals.

>> No.2082791

I think the assumption is that you picked something you think would make you money over taking the risk to try and become what you really want to be, thus outing yourself as someone who thinks of themselves as a weak and shallow-minded person.

>> No.2082895
File: 29 KB, 460x333, 1492779206535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck liberals. Tell them to go be commies elsewhere.

>> No.2082922

This is shitty bait. Liberals like money just as much as conservatives.

The difference is what they want to do with the money when they have it. Liberals are willing to share it to make the world a better place. Conservatives want to hoard it and keep others from getting more than them.

If liberals are making fun of you, it's not because you chose a professional career. Maybe you're just not a very likeable person?

>> No.2082930

The most liberal places (and studies) are those in STEM. They hate on your field because instead of creating progress in knowledge and tech, you fuck around with money because money. No idealism in a young person means they are A: without ambition for the greater good. B: a selfish dick.

>> No.2082949

Minneapolis Minnesota

>> No.2082992
File: 159 KB, 1024x819, 1488165321541m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, do you really think liberals want to give away their own money to "make a world a better place"? No, they want the rich to taxed more so more money can go to Laquisha and her six kids she had out of wedlock. Social safety nets for illegal immigrants with an unsecured border? What you could possibly go wrong anon??

Promptly kys

>> No.2083043

I don't know why you get shit from liberals but I do know why you both get shit from real majors. Your "skills" are fluff and you can't actually _do_ anything useful.

>> No.2083055

You can shit on accounting, but comp sci and actuary are equally bad unless you dial the tryhard to max.

>> No.2083057
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How did Accounting and Engineering become "conservative" or even "fascist" majors that's what I want to know?

Nobody is talking about a flat tax ffs
Fucking libtards have gone insane

>> No.2083065

What world are you in? Here in the USA, they'd decry him as "the 1%" without reason and without knowledge.

>> No.2083077

Liberals know that your major is something worthwhile, but too difficult for them to accomplish. They scoff at you as a coping mechanism to make themselves feel like their major is something meaningful.

>> No.2083142

>they want the rich to taxed more
You seem not to know that most of the rich are liberal. You know those "New York elites" and "Hollywood activists" and "college indoctrination" liberals you like to splurge about: they're all rich liberals. Hell, most people with a college degree are liberals. Sure, there are some high-profile wealthy conservicucks, most of the wealthy support liberal policies. They're certainly liberal on social policies, and many on economic policies too.

That you only think of liberals as the poor, or as blacks and other minorities, shows how ignorant and deluded you are. Just another scared, uneducated, white-trash loser.

Who is "they" and why do all you stupid Republicans always talk about "they" "them" and "those people"? It's proof of your weak mind.

>> No.2083206

That's even shittier bait. Most liberals I've encountered think they should be the baseline for poor and everyone wealthier should balance everyone poorer. I've never come across a liberal that wanted to give up any of their own possessions or wealth to help someone out unless they were at a church.

>> No.2083224
File: 329 KB, 1940x1090, tmp_405-Icahn1-e1423594246388-1940x1090-2100610443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry but blacks & minorities all voted Obama, and billionaires arent libcucks.

>> No.2083317

>Most liberals I've encountered
I'm sorry you live such a small, insular life and that you haven't been to any place in the country with intelligent, educated, and caring citizens.

Maybe visit a city once in awhile.

>> No.2083340
File: 64 KB, 1280x720, soros-poster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry but blacks & minorities all voted Obama
That you're too stupid not to understand basic logic tells me everything I need to know about you, conservicuck. Just because a lot of blacks and minorities are Democrats has nothing to do with the fact that most of the wealthy are liberals.
>and billionaires arent liberals.
Oh really? You really need to get your T_D talking points straight before you leave your safespace, snowflake.

>> No.2083499

>This is shitty bait. Liberals like money just as much as conservatives.
>The difference is what they want to do with the money when they have it. Liberals are willing to share it to make the world a better place. >Conservatives want to hoard it and keep others from getting more than them.
>If liberals are making fun of you, it's not because you chose a professional career. >Maybe you're just not a very likeable person?

Some time passes...

>Who is "they" and why do all you stupid Republicans always talk about "they" "them" and "those people"? It's proof of your weak mind.

This is shitty bait indeed.

>> No.2083541
File: 26 KB, 480x480, 1472096467078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is shit. I am a liberal and have a business degree. What >>2082922 this anon said. The people you are probably talking to are probably liberal extremists. Hardcore anti-business people.

>> No.2083545

You said

>Here in the USA, they'd decry him as "the 1%" without reason and without knowledge.

and I mocked you for using "they" as an obvious attempt to creative divisiveness and division where none exists. "They" (liberals, I assume) are also in the 1%. So "they" won't decry him as anything because "they" includes both the 1% and the 99%. Your statement has no logical coherence because you insisted on using poorly chosen rhetoric which you believe comes out of your party's playbook.

Next time, just say what you mean. And be sure its true before you say it. That's all I ask.

>And yet you won't do it.

>> No.2083565

I am aware of the logical issues with it. I also said "they" instead of "liberals" because "they" is shorter and easier and I figured you'd understand who I meant.

Did you miss out on the occupy wall street protests?

>> No.2083579


>> No.2083608

Bullshit. Limousine liberals are some of the most smug, self absorbed people you'll cross paths with. Anything they do out of kindness tends to be some effort to validate themselves. They pretend that they care about the state of the world, but deep down they just want attention and publicity to stroke their egos.

>> No.2083620

Meant for >>2082922

>> No.2083670


Bernie lost get over it cuck.

OP liberal arts majors are useless sacks of shit so they devote their life to stealing from the productive via government.

>> No.2083697

because capitalism is their boogieman. they actually think everything wrong in the world is a roundabout result of capitalism exploiting people, completely ignoring what a reductionism that is.

this is why so many of them justify some of the most heinous things, like violence and rape, by convincing themselves that those things acceptable if they "fight capitalism."


>> No.2083700

>the occupy wall street protests
didn't reflect the views of mainstreet liberals, which is why the "movement" dies a quick and meaningless death, like a fart in the wind.

Not all liberals believe in forced wealth equality, just as not all conservatives believe the world is flat. Just some of them.

Sounds like you're upset that people with more money than you are making change in the world that you don't agree with. Tough shit. Go get some money and make your own foundation if you don't like it.

But holding your dick and sobbing doesn't do anyone any good.

Nice cognitive dissonance. I've never supported Sanders and I never will. His views are too extreme and untenable.

But thanks for outing yourself as an uneducated, white-trash, piece of shit.

>> No.2083702

You claimed otherwise in your post and Soros isnt the only billionaire


A literal cocksucker propaganda site claims you are wrong.

>> No.2083722

>believe the world is flat
Dumb brainwashed round-Earth faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.2083726
File: 333 KB, 767x1200, 20161112_woc961_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice fake news (why am I not surprised). Kek, the wealthy split their vote almost 50-50 in 2016.

Fact: The biggest determinative of conservative voters is lack of education.

>> No.2083739

>didn't reflect the views of mainstreet liberals, which is why the "movement" dies a quick and meaningless death

lol. the movement died because they had no clear demands. what else did anyone think would actually happen? that random members of the 1% would start coming forth and making their own offerings to appease them? retarded, like you.


>Sounds like you're upset that people with more money than you are making change in the world that you don't agree with.

Is there anyone who doesn't feel this way?

>Go get some money and make your own foundation if you don't like it. But holding your dick and sobbing doesn't do anyone any good.

"Complaining about it, voting in your self-interest, organizing activism, and encouraging people on the internet doesn't do anyone any good! The only solution I'll accept here is you creating your own foundation! Everything else is s-stupid!"

>But thanks for outing yourself as an uneducated, white-trash, piece of shit.

"outing" lol. you sound like you're used to that.


This, obviously.

>> No.2083740

>cant even read his own stats
It says RIGHT THERE that skin color is the biggest reason people vote Democrat.

>> No.2083766

>the movement died
Agree to disagree, but the point is the movement died. Like I said. Dumbass.

>Is there anyone who doesn't feel this way?
Yes, wealthy liberals who are positively affecting change in the world, and the non-wealthy liberals who support them with their time, effort, and political capital.

>This, obviously.
You do realize he was making a joke, and you just unironically stated that you believe the Earth is flat.


Correlation isn't causation, sparky. If you'd gone to college (or even finished high school) you might have learned this.

>> No.2083793

Why do gooks vote democrat exactly? Affirmative action programs classify them as supremely white.

>> No.2083813

Are you retarded? Its giving you the literal votes from a parameter. Theres no cause/correlation here.

>> No.2083834
File: 178 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theres no cause/correlation here.
Excuse me if I decline to take lessons in logic and reason from someone who thinks the Earth is flat. There's no place on this board for someone like you.

You're literally the dumbest piece of garbage in this thread, and that's saying something.

>> No.2083850

Why do you morons think 'liberal arts' is just sociology and basket weaving?
Do yourself a favor and Google what degrees in 'the arts' are.
Because you don't know.

>> No.2083857

Try flying a weather balloon up to the stratosphere without a fisheye lens. Retard.

I'm surprised you can even climb out of bed in the morning.

>> No.2083893

Anything that isn't STEM, medical, or Business related is useless, full stop. I'm sorry about your poor life choices.

>> No.2083913
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You got BAITED into shitting on your own theory noob. It sure is a shame you cant really draw implications from your data isnt it?

Go play some 2d chess until you can handle the big leagues son.

>> No.2083924

>posts anime memes
>thinks the Earth is flat
>on a board for business and finance
Wew, lad...

>> No.2083938

I'm got my MS in biomedical engineering, thanks.

Liberal Arts includes physical sciences and math.
You're a blind moron if you genuinely think everything but what you listed is useless.

>> No.2083968

Physical science and math is useless, they invariably lead to either teaching or researching.

You're still dodging my main point, which is that liberals aren't more charitable than conservatives. Now get the fuck away from my wallet and my guns, and bake your own cake faggot.

>> No.2083978

>anything that isn't STEM
>physical science and math are useless
>the only degrees that matter are in technology and engineering
>which use math and physical science
Anon, I think you might need to get screened for retardation, you keep saying words but you don't seem to understand what they mean.

>> No.2084029

WRONG ...You are forgetting liberals dont make money. Sure you see prominent liberals in the media.... But i swear to you on me mum i have never met a IRL liberal that didnt work minimum wage....well i did know one that worked in social work but still pleb tier.

>> No.2084036


>> No.2084060

>i have never met a IRL liberal that didnt work minimum wage
That's because you yourself are a minimum wage cuck living in a shitty place with shitty, uneducated people. You stupidly think that what you see around you reflects the wider world, which simply reinforces your ill-informed ideas and prejudices. This is a well known phenomenon.

In truth, the world is larger than the tiny, insular place that your crippling autism has confined you.

>> No.2084067

Umm noo 24 year old network engineer in DC sweetheart

>> No.2084079

Why would you lie? If you actually lived in DC you'd see a wide variety of wealthy people from both sides of the aisle.

You fucked up, roleplayer.

>> No.2084094

I commute to DC I should have included that...

>> No.2084098

Is the Earth flat or round?

>> No.2084101

That doesn't change anything, you turbonigger

>> No.2084835

I fucking hate burgers so much
Liberal means "leftist" to them

>> No.2084841

If you're a yuropoor, then you're a leftist by default. Liberal and leftist mean the same thing.

>> No.2084845

conservatives donate more money to charity than liberals

this is partly because liberals are subhuman, but also partly because conservatives understand and believe in voluntarism, while liberals prefer force

>> No.2084849

Voting to spend other peoples money does not make one a good person. Virtue signaling means nothing. If a liberal could he or she himself give up their higher education specifically to give it to a black person would they? Fuck no they just wanna tell others that they should.

>> No.2084984
File: 171 KB, 1369x2048, 1491127286896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well guess I'll just write a long post here.

Most children don't dream of being rich. They dream of being great at a particular profession.

As we age we realize that all jobs are jobs. Even the ones we fantasized were awesome like pro athlete or police officer.

Once that realization hits you go "oh it's really just about the money. The more money I have the less shit I will have to put up with". Then the word "business" enters the equation. Any man in any profession should use his business skills to maximize his income and minimize the abuse he will suffer from other people.

Berniefags/liberals are immature and have yet to make this realization.

A pro tip. As you age you learn that trolls are best treated as children. Be nice to them and listen to their ignorance. Then wish them well as you walk over to your Porsche and head to your home that has a pool in the back.

Most liberals (especially now) ignore human nature. But after the real world hits them, I promise you this, human nature will not ignore them.

>> No.2084999


Except that you are policing morality.

When the government redistributes income it is in the most inneffecient way possible with poor standards, and thousands of government fucktards getting paid to do nothing.

Rather, people should choose to give away some of their money to good causes of their choosing.

I would honestly be fine with them getting rid of all social welfare programs and then instituting a program where you must give 10% of your income to a charity of your own choosing. I would prefer this to the sinkhole we currently have.

What many people don't realize is that our government is much like a business in that they want to increase revenue and keep adding employees. Right and wrong is much less relevant to them.

>> No.2085221

do you go to carlson my dude?

>> No.2085279 [DELETED] 
File: 87 KB, 1050x737, academic-1050x737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservatives donate more money to charity than liberals
Conservatives donate to charities that help people who look and think like them (white, Christian), such as religious organizations and local organizations.

Liberals donate to charities that help all types of people, including those with different skin colors, viewpoints, politics, and nationalities.

I'd argue that one of these does more good than the other, but that's really really a topic for this board. I only made this post so that you Conservatives don't get a big head about your charitableness. You're the least empathetic givers ever.

This is what children think: that you get more conservative as you get older and richer. And sure, it happens for many, especially those with limited or no education and limited or no life experience.

But for others, growing older means becoming more wise, more caring, more liberal. Taking a larger world view and caring about others is a sign of true wisdom and true growth.

Also, they're not mutually exclusive. Some people get more conservative at first, and then turn more liberal when they realize how unfulfilling and selfish it is to hold those regressive viewpoints.

>> No.2085284
File: 87 KB, 1050x737, academic-1050x737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>conservatives donate more money to charity than liberals
Conservatives donate to charities that help people who look and think like them (white, Christian), such as religious organizations and local organizations.

Liberals donate to charities that help all types of people, including those with different skin colors, viewpoints, politics, and nationalities.

I'd argue that one of these does more good than the other, but that's really not a topic for this board. I only made this post so that you Conservatives don't get a big head about your charitableness. You're the least empathetic givers ever.

This is what children think: that you get more conservative as you get older and richer. And sure, it happens for many, especially those with limited or no education and limited or no life experience.

But for others, growing older means becoming more wise, more caring, more liberal. Taking a larger world view and caring about others is a sign of true wisdom and true growth.

Also, they're not mutually exclusive. Some people get more conservative at first, and then turn more liberal when they realize how unfulfilling and selfish it is to hold those regressive viewpoints.

>> No.2085362

why do conservatives give so much shit about socialism when they

>drive on roads that were built using other people's money
>went to schools that were built and funded using other people's money
>drink water treated by water treatment plants that were built using other people's money
>receive electricity from a power grid that was built using other people's money
>have their sewage handled by a sewer system built using other people's money
>are protected by firefighters and police officers that are paid using other people's money
>benefit from medicare, medicaid and social security which are funded using other people's money
>possibly went to college or university using other people's money
>were either apart of the military, and received a paycheck signed by the taxpayer, or benefited from living in a country with a powerful military that was funded using other people's money
>have their legal rights protected by a system of courts and judges that are funded using other people's money

>> No.2085366

Enjoy fifty years of mind numbing work

>> No.2085488

The vast majority couldn't even understand Obama's 'you didn't build that' remark.
It's because they're dumb, like most party-over-country asswarts.

>> No.2085530

Oh fuck me, could you be anymore santimonious? You are literally the definition of a liberal blowhard. Every liberal I know walks around with this air of vindication in their beliefs because they think they are virtuous. Here's the thing, all that moral superiority is unearned. Do you really do anything to help out people who are "disadvantaged". Personally? Im sure you'll come up with some bullshit to save face but at the end of the day you side with the left because it's what your peer group does and you like to think your above others who have supposed regressive beliefs. In actuality, you are jealous of people who do not hate their own identity and are free of the guilt your bullshit institutions instilled in you.

>> No.2085533

no, conservatives donate more money to charities period. full stop

liberals aren't as charitable because their ideology is opposed to the idea of charity, i.e. voluntarism. they believe in force instead, i.e. taxation and welfare via the state

>> No.2085581

I'm going to blow you mind kid: maybe I sound like I'm better than you because ... I'm better than you.


Ignore the details and facts if you like. Conservatives are the most ill-informed and uneducated constituency ever, so why should you be any different. After all, its much easier to ignore the facts than to expand and change your viewpoints in the face of overwhelming contrary evidence.


>> No.2085677

>Details and facts

Do yourself a favour and stop responding, you're only digging yourself a deeper hole you special snowflake.

>> No.2085687


> hurts my feelings


>> No.2085691


Fuckin millenials

>> No.2085718

Yup, stick your head up your ass and ignore the truth, just like every other conservative cuck. It's pathetic watching you people ignore reality time and time again just because your lives are so shitty that you can't deal with the truth.

>stop responding
You wish, Special Ed. I'll never stop reminding you what a beta you are.

>> No.2085752

Nice bait senpai.

>> No.2085799

>I'm going to blow you mind kid: maybe I sound like I'm better than you because ... I'm better than you.
No, you people are scum as evident by your post.
Go donate some money to niggers so you can show your friends how you're a great person.

>> No.2085833

Yeah, a stupid person would say exactly that....

Sorry, Gomer, but your redneck mommy lied to you: you're not special. You're not even average. There are smart people, and then there's you.

What should I do? Ignore these facts and pretend you're the same as me? You're ignorant, poor, unsuccessful, and prejudiced. I'm your superior in every way conceivable. The truth doesn't change just because it makes so mad (and obviously it does).

Don't worry Gomer, I won't say this to your face if we ever met in real life. If I saw you at a Subway, for example, I wouldn't insult you. I'd order my sandwich and you;d make it like a good monkey. I might even say "thanks" if I sense the appropriate degree of servitude from you while you make my food. And then I'll go back to my office, and you'll never know how much I look down on you.

But this isn't your safespace, snowflake. This is 4chan. I don't have to be nice, and I choose not to. Be less stupid and I'll be less mean. Kay?

>> No.2085844

Ye, like Milton Friedman

>> No.2085938

Came here to post exactly this. Glad to see some people have their head straight on 4chan.

>> No.2085953

You sound like a learned and reasonable person. I hope that I can be smart like you one day when I become old & wise :*

>> No.2086073

Talking to you is pointless, because you are incapable of partaking in an argument in a non-toxic, constructive manner. Ad hominem on an anonymous image-board, assuming that anyone who dares ask for evidence to support your claims is immediately a conservative - you really are quite pathetic. I invite you to waste more of your time replying, further responses won't be warranted. Enjoy your complexes.

>> No.2086570


Absolutely retarded subhuman detected